Kɪɴɢ Cᴏʙʀᴀ

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"Man, it was so sick!" Gianna hears as she stretches. Mitch had been bragging about some fight he got into since she'd gotten there and she still had yet to find out what actually happened, "Tory was just kickin' ass. I took care of Chris. Hawk got that beta Demetri in an arm bar like Chris Jericho and just..." He does a breaking motion while mimicking the sound, "Cold-blooded. No mercy!"

"Way to go, Hawk." A student says before walking away

"I didn't think you were actually gonna do it." Tory says

"They got what they deserved for what they did to Miguel." Hawk says. Gianna frowns as she stands upright, "Still haven't seen him, have you?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Tory mumbles as the door opens. Gianna looks over as a few teens walk in. Gianna could recognize Kyler and Brucks because of Lucas. Safe to say, she didn't particularly like the idea of training with them everyday.

"Class." Kreese says, "Welcome our new students."

Mitch then walks over to them, "I'm gonna call you guys... Chodenose and Taintbreath."

"What the hell did you just say?" Kyler spits

"Oh, uh, nothing." Mitch stammers, "It's just this thing we do around here sometimes."

"Everyone, fall in." Kreese yells out before the students line up, "Joining Cobra Kai is a privilege. It's not a gift. Which is why our recruits must earn their position in this dojo. Prepare yourselves for combat. Only the strong will survive."


"Class, prepare for combat." Kreese says. The students then take their place on the outside of the mat. Gianna looks around as Kyler stops in front of Hawk.

"Holy shit! You remember?" Kyler chuckles as he turns to Brucks, "Look, it's the kid with the lip! Yo, I thought he moved."

"Oh, shit. You're right! Right." Brucks laughs


"Whoa! The hair kinda distracts you from it." Brucks says as Hawk covers his mouth

"All right, class. Let the games begin." Kreese says before pointing to Kyler, "You."

"Ooh!" Brucks says, "All right, bro. You got this."

Kreese then turns to Mitch and chuckles, "You."

"Man, I'm so pumped!" Brucks mumbles

"Ready? Ai!"

Mitch immediately charges forward and kicks Kyler in the face earning a point. Kyler's face hardens, "Now you're dead."

Mitch takes a few swings at Kyler that Kyler blocks. He then tries a roundhouse kick causing Kyler to duck. As Mitch lifts his foot up again, Kyler takes the opportunity to flip him on his back. He then turns him over and puts him in a headlock. Mitch struggles for a few seconds before tapping out.

As Kyler stands up, Kreese smirks, "Finish him."

Kyler grabs Mitch's shirt before punching him in the face. Mitch groans as he lays back against the mat. Kyler smiles as he walks back toward Brucks.

"Ooh!" Brucks says

"Yo, lights out, baby." Kyler says as Mitch stands up and begins walking to his spot

Kreese stops him, "Where you going?"

"To my spot."

"You lost to an untrained fighter." Kreese says, "He's going to take your spot on the team."

"All right!" Kyler cheers

"Sensei, Assface has been loyal to the dojo." Hawk says

"I'm afraid he's not... Cobra Kai material." Kreese says, "I told you, only the strong will survive."

Gianna looks over toward Kreese who gives her a slight nod. Her eyes then fall on Mitch who begrudgingly walks to the back to grab his bag.


Gianna grunts as she pushes back the girl she was fighting against. The girl was taller and little bigger than her, so she couldn't say that it didn't worry her that she would lose against her and in turn lose her spot on the team.

Gianna ducks as the girl swings at her. As Gianna ducks down, she turns on her knee and sweeps the girls leg from under her. As the girl falls down, Gianna jumps up and kicks her in her cheek. Remembering what Kreese has been saying about finishing their opponents, Gianna then lifts her leg up and kicks the girl in her mouth.

Gianna huffs as the girl brings her hand to her mouth, "You chipped my tooth, bitch."

"You needed braces anyway." Gianna scoffs as the girl stands

"Good job, Whitlock." Kreese says before turning to the girl, "You know the drill. Off the mat."

The girl stares down at Gianna before stepping back and walking off the mat. Gianna turns and takes her place beside Tory.

"Nice one." Tory says

Gianna looks over and gives a small nod, "Thanks."

"Damn, girl!" Brucks mumbles, "You see that?"

"You. Big boy." Kreese says

"Oh, yeah!" Brucks cheers stepping onto the mat, "All right, who's going down next? Come on."

"Let's go." Kyler says

"He's mine." Hawk calls out stepping onto the mat

"Get him, Lip!"

"Okay, all right. Let's see if I can fix that lip of yours then." Brucks says as Hawk takes off his shirt. Brucks stops noticing the giant hawk tattoo on his back, "Dude!"

Gianna looks over as Kreese waves for the student to put his flag down. A frown takes over her features as she turns back to Hawk and Brucks. Hawk looks over at Kreese and as the man gives him a nod, Hawk turns and kicks Brucks in his face.

He then jumps up and kicks him again before punching him. Brucks ducks under Hawk's arm, but Hawk pulls him back by his hood and punches him. Brucks tries pushing his arm away, but Hawk turns back and punches him again.

Hawk then knees him in his side before pushing him away.

"Wait. Stop." Brucks breathes as blood falls from his mouth. Hawk huffs before using Brucks' weight to toss him.

"Finish him-" Kreese tries, but Hawk sits up and starts punching Brucks in his face. He lets out grunts and he continues his assault on the teen. Gianna can feel her stomach turn as Hawk finally lifts off of Brucks. As he stands up, he looks down at him and spits on him before walking away.

As he steps up beside Kyler to take his place on the edge of the mat, Kyler looks away.

"All right, class. I think we can call it a day." Kreese says, "Somebody pick him up."


As Gianna walks in her apartment, Jennifer looks over from the kitchen, "Hey."

"Hey." Gianna sighs as she walks closer leaning down on the bar.

"How was practice?"

"It was okay." Gianna shrugs before she chuckles, "It was kind of like an elimination type thing today."

Jennifer frowns, "What do you mean?"

"We had to fight to secure our spot on the team."

"What?" Jennifer exclaims

"It's not as bad as you think, Jen."

"You're fighting for your spot on the team."

"It's a karate class, Jen." Gianna chuckles, "Fighting is kind of a given."

"Gianna, I'm serious when I say that I don't think this good for you."

"Jen." Gianna sighs

"No, seriously, Gianna."

"You wanted me to join so my focus can be on something else besides trouble and now you're saying I shouldn't have joined?"

"Because I didn't know that trouble would come with the dojo."

"You only know now because of Jasmine."

"Maybe she's right."

Gianna frowns as she stares back at Jennifer. She could feel her heart drop as she took in what Jennifer said. For her to want Gianna to leave Cobra Kai is one thing, but to take the side of the person who she felt betrayed by, hurt.

At Gianna's silence, Jennifer became worried. It was when Gianna got up and walked to her room without a word that Jennifer knew she messed up.


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