𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"MAKE AMENDS... make amends..." Mal commented softly, standing in front of Ursula's Fish and Chips. The purple head figured if she cleared one negative, it'd open a new path of positive.

Yes, she was doing this for her own benefit but it'll be for Uma's good as well. Mal didn't understand why the daughter of Ursula wanted her head hanging on one of the Isle's poles so badly. They did have this bad ending to their friendship but it wasn't Mal's fault.

She was only striving to proudly be the next heir to her mother.

"Keek whit we hae 'ere," the accent was such a playful tune, sounding as if a child had discovered his favourite play toy.

Mal slowly spinned around on the heel of her shoes, stopping to stare at the villain boy behind her. The boy was a light-skinned brawny guy with dark brown hair. He wore a white ripped tank top, a red sleeveless leather coat, black pants with red ripped details with zippers and dark brown boots.

"Standing 'ere is bonny bold. Tis.. Gey... Admirable.." he spoke slowly, running his fake hook through the locks of her purple hair. Mal's hand shot up to roughly yank him by the wrist of his arm, "Touching me is bolder."

Mal's glare in her eyes was a slow-burn, fiercely piercing into his, "Never touch me again, Harry. Unless.. you want to end up wearing a real hook,"

"Ye'r oan Uma's territory," As the childish boy said the sentence, Mal's glare turned into awareness. She noticed many of Uma's crew mates were not only surrounding the pair, they were all staring her down as if she was their next new fresh meal.

'Great. I forgot I'm the enemy; not the friend.' The pitiful thought made her head ache. This was all her mother's fault.

"I'm here to see Uma. Would you be kindly enough to take me to her or does the queen need her extra five minutes of spa day before she can be disturbed?"

"Hey! Watch your mouth!" a crew member shouted.

Harry was about to speak on behalf of Uma before the sound of manically laughter cut off the chaotic bunch of standing villains. Out came a stomping average height, brown-skinned girl with thick, long turquoise hair put into braided dreadlocks. Her brown distressed boots stepped on the rottening scallops covered in mold and snails.

"Well, well, well," the girl gave a bright smile as her crew made their own pathway for her, all anticipating her actions to await, "The queen is here."

Harry bowed in her presence as he took her hand and kissed her leather black glove.

Mal sighed. She gripped the straps of her spray-painting bag as she shifted weight to her left leg. Not much was going on in her mind at the moment - besides her gut feeling telling her to walk back to her hideout.

Yes, she came here to make amends but now.. her pride was getting in the way. Now there was a crowd and Mal would never stoop as low to apologizing to her in front of her crowd. That's an embarrassing taunt waiting to happen. Her reputation was already spat on, no need to worsen it.

"Uma.. long time no see," Mal cocked her head to the side as Uma brightfully continued to smile at her, "You still reek of shrimp," She continued on.

"You still reek of a traitorous, insecure girl. We both know you wear that well,"

Mal's nose flared, resulting in another laugh leaving the mouth of the other girl. It was a bad idea coming here. Uma was clearly too childish to have a proper conversation with her; she only cared about their past friendship ending terribly. Let bygones be bygones.

"Ah... what are you doing here, Mal? Did the Prince get bored? Toss you back?" As she asked the questions, she circled the girl while tapping a finger on her chin, "Or did he possibly come to send for more.. no, he would never. He left us all here to rot... you left us all here to rot," the tone in voice shifted, her eyes now meeting Mal's.

Uma was now standing face-to-face with the purple-head. This stand off goes as far back to their old Isle days. In that time the spreading of hatred was child's play. Get a false name or twenty and troll the news articles. News articles were the shock to paralyze the brain, let the sheep scroll down to comments to find out what they should think about it all. Feed them racism, bigotry and hate - all of them are cheaper than compassion. Compassion costs money, war brings in the cash.

"I... just came here to check out the old territory, Uma."

Uma's chuckle froze the room, as if her cackling sound could make the lamplight blow out and the fires burn hotter.

Mal gripped her backpack strap even more. Something about the way she was being presented here was insanely pissing her off. There was no way her and Uma could ever go back to being friends.

The hatred they had for each other went too deep within.

"Let's give you a tour then..."


MAL's blinking increased rapidly. A tour? Has the Isle changed that badly or did Uma have something planned?

Not that Mal could be one to speak on secret plans. She's planned her Auradon getaway for a while now, finally escaping to freedom with the last of dignity she had.

Uma was never one to cockily behave towards Mal. As kids she followed, she never led. Being the daughter of Ursula, an evil octopus who lost to a mermaid 30x under her age, she was inferior to the reputation Mal carried - the daughter of Maleficent. Status on the Isle was like strawberries to Mal.

Punked? It made you a target. The kids here all paid the consequences for their parent's doings. Side kick? You end up here. Henchman? You end up here. Underground connection? You end up here. Villain? You end up here. No matter what sort of evil your parent was, you ended up here along with them.

It was never a fair system on Auradon's part; every kid on the Isle was well aware of that. They got the left overs, the rotten apples leaking with spoiled worms tossed in the trash 2 weeks prior. They got the rainy weeks filled with mud puddles - that Mal throughly enjoyed jumping in - and stained clothing, unable to be washed because of the lack of cleaning machines on the Isle.

Thinking over it, Mal should've expected this. She should've expected them hating her for betraying them, for falling in love with the enemy; the same enemy who had them spending 16 years eating behind rats, eating behind rodents.

"I would enjoy a tour.. from the second-best herself..." Mal finally replied, trying to hide the guilt bumbling deep inside her.

Uma's smirk widen as she wrapped an arm around the purple-head, making a noise that signaled for the others to move out their way. The trust Mal had for Uma in the past was long gone. She wouldn't be left alone with this girl for five seconds, let alone five minutes.

"You know what your problem is, Mal," Uma stated as they started walking, her crew giving the most venomous glares Mal has ever received.

Stepping inside the shack, immediately when one enters, there's a jar with a sign that says Sword Check In, which is to keep the customers from fighting each other. There are several tables and chairs for the customers to sit at. Directly in front of the doors is a stage, where a waterlogged organ rests. Next to the organ is a dart board, where a poster of Mal is pinned... covered in starfish.

'How thoughtful.' Mal bitterly commented in her mind.

The chandeliers are made from old steering wheels from boats. To the right is a long table, which Uma's crew is often gathered at; a old television is next to the table. Further right is a window for customers to restock their meals; above it is several planks of wood that hold the menu. To the left of that window is a door, which leads to the kitchen and home area.

"You should remember this route," said the sea witch hooked beside her. Mal kept her arms crossed as an expression of drain spread on her face.

The duo stopped in front of the store's back door. Remember this? Does she?

The door, once cherry red, is just the same, though the peelings are all shades of a damped pink that surrendered to the high Winter rain year after year. It will move on its hinges still, but with the weariness of of an old man. It creaks, the moan echoing to the rafters that still fight the sagging roof above. The windows no longer beckon light inside, no longer lift the gloom that the walls impose. Instead they add to the growing sense of damp and dark and permit the chill wind to penetrate.

Hearing Uma's crew throwing taunts her way was giving her the ticks. Of course, she was here to make peace.. in private. Trying to apologize - for whatever she did, oh so dearly, wrong - in front of this lot would make her fish bait. No way Mal would lose her reputation even more than already has.

"You know..." Mal dragged out, "You never told me what my problem is," she faced the girl with a teasing smirk.

"Please, tell me. I would love a therapy lesson from the daughter of the failed octopus herself," the response landed Mal getting shoved into a damped fish net. The coarse open-mesh fabric swallowed the purple head who struggled to get out, her green eyes now resting on Uma with spite.

"Your mouth. You have a lot of mouth for someone who hid behind mommy her entire time on the Isle," the comment stung. Deep down inside Mal was aware she got away with everything because of her mother, who was resting back at their hideout spot. But that was the point of the Isle. The bigger the status - the bigger the villainousness.

She was never able to surpass her mother in evil. She tried hard but never matched up to her. Maleficent was simply better than her daughter at being evil. Did it still bother Mal? Yes. It bothered her very much that unlike Evie, her mother never hugged her and congratulated her on stealing her first wallet from a hungry man hanging around the late night corners hoping to catch some ray of sun across heaven.

Yes, it bothered her that unlike Jay, her mother never took time to understand she had passion for her art - in Jay's case; stealing - and so she spent hours watching her paint with a huge smile on her face.

And, yes, Ursula was mean spirited, but Mal wished her mother paid attention to her enough to remember if she dyed at least one part of her braids a different color.

"You think of only yourself," Uma snapped Mal out of her thoughts, "You see everything from your own view, Mal. You never go, "Hey, maybe her life isn't like this. Maybe her life is actually fucked," you know?" As Uma spoke, Mal could feel the fishnet begin to raise. The panic in her heart pounded against the worry in her mind.

Uma chuckled, "And that expression - that expression when you meet consequences. You want to run, don't you?"

It caught her off guard. How well Uma was telling her how she felt. How Uma was.. right. Of course Mal wanted to run away. She was trapped in a damn fishnet in an area where everyone wanted her dead - and could murder her if given the command.

The second she was out of this fishnet, she was going to do harm to Uma she has never done.

"Awe, don't look so suprised, Mal. I figured that'd be your first thought. After all...

... you're pretty good at leaving."

|Thank You For Reading|

this chapter was longer than i expected. im sorry for the long wait for an update.

this anime called one piece had my entire life for a few months. 😅

mal's views on her friend's relationship with their parents is exactly how Uma said it - she's selfish. she doesn't see pass the front, only view what her self sympathy let's her. of course we know from the novels and movies her friends were tormented by their parents just as much as her, especially Carlos.

Carlos had it worse, my god. lmao.

|Love You All|

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