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╰•★ 너 때문에 온몸이 타올라
너 때문에 심장이 목말라
Like a fever, fever, fever, fever
널 안고 싶어, 널 안고 싶어

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╰┈➤Silent treatment is never a good idea, even if months of hard work are destroyed. Enhypen learns that the hard way.

rated teen cause swearing

TW: getting ignored, hinted depression, fainting

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so this is my first work here, I hope you enjoy!!

This was a request by Lalluna -
Jay has a fever but there is a fanmeeting Jay has to attend the fanmeeting . the members always keep an eye on Jay in the middle of a fanmeeting his fever is getting worse Jay vomits beside Jake and faints.

I changed up the story line a bit I hope you don't mind. Enjoy!

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Enhypen had been working hard the past few weeks for their next comeback. They were ditching their old concept and were going for something new- something they knew Engene would totally love. They were two weeks ahead of schedules, and for the first time comeback preparation was going at a relaxed phase. They'd be releasing their new album after another three weeks. It was a big album with several title tracks and even more songs. (Please excuse my limited and terrible knowledge of the music world.)

Everything had been going perfectly until Jay being the clumsy person he was, had knocked over Jungwon's laptop while messing around with Ni-ki and the laptop, having fallen from a good height at an awkward angle had instantly shattered. All of their hard work, all their songs, the dance recordings and notes on possible new choreographies had all gone. (Ik they have backup irl but just go with it.) The members had come running and seeing the mess Jungwon and Heeseung had exploded. They'd ranted and raged for hours and everyone had been giving him the cold shoulder ever since. When Ni-ki had tried to talk to him, Heeseung had told him off, and forbidden Ni-ki from speaking to Jay.

They'd forgiven Ni-ki immediately seeing how the younger burst into tears and kept apologizing again and again and had begged them to forgive him. They kept saying there was no fault of the younger's and he was just a teenager, and Jay was an adult and he should've been more careful and should've known better. There was a mad rush to re-record everything and shoot everything again. Everyone was terribly sleep deprived and irritable, Jungwon and Heeseung staying up for four days straight before the members forced them to bed. The leader and the eldest were still very upset with him, no matter how much he apologized. The only thing that made his days a little better was the others not giving him the cold shoulder, but they didn't interact with him like they used to either.

Jay knew he deserved it, he'd just washed away months of hard work and countless sleepless nights with just a clumsy step. He regretted it, and he hated it not only because Jungwon and Heeseung were giving him the cold shoulder and acting like he didn't exist, Jungwon even going as far to count only 6 members of Enhypen, including himself which broke his heart. Jungwon wasn't one to purposely be malicious, he was too kind to do that. But when Jungwon was stressed, Jungwon wasn't Jungwon. The others had tried to reason with them but they were stubborn and they wouldn't listen. This went on for days and Jay gave up trying. A few days later they were all returning from a hard day of re-recording and dance practice with another round of lecture from the manager.

The others were all were all walking a little faster to avoid him, and whenever Jay would catch up they'd all walk further ahead. Jake and Sunghoon were the only ones who walked with him and didn't try to avoid him, but they didn't talk to him either. Though he hated the silence that would usually be filled with Sunghoon cracking lame jokes, and Jake laughing, and Jay telling him off for it. Then fights would start over who was cuter, Layla or Gaeul and Jay would be the impromptu referee. He missed that but he was grateful they didn't avoid him like the rest of the members, though Ni-ki and Sunoo kept turning around and giving him warm smiles. His phone buzzed in his pocket, and he pulled it out to see the manager's name on the contact. He stopped walking and slid his finger across the phone to pick up the call. Before he could even get a proper 'hello' out, he was greeted with the the manager's frantic voice. Apparently one of his parts in their new song 'Ninety's Rules' had not been saved properly and the file was nowhere to be found.

The manager was practically begging him to return to the studio and record his parts again. Jay nodded and then realizing that the manager couldn't see him, he quickly responded with a yes and cut the call. He called ahead to the members but Jake and Sunghoon and already moved ahead and they all seemed not to notice his yell or as he turned back and walked to the building to re-record his part yet again. He didn't notice the members climbing into the van and driving off without him, and the members didn't notice Jay wasn't in the van.

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It was well into the night when he finished recording his parts in the songs again. It had taken him roughly an hour to get his voice to the right pitch and he still wasn't satisfied with his performance and would've stayed all night in the studio if it were not for a few stylists who were leaving late and kicked him out of the studio and sternly told him to go home. He'd sighed and turning off the lights he'd left the studio feeling the stylists eyes on him all them time, till he was out of the main door of the building. He turned on his phone and winced as the bright light penetrated his eyes in the dark surroundings and fuelled the dull headache developing over his left eye.



He unlocked his phone and he didn't know what he was expecting, maybe a missed call or one or two texts to show that the boys still cared. There was nothing. He sighed again, rubbing his eyes with one hand as he pushed the phone into his back pocket with the other. Stepping forward he debated calling a driver to drive him back home or walk the 10 miles. He decided to walk, hoping that it would ease some of his feelings. Whenever he was stressed or tired he'd go for a walk and that generally made him feel better. Two minutes later he felt a drop on his cheek. Then another, and then another.

It was raining.

Even better.

He just kept walking, not caring that he was getting soaked, lost in his thoughts and pretending his tears were just the rain on his face, though rain wasn't supposed to be salty. He just walked, the rain as cold and as miserable as him.

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It was about two hours later he reached the dorm, progress hindered by the rain, shivering and sneezing. He knew he could've walked faster or could've called a driver to pick him up to avoid catching a cold, since they had a fan meeting the next day, but he'd decided to walk slowly because he couldn't muster up the energy to walk faster. He unlocked the door quietly and stepped in, in all his soaking wet glory. It was dark in the hall and he wondered for a second if the members had gone out to eat but then he spotted the members shoes were lying beside the shoe rack and the coats were on the coat hanger. They were definitely home. Fondly shaking his heads at their messiness, he put the shoes, including his soaking ones back in the rack.

He headed towards the living room, a warm light coming from it. He allowed himself to assume that someone was waiting up for him. Maybe they didn't hate him after all.

It was pleasantly warm in in the living room, a movie was playing on the television and all the members were asleep in front of it. The maknae line was on the couch, Sunoo's head shoved awkwardly between Ni-ki and the couch, legs trapped beneath Jungwon with one arm under his head and one on Ni-ki's thigh. Yep, Sunoo was definitely the kind of getting into weird postions. Jungwon was lying practically on top of Sunoo, head under Sunoo's arm and arm's circled tightly around his neck with his legs awkwardly twisted on Ni-ki. Ni-ki somehow had managed to navigate his way to Jungwon's back, head on the sole cushion that hadn't seemed to end up on the floor. His arms were nowhere to be seen, probably buried under the huge cuddle pile somewhere.

Sometimes he wondered if the maknae line even had any bones.

He turned his attention to the hyung line, who wasn't doing much better but at least they weren't tangled up like tree roots. Their heads were comfortably pillowed on cushions instead of climbing on top of each other. Even after that Sunghoon's legs were on top of Jake's who was holding Heeseung's hand is yet another awkward position. Heeseung was practically upside down- but lets not talk about that. Seriously do did they get into such postions?

He smiled at the sight, and things almost felt normal for a minute but then his smile faded, remembering how no one had cared enough to stay awake for him. They'd even had a movie night; much like normal times, but without him. They didn't appear to even have missed him

He sighed for the nth time that day and noticed he was dripping all over the floor. He quietly retreated to his room to change his clothes. Normally, he would've taken a warm shower to warm up, but there was no time for it; since it was already so late at night and they had several schedules for the next day. He would also not let his members sleep in those postions on the couch without a blanket, they defiantly wake up stiff and sore. So, after changing his clothes, tossing them in the washing machine and cleaning up all the water he had dripped everywhere he carried each member to their beds and tucked them in. It was NOT easy to detangle the maknae line but he managed to without waking anyone up.

Ni-ki point blank refused to let go of Sunoo in his sleep, so, too tired to attempt to separate them; since the younger would end up sleepwalking to Sunoo's bed at night anyway, Jay just dumped the pair of them in the same bed and tucked them in. Ni-ki nuzzled his head into Sunoo's nape and sighed at the warmth. Jay found himself cooing and his lips forming into a smile for the second time that day. Their maknae was freaking adorable.

With the small smile still on his face, a genuine one, he headed to his bed, shivering from the cold. It seemed to have seeped into his bones and it stayed. Laying down he wrapped himself tightly in his blankets and closed his eyes feeling slightly better as the throbbing in his dead decreased, hoping against hope that he wouldn't get a cold tomorrow and the day would go just a little better.

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