𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘢𝘳 {77}

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"So, are you guys on good terms with Y/n?" Yoongi asked.
"I don't know. She seemed fine earlier in the morning. But then Namjoon bombarded her with rules so she left home, kinda pissed. Though I think she learnt her lesson" Jin shrugged.
"Hyung c'mon she was acting like I implanted a tracking chip in her neck" Namjoon rolled his eyes.

"Which you did" Yoongi pointed out.
"Wait what?!" Hoseok asked.
"Chill hoseok. In her necklace, not her neck" Namjoon defended himself.
"Well, those steps had to be taken." Jin shrugged.

An alarm went off alerting Namjoon. 

"Hyung, it's time for your meds." Namjoon said.
"Mrs. Park should be here with them any second" Jin added.

The 100% sound-proof door opened, revealing Mrs. Park. Little beads of sweats formed on her forehead, as the tray in her hand that had the medicines and water was shaking due to her trembling. 

When they diverted their attention from Mrs. Park's panic state, they noticed the pandemonium in the background that was audible due to the small gap in the door that was left open when she entered.

"What's all that noise?"  Jin stood up"
"I-...um, I-I'm not sure, sir" She looked down as Jin gulped down the water.

"Namjoon, let's go-
"NO! U-uhm, I mean, y-you shouldn't stress your arm." She stuttered.
"Thanks, but I actually walk on my legs, not my arms." He said, coldly, knowing damn well that his staff screwed something.

"Call everybody in" Jin ordered.
"But sir-"


Within few seconds, most of the staff was standing in the meeting room.

"What the hell is going on. I wish I knew how useless you all were. Never would've given you the job." Jin rolled his eyes.
"What happened this time...?" Namjoon asked. 

"B-Boss, Miss Y/n isn't home yet..." A man said.
"Her school ends at 4. She comes home by 4:20-ish. It's 3 right now" Hoseok pointed out.
"B-But today is Thursday. H-Half day. S-She should've been here by 2:00..."

Jin's eyes widened.

"W-What...? He whispered as realization hit.
"No" Yoongi mumbled.

"Hyung she possibly couldn't have ru-"

"No sir! She didn't! Last time we saw her, she was in the bathroom in the ground floor. No one else was there. And then it took so long that we asked one of the lady staff to check. She found a handkerchief on the floor and the bathroom was empty." He took out a plastic bag, labeled "evd" and handed it over to Jin.

"Take it over to the lab" A bodyguard rushed, at Namjoon's command. Everyone looked at Jin's emotionless face.

"Who was in charge of getting her home?" Jin asked, calmly. 
"M-Mr. Dan" The man with that name looked down.

"S-Sir, I swear I was waiting outside. She was with her usual bodyguards the whole time." Jin walked towards him and harshly grabbed his collar.

"Ah" He groaned, placing his 'healthy' hand on his head.

"Hyung! careful. Hyung don't worry. We will find Y/n..." Namjoon consoled. 
"How? We don't have the slightest idea of where she is!" Yoongi said.
"W-Wait...what if her boyfriend...?" Jin stated.
"Even if it is him, we can't get to him!" Hoseok added. 

"Wait, Namjoon, her necklace" Their eyes widened as the 4 of them rushed to computer.
"Gimme the code" Jin said.
"I-It's uh, J67HG1122" Jin quickly typed it on the GPS. With the loading symbol, so grew their anxiety.
"Please work, please work" Hoseok mumbled, crossing his fingers.

"OUT OF COVERAGE AREA" the words flashed on the screen

"Shit! SHIT!" Jin banged the table.

The doorbell rang. All of them exchanged a quick glance before jogging towards the front door, hoping to see you.

But they were way too shocked to see who stood there...

"Xiumin...?" Hoseok muttered in shock.
"What is he doing here?" Namjoon asked. 

"My friend called me, he works here. He said Y/n was kidnapped. He knows that I'm her current b-boyfriend's right hand man. I can take you there. I have a few conditions." Xiumin blurted.
"Whatever you want" Jin said, without thinking twice.

"You guys can carry the weapons but they will strictly stay in the car. You cannot be armed. And whoever accompanying us has to be blindfolded, including you guys. You want your sister but I cannot break my boss' trust." Xuimin explained.
"Should've applied that to all your jobs, don't you think?" Namjoon said, sarcastically, making Xiumin roll his eyes.

"It's not sure that J- my boss is the one who is behind this. There is only a 10% chance that they are really together." Xuimin said.
"10? I don't think so. All I know is that we need to reach there before he kills her" Jin said.
"Kill her? What?" Xuimin raised a brow.

"That's a story for another day. Just take us to Y/n" Yoongi said, as Xuimin nodded.

They did what he said. Every single person's weapons were kept in the other car. And according to Xiumin's wish, they were all blind-folded and wore headphones that blocked 90% of sound out. So even if they could hear it, they couldn't comprehend it.

After a few minutes of leg shaking, prayers, and fidgeting hands, the group reached Jungkook's house.

Xiumin assisted Jin and made his men assist the others. They reached the patio, ringing the doorbell. 
"Wait here. I need to talk to my boss." He walked in, gulping his saliva as he saw Jungkook sitting  there, looking angry as ever.

"I need you to meet someone. But you can't have your gun with you..." He mumbled.
"Why? So you could shoot me and have Y/n to yourself." Jungkook sarcastically chuckled.
"Nice plan tho."

"Just listen! Y/n might be in trouble!" Jungkook frowned.
"What?!" Jungkook asked Xiumin.
"Yes...please send your men inside." Jungkook did what he told.

Of course, He had doubts.

Something like 'how do I know he's not lying?' or 'how would he know'

But if what he said was even barely near truth, he didn't want it to be.

"Call them in. And no funny business. Hwanji will be here any minute." Jungkook said, handing his gun to his men.
"Go inside and don't you dare come out" Jungkook said coldly. They all nodded and went upstairs.

A few men, blindfolded walked inside. Jungkook frowned.

They had a mask on and a blindfold, and a cap and headphones. To him, they just looked like statues in black overalls.

"Remove" Jungkook ordered Xiumin. Taehyung and Jimin walked in, frowning at the men in front of them. One of Xiumin's men walked over to them and explained the scenario. 

Once Xiumin removed everyone's masks, headphones and blindfolds, with the help of his men, he let them adjust to light. and they made eye contact.
"R-RJ...RM?" Jungkook asked confused, wanting to kill them on the spot. He wanted to torture them so bad. They ruined his childhood. They killed Saemi. They killed his parents.

But they also raised the person who saved him...from himself.

"No. Not RJ and RM, today. Y/n's brothers. I don't even know your damn name. You've gotta understand that it was hard for us to accept that our sister was dating a man for one year, who is a mafia and wants to kill us. Do you have siblings?" Jin asked.
"A s-sister" Jungkook mumbled.

"Well, you somewhat know what we feel" Namjoon added.

"Look, I'm just trying to protect her." Jin said.
"From what? me?"
"Yes, you" Yoongi spat.
"Suga" Jin warned.

"Frankly, yes. Dude what do you want us to do after we find out that you wanna kill our sister?!" Namjoon said.

"What the hell? I don't want to kill your sister. Maybe you but never her. She's my whole life. and you 4 are hers. I would never do something that puts her in mental or physical pain. She has way too much childhood trauma to go through something worse-"

"Wait, you know about her trauma?" Hoseok asked. 
"Like I said, we hide nothing from each other" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, just give us Y/n back. After that we go our separate ways." Yoongi said.
"Y/n? What? I haven't seen her in months, courtesy of you" Jungkook said.
"Look, we don't wanna fight. Just tell us where Y/n is!" And with that, Jin started losing it. 
"I don't know where she is! And the fact that you don't either is disturbing!" Jungkook yelled.

"WELL THEN WHERE IS SHE?!" Jin yelled.
"DAMMIT!" Jungkook yelled.

"Wait! stop it guys. Our sister is missing! We really need to find her. Continue your stupid fight later" Taehyung alerted.
"Oh you mean our sister?!" Hoseok sucked his teeth.
"STOP IT EVERYONE" Jimin yelled making them give him the attention.

"What?!" Namjoon asked.
"Does she have any kind of tracker or whatever?" Jimin asked.
"Her phone isn't showing the location. Obviously the kidnapper did something with the sim" Jin replied.

"She does have a chip in her necklace...but at out house, it showed she's out of the tracker coverage area" Jin sighed.

"Maybe at your house. Let's try it here..." Jimin said. The boys nodded and started walking.
Jungkook sat there, looking down. Hoseok, the only one who noticed walked up to him.
"Not gonna help us find your girlfriend?" Hoseok asked.
"I feel helpless. Y/n's out there, troubled, and all I can do it sit and cry. I feel so useless. I can't even help the girl I loved." Jungkook poured out.

"Well, start by trying. Nothing will ever happen to Y/n. We'll get to her, don't worry" Hoseok comforted, as Jungkook and him started following the boys.

Jungkook sat on his computer chair, and entered the code Jin gave him.

The boys felt major déjà vu, remembering how they were in the meeting room, at Jin's house while their hearts palpitated.

Jungkook refreshed the page, while his legs were shaking, the only thing he could do was pray.

Suddenly, the loading icon disappeared and a map flashed on the screen.

"YES! WE GOT IT!" Hoseok cheered.

"Ask all our staff to follow this address, and get ready with weapons, and defenses" Jin ordered.
"We'll go in different cars." Jungkook said, also ordering his staff to start preparing.
"Please be okay, Y/n" Namjoon mumbled.


"What the-" You don't know how you got here. You were in the bathroom when someone came from the backdoor. A girl whose face was covered. Assuming she was a student too, you continued minding your own business, washing hands, when a ether-like odor filled your nostrils. A white handkerchief smothering your knows. The last thing you remember before blacking out was that lady dropping the handkerchief because someone else was about to enter.

You woke up in a cold dark room, eyes fluttering, heart palpitating, body shivering. You tried moving, but you were tied to a chair. You wanted your brothers. You wanted them to help you. 

"HELP!! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP" You screamed, as your voice cracked, due to tears and thirst, just hoping someone 'nice' was willing to come save you

"Shouting is no use, sweetheart" You couldn't see who it was. But could hear the smirk in their voice. A very dim light was turned on."


✽✽✽ To Be Continued ✽✽✽

What do you think butterz? who is the kidnapper? Please comment, it's fun reading your assumptions 😆😆

PS: Next chapter is one hell of a long chapter. Buckle up!!

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