𝘓𝘰𝘺𝘢𝘭?! 𝘈𝘴 𝘪𝘧! {47}

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"Kookie...I'm scared"


He frowned. 

"Of what"

You unwrapped your arm from his arm and sat on the bed.

"Of...Of leaving you..."

You paused.

"I'm sorry for bringing this up...but what if...what if you stop liking me someday. And what if we're forced to be apart." His eyes softened a bit. He saw an insecurity in your eyes. This wasn't the first time. 

Your posture, the way you felt anxious about being judged, the way you covered your mouth when you smiled or laughed. All of it. 

And now, insecure about your relationship. 

"I'll make sure none of this ever happens. As long as we love each other, no one has a say in what we do." You hugged him as he kissed the top of you head. 

Your moment was interrupted when a knock on the door was heard.

He pulled away with a small smile. 

"I'll be back. Gimme a minute"

He opened the door and saw one of his men.

"Babe, someone wants to meet me.  Do you wanna come, or you'll stay here?"

You jumped out of the bed and went towards him. 

"Can I come with?" He nodded as you both went down.


"Where's he?" Jungkook asked

"Boss, have a seat...he had to attend a call, so he stepped away for a while." Jungkook nodded and sat, as you sat beside him.

"Kookie." He hummed, not moving his gaze from his phone. 


"I'm listening" He said, monotonously. 


He kept his phone down and snickered. 

"Yes, princess Y/n...speak" He said sarcastically.

"No not like this...it's important. I need privacy" Jungkook shook his head, as you sassed. 

"So why did you call me so urgently." He raised a brow.

"BECAUSE...I was bored!" Jungkook pecked your pouty lips.

"I lov-

He was cut off when an awfully familiar figure entered the room. Your eyes widened which went unnoticed by Jungkook.

The figure mirrored your expression for a split second before realizing where he was.

"Babe...meet Xiumin...our most loyal man" You subtly rolled your eyes.

Loyal? as if!

You scoffed, internally.

"And Xiumin...this is my girlfriend, Park Y/n" You forced a smile as his eyes reflected pain, anger and jealousy.

"Hello" He said coldly as you muttered a small 'hi'.

"Now I don't introduce you to every one of my men except bodyguards but I trust him enough" Jungkook said with a straight face.

All 3 of you sat as Ms. Park came with 2 cups of black coffee and 1 bowl of ice cream. You forgot what was going around you as your eyes widened, gawking at the gooey substance.

"Sir had ordered your favorite flavor, waiting for you to come, but it's been so long since you came here. He really missed you Y/nie" she whispered and winked.

Your smile widened as you took the bowl in both your hands.

She served the coffee to the men as you started eating your ice cream with sparkly eyes. Jungkook chuckled.

Both the boys were discussing their stuff but Xiumin was clearly distracted.

You too, but in a good way. You were having your ice cream, life was good. 

But as the last spoon came to an end, you started realizing the gaze that was on you. You looked down and played with your skirt. Jungkook's eyes were glued to the file. You wish you could run away.

"Kookie..." You said in a soft, almost inaudible whisper, tugging on his sleeve.

"Yes?" He said as he removed his teashades and looked at you. 

"Can I go upstairs?" 

"Of course babe...do you need more ice cream?" You nodded as a 'no'. Jungkook thought you were just bored and didn't think much of it.

"I'll be there in a while" He got back to his work and you jogged upstairs.


"You okay? You seemed uncomfortable out there" He asked as he pecked your forehead and made you sit on the countertop.

"Jungkook...don't overreact...but...uhh...



ex..." You took a deep breathe before replying.

A frown decorated his features. 

"Oh...do you maybe still li-

"Oh my god, no!" You hugged him super tight.

"It was long back. Right now, I only like you" You mumbled before pulling away as Jungkook secretly smiled.

"I kinda got uncomfortable seeing him so I acted that way." Jungkook nodded, understanding your situation.


"Hey princess" They entered the house and saw you watching TV.

"Hi oppa!!" You chirped. They walked in and sat on the couch beside you as Namjoon placed an arm around you. 

"What you watching?"

"Series" You non-chalantly replied.

"Everything okay?" Jin asked, kissing your head.

"Yes" You said, ignoring the thing that was bothering you.

"You sure?" 

"Actually I want to ask you guys something" They both diverted their attention to you.

"Oppa...if anyone has doubts about me being your sister--your enemies specifically--Will they stalk me?" 

"Why? What happened? Did something happen when you were out? are you oka-" Jin bombarded you with questions.

"Oppa...I'm fine...I was just thinking" The thing that happened with Lisa...her telling you that they doubted you being their enemy's daughter. It kind of bothered you.

"Well, even if they do, they'll get misled. We've hacked your IP adress info and stuff so, no...they will never find out unless you tell them...which, I know you won't" Namjoon said, confidently.

"Will I d-die if anyone knows...?"

"Princess! why would you say that...we'll never let anything happen to you. We will protect you with all our life." Jin wrapped his arm around you and hugged you tight.

They'd be lying if they said they weren't scared to lose you. They were petrified to. 

"Thanks" You mumbled, hugging Jin tighter as Namjoon joined the hug. 

I hope everything is always like this. 

-To Be Continued-

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