♡ˎˊ˗ f o r t y - f o u r

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"You did hit the bullet to Xukun, right?" Her sharp voice caused shivers to poor Jinho. "..Yes."

Aura smirked in please. "Well done then Jung Jinho,"

"Didn't think you had the guts, correct?"

Jinho nodded hesitant, much aware of Aura's capability. The women had both the weapons and money, not to mention the insanity.

She was crazy.

Getting up from her seat and taking the cigarette from Jinho, Aura placed two tickets on the desk.

"Next stop, Seoul, South Korea."


It had been a few days since I received texts from an unknown number. After reading their last message, I quickly blocked them.

"Hua, are you alright?" Our choreographer shook my shoulder. Realizing I've spaced out, I bowed to our choreographer for not paying attention.

"I think you should get some fresh air."

"Yes, thank you."

Leaving the studio, I walked up the rooftop of Pledis Entertainment. 'Stop thinking about it...' I told myself. 'It's only a text, I bet it was a prank...'

That's when someone ran into me.

Falling to the ground on my butt, I groaned in pain as I held my head down. "Oh my, I'm so sorry!" The person took my hand, helping me up from the ground.

"..It's fine. I'm okay." I laughed. Looking up, I realized who it was.

"Jieqiong sunbaenim!" I bowed again. Not knowing it was my senior, oh how was I stupid.

"No need to bow Hua," Jieqiong chuckled. "You're Cai Xukun's little sister right?"

"Yes I am." She smiled at me, telling me that talent must run in the family. I thanked her after talking for a while, then went ahead going back to the rooftop.

It was raining. Cold and wet rain covered the whole place, but I didn't mind. Right down by the railing as my hair and clothes got soak, I took a look at the sky.

"Gray and sad...." I said aloud.

"Just like you."

I gasped at seeing who was behind me.

"Li Aura...how did you-"


A hand slapped my face. Leaving a red mark. The rain poured harder and harder, the wind becoming windier.

"You stupid little girl! How c-can Casper and Zhengting ever love you?! wHY? WHY?!" I was confused. Her face red and puffy; anger and sadness.

Aura came running towards me,

with a gun.

"W-what are you doing?!" Screaming in horror. Backing away from Aura in the pouring rain, it seemed like a scene from a movie.

With my back facing the railings and not knowing where my feet were standing,

I slipped.

"Argh-! N-no.!" My hand barely on the building's edge. The way from ground was so far,

I was scared.

Hearing the crazy giggling coming, a head popped from the top, looking over my hanging body.

"It's-It's a beautiful view! Isn't it?!" Her foot smashing my only hand to save myself. I screeched in agony.


"Oh! You want me to stop now hun?" Her eyes filled with both mischief and insanity. The gun that she fiddled with, pointing to me.

"Okay then!" Her fake smile, I cried in sobs with the rain.

'I don't want to die...'

"I'll leave you here then!"

My hope crushed. I was gonna die. I was never to live after this.

"No no no no no no!" Panic. Worry. I'm scared.

The sound of the door shutting tightly.

One last tear....



"I can still- still save..you..."

"....H-how did you come here-"

One last smile to him.

Remember I said it seemed like scene from a movie?

Oh how it was...


"....I love you Zhengting."

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