| Chapter 7 |

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Italics: (Na'vi language, Metkayina sign language, and Jake's inner thoughts)

A/N: I'll be adding a few scenes of my own in this chapter, so I hope you all like it! Also, thank you to -daisyridleys for helping me out develop the first part of this chapter! Read her stories because they're so good, you won't regret it! <3

Tsireya proceeded to guide the family through the village situated just below the mangroves of the huge tree behind their civilization. The Sullys had emptied the saddles of their Ikrans and had all of their things carried in their hands. Everyone was pitching in on holding something as they were given a tour of the Awa'atlu village. Tsireya also offered to carry some of the items that the Sullys had brought, insisting she wanted to help.

The Metkayina Princess was leading them through a path that looked like it was weaved together with resources from their unique region, and it was very bouncy and stretchy. It also overlooked the water on the bottom, showing how the sea animals were chirping and yipping as they swam in the water happily. The creatures coexisted in harmony with the reef people, keeping a healthy relationship between riders, inhabitants, and sea creatures.

"This way," Tsireya said. The entire family followed behind Jake. First was Tuk, then you right behind her, then Kiri, and Neteyam and Lo'ak behind their sister. The youngest Sully stopped in her tracks and smiled when she saw a sea creature leaning its head over the path, with a rider on its back. The creature started to try and reach something out of the basket Tuk was holding with its mouth, making her laugh as the woman riding the creature smiled. "Tuk, let's go. Come on," You said, gently placing a hand on her shoulder before she fell behind.

"Just up here," Tsireya guided, leading the family to the hut that was situated at the very end of the path. Tuk was adorably bouncing and jumping on the weaved path with giggles and laughter erupting from the 8-year-old. You smiled fondly at your daughter. Tuk was precious, and her actions warmed the hearts of her parents and siblings.

Upon reaching the hut that had a beautiful view of the sea in front, Tsireya stopped at the entrance and allowed the family to walk in and bask in the place they would be staying in indefinitely. "This is for you. Your new home," The girl said, seeing Jake walk in first and then turned to look at you and your children arrive at the entrance shortly after.

"Yeah, this'll work," Jake said, allowing himself to let his eyes roam across the hut. "It's nice, right?" Jake asked with a hopeful smile. You stepped inside, and with a huff, you dropped the rug you were holding on the ground. Your kids looked at each other and snickered, which didn't go unnoticed by you, making you send a tired smile their way.

Eventually, the family got to unpacking, and soon enough, everything was settled in. Your kids all did their part by trying to make this home as comfortable as they could, given that this was where they were staying until further notice, or maybe even permanently. After a while, you and Jake allowed your kids to go explore the village until sundown, and then come back for dinner.

Once Neteyam, Kiri, Lo'ak, and Tuk had all left, it was only you and Jake. Without glancing at him, you stepped around your husband and kneeled on the floor to resume what you were doing to prepare dinner. At what you did, Jake looked puzzled. You didn't even look at him, or so much as glance at him either.

You were still upset about what he said earlier in front of Ronal, Tonowari, and the entire village. You didn't mean to embarrass him, but you were just so proud of how much he has accomplished that it was hard not to tell the entire world how brave and courageous your husband is. You would yell it out to the four winds if it was possible. Jake knew your heart was in the right place, and he needed to apologize. He couldn't stand you being mad at him, especially when you were upset over something he did to make you feel like that.

Jake sighed as he watched you with your back turned to him as you continued to work wordlessly. He needed to fix his mistake, and tell you how much he loved that you stood up for him in front of Ronal and Tonowari. It was unnecessary for him to apologize for you, when he should've demonstrated how proud he was to be your husband and Toruk Makto. Even if he was trying to leave that past behind, if things played out differently, it could have helped them be taken into the village.

Jake proceeded to kneel behind you, and wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his head in the crook of your neck. At least the fact that you weren't pushing him off was a good sign. You continued to work, but still not acknowledging his presence behind you.

"Y/n. Baby. Please, talk to me," Jake whispered. At his words, he could feel you tense up and he knew he was getting through to you. He knew that all you wanted to hear was an apology, and that was it. He knew you too well for there to be any other wishes.

You stayed quiet, continuing to sort through the materials and rations that you packed from the forest for dinner. Jake sighed and pressed a kiss on the nape of your neck, and you didn't want to admit it, but it sent shivers down your spine. He hugged you tighter from behind, trying to get you closer to him.

"I'm so sorry about what happened earlier. I shouldn't have said what I said. You have no idea how happy it makes me that you have so much support for me, it makes me feel like I can do anything," Jake said, and then he saw you drop your items from your hands and look down for a moment, making your hair fall like a curtain over your face.

"I'm sorry, too. I should've realized what you were trying to do and I only made us seem like more of a threat," You said, turning your head back to meet Jake's intent gaze on you. "I guess I just felt insulted and embarrassed but it all happened in the heat of the moment. I'm just being petty. You don't have to apologize," You said, reaching a hand up to cup his cheek.

"No. You deserve that apology. I wasn't thinking about you, and my mind was only focused on being accepted into the village. I should've considered your intentions. I'm sorry. I really am," Jake apologized profusely, and that was all you wanted to hear. You beamed at him and turned around to throw your arms around his neck.

Because of the impact of your hug, the two of you tumbled on the ground of your hut with you on top of him. Your laughs mingled together as he held onto your waist and hips, all the while you used his shoulders for support. After a few more seconds of laughing, your giggles died down and you propped your hands up on his chest to look down at him.

Your hair fell like a curtain over him, and he proceeded to lift his hand and tuck some loose strands behind your ear. He was looking at you as if you were the only girl in the world, and that look erupted butterflies within you.

"So, do you forgive me?" He asked, a soft smirk coming across his lips. You pretended to think as you let out a soft hum, and then looked down at Jake to see his adorable look of anticipation. You couldn't even pretend because you stopped your act and started laughing, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek and then on his lips.

"Yes, I forgive you, Jake Sully," You said, moving your hand to cup his jaw and rub your finger's against his temples. He closed his eyes in the contentment of your touch, sighing gently, and almost inaudibly. But you were luckily close enough to hear it, and it sent your heart into complete overdrive.

All of a sudden, you felt his fingers on your body as he began to tickle every spot he knew that made you laugh. You were so distracted because of how much you were laughing, that he managed to flip you over so he was on top. "Jake!" You giggled, placing your hands on his arms. Jake laughed along as well and he continued to tickle you, not too harshly, though, because he wouldn't want to hurt you in the process. Eventually, when he saw that you were running out of breath, he stopped and rested a hand on your waist, caressing it.

Your laughs eventually morphed into soft giggles until you eventually stopped laughing and you were just panting softly with a lazy smile on your face. You looked up at Jake fondly as he gazed into your eyes from above you, raising a hand to tuck some hair behind your ear gently. It felt like you and Jake stayed there on the floor for an eternity, but you suddenly heard footsteps approaching your hut so you two scrambled to stand up and make yourselves presentable.

Soon enough, a figure came around the corner to stand in the entryway of your hut. Tonowari was standing there with a toothless smile on his face. Out of respect, you and Jake immediately gestured with an 'I see you' sign.

"Jake. Y/n. I'm happy to see you've accommodated yourselves well into your new home," Tonowari said. You smiled, while Jake nodded. "Yes. It's beautiful. Our children already love it, too" You said, and Tonowari sighed before clearing his throat.

"I'm happy to hear that. Now, what I wanted to come and mention to the two of you is that there will be a festival this evening to celebrate your arrival. We'd like for you and your family to attend," Tonowari said. Your eyes widened, as well as Jake's, in total surprise. It was certainly a kind invitation and you'd be happy to be present there. It would also be a good opportunity for your children to bond and get closer to kids their age in the village. Also, you and Jake could make some acquaintances as well. It was a good thing altogether.

"We'd love to go, Tonowari. Thank you," You said, and Jake nodded in agreement. He was probably thinking the same thing you were. "We'll be there," Jake said, putting an arm around your shoulder and pulling you close. Tonowari smiled both at the sight of you and Jake, and as well as your acceptance.

"Very well. See you then," Tonowari concluded, beginning to walk out of the hut. When he was gone, you and Jake turned to each other, and suddenly your husband put his hands and your hips again and tickled you. You squealed and started beaming with laughter again trying to push him off, but also holding onto his broad shoulders and arms for support.

Eventually, it was sundown and the sun was quickly hiding behind the horizon. Awa'atlu would be welcoming nighttime soon, but before that, Metkayina fishermen took this beautiful time of the day to throw their nets onto the water and other villagers were cruising through the water on their respective sea creatures. It was peaceful.

Jake and Y/n had called their children back into their hut after a long day of having themselves acquainted with their new environment. Kiri and Tuk had already arrived and were waiting for their brothers to come. Soon enough, Neteyam walked in with Lo'ak close behind. Many things needed to be addressed, such as the festival that night and the fact that you and Jake wanted your children to behave the best they could so that they could prolong their stay.

"Okay, Sully's fall in," Jake said, crouching on the ground as you kneeled on your shins. Tuk sat beside her dad, Kiri sat beside you, and Neteyam and Lo'ak sat in front of you and Jake, so the family was huddled together.

"Remember? Family meeting," Neteyam said, sitting down and grabbing onto Lo'ak's forearms to drag him to sit down. The younger Sully brother complied, sitting in front of his dad. "Come on, take a knee, let's go," Jake said, checking that all of his children were present.

"Kiri," You said, ushering your daughter to settle in her spot. "What?" The teenage girl grumbled as she sat down with her woven blanket still wrapped around her. Even with her attitude, which was normal, you reached out and put a hand on her knee with a smile.

"I need you, kids, on your best behavior. I mean it. Learn fast, pull your weight," Jake started, then looked at Lo'ak. "Don't cause trouble. Got it?" He said specifically to his youngest son, making sure he understood his words.

"Yes, sir," Lo'ak said, and Neteyam turned to look at his brother with a smile. He put a hand on the back of his little brother's head, but Lo'ak hissed at him to back off.

All of a sudden, you and Jake heard sniffling and you immediately turned your heads to see Tuk with tears falling down her cheeks. "I want to go home," Tuk said, with more tears flowing from her eyes and onto her cheekbones. The sight broke your heart. She was your youngest and she had already been through so much, all of your children had, and it's not fair.

"Oh, Tuk," You said as your eyes softened at your daughter. Jake held her youngest daughter's hand and pulled her onto his right leg to sit on. "Tuk, this is our home now," He said with comfort, and it was able to cease her sadness a bit at least for the meantime. Understandably, they all felt homesick, so you and Jake were giving them all the time they needed to adjust.

Jake turned back to his older children, then back at you with a confident and determined expression. He promised himself he would do anything to protect his family at all costs. "We're gonna get through this. I know we can. We're gonna get through this if we have each other's backs," Jake said, turning to you and proceeding to place his left hand with your right one and intertwining them together.

"What does your father always say?" You inquired, knowing your children knew the answer. "Sully's stick together," Your kids said in unison but almost monotonously. You turned over and saw Kiri fumbling with one of her braids. Seeing this, you reached over and placed a hand on her leg, prompting a small but noticeable smile from her.

"That's right. Sully's stick together. Now, this time with some feeling," Jake said with an encouraging smile. Their kids all looked at each other and proceeded to say it a bit more loudly. "Sully's stick together," They all repeated, but with a bit more enthusiasm. When Tuk said it, she mumbled it with a small pout.

Before they all started to stand up, Jake got their attention by raising his hands. "Hey, hold on. Before you go, there's something else. Tonowari came over earlier and he said he was organizing a party-type celebration in honor of our arrival with the entire village," Jake started, and the kids perked up, his words effectively getting their attention.

"I want you guys to bond with the kids of the village. Make friends. Learn their ways. Me and your mother will do the same. Getting to know the place we will be staying at for a while. That being said, have fun, too. Don't forget that," Jake concluded, and you nodded in agreement at his words. You were excited for tonight, even if you didn't say it out loud.

After the meeting was done, your kids stood up and began talking in excitement about the party later that night as they made their way out of the hut. Their laughs could be heard for a few more seconds until they faded away, meaning that you and Jake were alone again. The two of you looked a each other before Jake unexpectedly leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on your lips, separating too fast for your liking.

"Wanna go take a walk with me? The sun will set soon and I saw a beach just outside," Jake whispered against your lips, and you didn't hesitate to nod. "I would love to," You smiled, and he grabbed your hand and started taking you outside towards the sandy shores of the Awa'atlu Metakyina village.

Before you knew it, nighttime fell and the celebration festivities were about to begin. You had just finished getting ready, putting on some accessories, and your hair was put in a half up half down. The part that glowed the most was let loose while the top part of your hair in your roots was gathered in a bun.

Your kids had already made their way through the huts and down to the beach to play with the other Metkayina children. Tonowari, Ronal, and other adult villagers were waiting for you to arrive at any moment. When you felt presentable, you turned around to see Jake holding out his arm to you.

You smiled at his gesture, walking up to him and looping your arm through his. Before stepping outside, he pulled a tropical flower he was holding from behind him and placed it behind your ear gently. With a smile, you walked out of your hut with him. You and Jake made your way out and eventually saw the party awaiting. The beach was decorated with traditional decorations, and the bioluminescence washing up against the shores of the beach made the scene mesmerizing.

You and Jake approached Tonowari and Ronal, who were standing in front of a group of Metkayina villagers. You all greeted one another with respect, and the clan leader thanked you and Jake for attending the party. He felt honored that Toruk Makto was among them and sharing his company with them. It was starting as a pretty pleasant and blissful evening, and you were excited to get to know new people and customs different from the forest. It was exciting.

Eventually, you and Jake split off as he went to talk and socialize with some men from the village while some women called over for you. They asked for gossip and stories, and you were able to make some good friendships. It was a shame that you and Ronal were still not able to patch things up. You started off on the wrong foot and you would love nothing more than to make things better between you two.

Hours passed and the party was coming to an end, but there were only a couple of hours to go. You were standing in a circle with the other women, talking and laughing together. The Metkayina women fawned over your beauty, admiring how your hair lit up in the night and saying how they'd never seen anything like it before, and of course, the beautiful flower Jake tucked behind your ear. Eywa's presence must be near if your hair was lighting up in dim light. You didn't pay too much attention to it.

When the women started to disperse and went to do their own things, you said goodbye to all of them with a smile, turning your head up to look at the stars. A few seconds passed, and you suddenly felt a hand tap your shoulder. You turned around, and your eyes widened when you saw the last person you thought would approach you tonight. It was Ronal. You turned to look at her as she kept a stoic expression on her face, but you could tell because of the slight furrows of her eyebrows that something was wrong.

"Miss Y/n, It's your husband," Ronal said, and your eyes widened at her statement. What had happened to Jake? You stepped closer to her, out of instinct and worry for your mate. You weren't very comfortable with her calling you 'Miss', because it just felt too formal for someone you were trying to get closer with, but you would talk to her about it later. "Jake? What happened to him?" You asked.

"He had a bit of a situation, I'm afraid. You will have to come to get him. Follow me, and I'll lead you to him," Ronal said as she started to walk away and you quickly followed after her. She didn't specify if Jake was in danger or hurt, but she wouldn't be this calm if something like that had happened so you were hoping for the best.

You and Ronal eventually arrived to see Tonowari standing by Jake, who was leaning against a palm tree, seemingly woozy and dazed. You were glad he was okay, so before you went to get him, you turned to Ronal and placed a hand on her shoulder. The woman stiffened at your actions but didn't move away. "Thank you, Ronal. For bringing me to him," You said, smiling with gratefulness. You didn't hesitate to run over to your husband that was leaning against the tree with a lazy smile on his face.

Jake saw you through his lidded eyes and smiled brighter, and Tonowari smiled at the scene in front of him. "Hey, it's Y/n" He murmured tiredly, wobbling from side to side against the tree as Tonowari held onto his shoulder to keep him standing.

"What happened?" You asked, sighing, already having speculation. You knew there were times when Jake couldn't hold his booze, but it was adorable when he got like this. "He had a little bit too much to drink. The warriors talked him into it, but I got him out of there before he got hurt or made a fool of himself so don't worry," Tonowari said, and you sighed with so much relief. Grateful to Eywa that the Chief was there to get Jake out of that situation.

"Thank you so much. I appreciate it," You said to the clan leader, and he nodded wordlessly. You walked closer to Jake and placed a hand on his arm, which immediately made him turn his attention over to you. He smiled toothlessly at you, chuckling to himself. His mind was probably so clouded that he couldn't make up a single coherent thought.

Before he knew it, Jake was leaning to the side without him realizing, and fortunately, you were there to catch him. You wanted to laugh, because this was always so amusing to watch, but you only let out a small laugh as you helped Jake to stand upright once again.

"That was really fun," Jake said, closing his eyes with a tired smile still on his face. You looked back at Tonowari and Ronal, thanking wordlessly them with a nod, and they took that as their sign to leave. They had to go get Tsireya and Ao'nung, and that reminded you to go and get your kids back as well.

"Hey, Ma Jake. Why are you like this? You're moving around like seaweed," You chuckled, shaking his shoulders gently to get him to wake up. He could sleep when you got back to the hut, but he had to at least stay conscious on the way back. Jake put his hands on your shoulders and leaned his head against yours, as another smile appeared on his lips and yours. "Y/n..." He muttered tiredly, almost with too much lovesick energy.

"You are very drunk, Jake. I will take you back home, does that sound good?" You asked, and Jake nodded against you, tucking his nose in your hair. You lifted his arm and put it around your shoulders, helping him walk. "Come on, let's go," You laughed, feeling him stumble a bit on his feet as you walked him back. He couldn't keep his head away from your neck and hair and wrapped his other arm around you, but it gave him comfort and peace during this ordeal so you didn't mind it happening at all. 

Walking through the bouncy path was quite the experience for Jake. He started laughing while he bounced on the weaved path, and continued to walk with you. He was like a child when he drank like this. "Okay, you big baby. We're almost there. I swear if you ever drink like this again..." You giggled, getting him closer to the hut's entrance.

Upon entering the hut, you saw that the children still weren't back, and you sighed in relief because that meant you had time to put your husband to bed. If they saw his father like this, they'd never let him live it down. "Where are we?" Jake mumbled tiredly. You rolled your eyes as you chuckled, realizing that he didn't even recognize his own home.

"Here? We're at our hut, my love," You said, and he nodded understandingly, even if you knew that he was still clueless about what you meant. You walked into the hut far enough to get him towards your mat in the corner, and you carefully laid him down while he kept muttering that he was dizzy. When you stepped away and looked down, his position made you laugh to yourself.

He had all of his limbs splayed out like a sea star, and his eyes were already closing. He had a soft smile plastered on his face from
the moment you came to get him up until now. With a sigh, you kneeled beside him on your side of the mat, reaching up to stroke his face. He was so handsome and beautiful that sometimes you couldn't believe you were married to someone as exceptional as him.

You turned your eyes to gaze at him, and you saw that he was already looking at you with lidded eyes. You adjusted your position on the mat, preparing to tease him a bit. "Wow, look at how his eyes crinkle while smiling when he's drunk, hm...this won't do. I told you not to go around smiling like that," You smiled, but he tilted his head to the side like a puppy at your words. You stroked his cheek lovingly.

"Huh? But, who are you?" He mumbled, and your eyes widened a fraction as you started to chuckle, realizing he had no idea who was sitting in front of him. "What is this?" You asked, feeling a smirk come upon your lips. "Who are you to come into my home like this?" He said, and you fought the urge to laugh harder. He was completely out of it.

"I'm Y/n," You said, beaming at your husband laying down on the mat. Jake's eyebrows raised after hearing your words. "Y/n?" He asked with a gasp and suddenly snapped his head over to face you without opening his eyes. "That's crazy. My wife's name is Y/n too," He smiled to himself at the 'coincidence' he discovered.

He then opened one of his closed eyes to peek at you, lifting his head a bit, and then closed it again, dropping his head on the mat. "But you are pretty too," He said softly, feeling his tiredness start to catch up to him.

"Is that so?" You giggled, finding it amusing that he was so intoxicated that he couldn't tell who you are. "Then, do you want to break up with your wife and date me instead?" You teased, but Jake immediately started to vigorously shake his head.

"Nope! I'm Y/n's man. I'm hers," He replied, making your face heat up at his answer as you beamed down at him. "That is a pity," You said, with the smile you had never left your face.

"Then, I will leave now. Get some rest" You whispered loudly enough for him to hear. You patted his chest gently and began to stand up to go and get your kids. Before you could leave, you felt his hand grab onto your wrist. You turned around to face him as he said; "Wait a second," Jake muttered tiredly.

It seems that he was finally coming back to his senses about who you were because he started caressing your forearm the way that made butterflies erupt inside you. "Come here," He said, pulling you down so that you lay in front of him. His chest was pressed to your back, and he proceeded to wrap his strong arms around your waist, cuddling up against you. You quickly got comfortable in his arms while he tucked his nose in the nape of your neck. He was putting you in a position where he offered his arm for you to use as a pillow.

"You became a completely different person when you're drunk," You chuckled, craning your head back a bit to look at him. He still had his eyes closed. You slowly got ahold of the hand that was holding onto your waist, and put your hand on top of his, stroking it gently.

"Y/n, you know...I really love you," Jake said, tucking his head further into your neck. You felt butterflies inside you as he said that, erupting furiously. "Really?" You asked him just for giggles, and he hummed in response. "Well, you're in luck because I really love you too," You said, and the feeling of him smiling against your skin erupted heat on your cheeks.

You didn't know when it happened, but eventually, you and Jake fell asleep in each other's arms. Even after just a few minutes of sleeping, Jake's eyes fluttered open and he felt himself start to gain back some sense of reason. He propped himself up on one arm, smiling down fondly at you. He lifted one of his hands that was on your waist and proceeded to use his pointer finger to lightly tap your nose. Instinctively, your nose twitched cutely in your sleep, and the second time he tapped, it made you turn around onto your other side so that the front of your body was facing his. You were curled up with your legs slightly pulled up.

He realized that the kids were still out so he quickly got up, careful not to wake you up, and started to head down to the beach to look for Kiri, Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Tuk. When he found them, turns out they were still with the other kids from the village, so Jake called for them and the four Sully siblings made their way back to their family hut, following behind Jake. The ex-marine was still woozy, but at least conscious enough to know what he was doing. He just needed a little snooze and he'd be good to go. He couldn't wait to get back to you.

Upon reaching the hut, Jake turned around and put a finger up to his lips to signal his children to be quiet because you were inside sleeping. They all understood and nodded. The kids headed to their respective mats to sleep and Jake quietly pulled the cover of their hut over the entrance so that they were warm during the night and made his way inside.

Jake curled up in front of you again, but this time he was laying face-to-face with you. Once again, he lifted his arm and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you close to him. His other arm wrapped to the back of your head, pulling it to his chest. Even in your sleep, you tucked yourself closer to your husband more comfortably. You sighed contentedly in your sleep, as a small smile graced your lips at simply having contact with him. And he did too. He wouldn't trade it for anything.

The night went by without a breeze. You and Jake were safe. Your children were safe and sleeping soundly. Everything was perfect. You knew this would be short-lived, so you took advantage of moments like these.


If you guys didn't notice, the last scene of this chapter was inspired by a scene in one of my favorite k-dramas. I thought it fit Jake and Y/n so perfectly that I just had to include it. It's from True Beauty btw, one of my favorites.

This chapter was also a bit shorter than usual at only 5k words, as opposed to the last few ones i've posted. We'll be back to our regular scheduled programming for the movie next chapter btw shsh I just wanted to add this cute moment lol

Also, please don't be ghost readers :,) I love your guys' comments, they absolutely make my day and I read all of them. I cannot wait to hear what you guys think throughout the rest of the story! <3

Anyway, I don't have a whole lot to say for now, but as always, if there is anything else then ill add it to the next author's note! Expect it either Thursday or Friday, so stay tuned!


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