.TH0T ALRET And Drawings.

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I swear—
This gonna start something—



The true story you might gonna read can be offensive and stupid so please—
What you're reading is me, being sassy and salty about of th0ts.


⚠️Dumb a$$ drama in Art Class.⚠️

No, there were no hitting, scratches, and a bigger fight but just yelling and ghetto h0es being dumb as usual. So here what happened—

I was waiting and sitting on my chair with my chrome book because I was done doing a bell ringer but then this stupid a$$ ghetto bich decided to start some sh!t because that blind h0e thought I was looking at her when really, I was looking at nothing because I'm thinking about my own shets and minding my own business. "wHy yOu LooKiNg At Me!!1!1!1!!1?1!1?1?1?1???????!!!11!1" "I'm not looking at you." I replied because I'm not that much of an idiot :) (sorry— I'm just so salty—)
"WeLl BjkalajjAHHSHAHA hUh,? hUh.?" She HUH?!!1!1 while looking like an idiot and bobbing her big a$$ head in the air directly at me. I was already done with this h0e so I just ignored her because I don't want to waste my precious time with this dumba$$. We were getting our Project and I was afraid to ask for sharing the bucket of water because there's none left so I just reached in for the table that is next and connected with us but there was a line split so—
Doe I was still salty about the assumed I looked at her thing and told the nice girl about something I hate and it's humanity and the dam ghetto Th0t thought I was talking about her. (I mean I was but not pacifically her—) h0es cant mind their own business ya know—?

The very nice girl that actually doesn't have a brain of a Walnut and let me use her group side water bucket but her kind of ghetto bich say "nUh uHHH, tHiS iS 'my' WaTeR tHeRes AnOthEr OnE tHeRe." The water that she was saying is the one that is my group but it's far away and the ghetto h0e has it with the other 2 boys. So I used that water and started to paint my strawberries and other kind of fruit in it that has a bowl. (Wonder way I choose strawberry—?)

But yeah, h0es breaks rules and one of the rules about painting is don't tap the paint brush on the bucket because it will splatter everything. But yeah, The ghetto girl (not my table side.) did that and the blue splattered all over the girls painting while she was raising her hand for the teachers help if she's doing her pumpkin right. I was shocked but she stayed calm because of course— she's nice and just wanted to ask about her pumpkin but the art teacher told the ghetto girl who accidentally messed up her pumpkin to get napkins and yeeee—
Art teacher left and the ghetto h0e said "YoU kNoW yOu sHouLd'vE tOlD mE aNd I'D hElP buT nOooOOo." Sksksksksk"anD yOu." she looked directly at me, "yOu NEeD tO mInD yOuR oWn BuSsInEsSssSS." Whatever -_-

Aaaaaa so much drama and it's bad.

Ghetto h0e in my table side started to talk shet about me because "whY yOu LooKinG aT Memmew!1!!1!11!1??1!1?" Bruh—

(Imma text normal on this one for the bich—)

"She was like, looking at me and I was like "wHy YoU lOokInG aT mE yoU lIkE guRlS JJajajjJaNnsjajNHGFDdRyjngHh."


1.) H0e, stop being a h0e and get a brain that can be bigger than your ego.

2.) You call yourself better, smarter and more mature just because your mom said you are a mature lady when you cuss, talk shet, laugh for a dumb reason, being Th0t, not listening, always thinking about herself. I already know that you'll never go to College and get a job with that attitude.

3.) Yes, I like girls– no, I LOVE THEM. I think they're all h0t.(yeah, I know it's kinda weird to call other people h0t when you already have a cutie patootie in your life but it's not as weird as flirting with someone else when you're already taken.) BUT I DON'T FIND H0ES WHO I KNOW HAS AN ATTITUDE H0T.

4.) Honey, I'd rather stare at the sun than to look at your face for that long because I will be blind if I did—

5.) Telling me to mind my own business when you literally was biching on us for thinking we were talking about you. Not everything is about you h0e.

6.) Don't be mad at me just because you don't have a cutie pie yourself <;3


So I was putting my paint brush in the bucket and swirl it around so it can be clean but HAHHHHHHh—

(I'm just gonna call my table side ghetto Th0t Diccky because I don't even remember her name—)

Diccky thought I was gonna get my water and slash into her ugly a$$ eggplant drawing EVEN THOUGH THE WATER IS INSIDE AND MY BRUSH IS ALL THE WAY DOWN—

"Bich I swear to god, if you get my drawing wet, I will jump over the table." Wonder how since she weigh 127272727727281818282828282828282828822882828181919828282828288282828282828282 pounds. 🤔

Other boy said "nAhHHh, you can't jump over here xDD."

"HOw MuCh YoU wAnnA bET I wOn'T?1??1?1?11111!!!!!!" Smh.

Nice girl told them off and my heart felt—

But then she whispered "retarded." Which made me shocked—

Her ghetto girl balakjsjajaja, Art teacher came and bakajajjajajajajajajaaaanananana, Dicckey lied to her I was gonna splat her ugly eggplant by tapping the brush on the bucket when I literally just swirl the water around with it and dap the brush on the inside edge to clear the colored water and nice girl told the real tea, misunderstanding. Whshahahahjajaaj.

Don't be surprised if I say "no." when you ask me for help with your drawing.


Class over, Nice girl and I talked while walking together in the hallway. She's now my only favorite child in the Art class.


Have my drawings that I got back:

I did an oop—

Here's one I got back from social studies:


Here's the one I did from homeroom:

There's no much—
There's some free spaces.






[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



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