First Semester Selection Stage

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"Brothers and sisters of Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha it is the beginning of a new first semester!" Reyna the sorority leader announces to be meet with cheers.

Beside her is Fraternity leader Jason Grace. They stand before the entire twin houses in the home cinema of the sorority's building. Everyone sits comfortably seated on a long couch lining the back and right wall and two rows of bean bag beach chairs, a couple dozen boys and girls sprawled out over them all wearing a simple necklace with the Greek letters σκμα on them.

"You all know what it means, we have each been assigned one of this years applicants and it's time to present our findings and discuss which freshmen will be considered for this years new brothers and sisters." Jason announced in a booming voice.

"Sophomore applicants who have not previously applied last year are also being accepted, those who have are not being considered." Reyna states.

"I'd like to celebrate last years little brothers and sisters, congratulations it's your second year as a Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha student!" Jason receives claps and attention turned to said students.

"Last year was a sad year, we only found three acceptable applicants but this year you aren't little sister and brothers anymore, this year you get to partake in the same selection stages that proved you worthy of this fraternity and sorority." Reyna is instantly met with whoops form Leo, Piper and Frank, last years new brothers and sister.

"How does it feel being here on the other side of the process?" Jason asked them.

"I can't believe you losers spent your free time doing research on us." Piper says earning laughs.

"I'm glad you guys didn't just choose us because of our grades or something." Frank said earning a playful nudge from Percy.

"Well it's time to start with the first applicant we received, remember everyone we're looking for people who aren't judgmental or rude, look out for bullying, appearance led opinions and any type of behaviour we wouldn't want in out houses." Jason said.

"Time to present, raise your hands like we have been taught since kindergarten to ask a question or make a comment and remember to mark on the Kahoot yes or no if you would move the applicant onto the next stage." Reyna instructs.

"Wait we use Kahoot?" Leo asked.

"Yes we don't waist paper with voting, it's not about getting the answer right or wrong both answers are collected as correct but the sight shows us the tally of which, yes or no, gets the most votes and exactly how much. Annabeth records it on the iPad and we can proceed from there, so everyone get out your phones and get onto kahoot, red will be no, blue will be yes, yellow is maybe; maybes won't be counted so it is okay to not have an opinion or be unsure." Reyna explains.

"The kahoot code is ****** everyone." Annabeth calls.

"Okay whoever's researched applicant goes first and we just go from there, there's no timer on the kahoot but please don't make a decision until you've heard enough of the information to know if the person is or isn't a nice person." Jason asks before he hands the floor to Annabeth.

Joining everyone else Reyna and Jason get on the kahoot and once everyone is on Annabeth starts the kahoot.

"Nico Di Angelo, whose got him?" Annabeth asks.

"Me." Connor got up and picked up the laser pointer.

"Okay let me get it up." Reyna opened his emails and opened up the slideshow Connor sent him.

"Okay Nico Di Angelo," Connor began, "First I want to show you Nico's filled out application."

Clicking to the next slide an image of the word application Nico filled out is shown on the slide words clear and readable.

"I checked the information and he didn't lie about anything in his application, he's nineteen and as you can see here he applied because his step sister Hazel Levesque also applied and the two of them are very close so they wanted to be part of the same brother sister fraternity sorority. There is no incest in case you're asking." Connor states making everyone especially the second years laugh.

"Nico's gay, came out when he was fourteen and as you can see here he has said he understands if this would make the other guys uncomfortable. He clearly has not done an ounce of research on the fraternity but he cares about respect and boundaries. The guy is pretty kept to himself and not very social, super emo goth, got lots of shit for that but the guy's never been mean to anyone unless they insult his sister in which case he got suspended for punching a guy square int he jaw. Yes Travis." Connor asks his brother whose arm is raised.

"What did the other guy say about Hazel?" Travis asked.

"He was calling her a scaredy cat for not drinking underage which we know is illegal. Turns out Nico did him a favour because Hazel was about a comment away from beating the guys balls in till he's infertile. That guy is the horrible applicant from last year Octavian." Connor said receiving the expected 'boo's' about the asshole.

"So we like Nico and Hazel?" Annabeth asked and received a chorus of 'yes'.

"Well do we need to proceed?" She asks Connor in case there is more information we might need to know.

"No because that's the whole slide; he punched Octavian in the face and I figured that would get us the win." Connor snickers at his own laziness.

"There isn't anything more we need to know?" Butch asked.

"No not until the next stage no. He's nice but he's just not a people person, he sticks inside more than anything and he helps his dad who owns a huge funeral business, he's pretty respectful towards the dead and gets good pay for spending less money but still get a great ceremony. The cemeteries they work with and practically run are garden cemeteries, his step mom maintains the gardens there and Hazel helps her with that too, they use your ashes to fertilise a seed of your choice to grow a tree or a plant of some kind to help produce oxygen and make this really nice garden people can enjoy instead of a morbid cemetery with stones." Connor explains.

"That's actually pretty cool can we do that?" Grover asks.

"You plan on dying in the next decade?" Thalia asks him.

"Na but if I die stupidly at least it's already sorted out." Grover says.

"I'm going there, they're planting red and orange lilies." Leo says.

"Wait really?" Connor asks.

"Yeah my mum's there, she's a cherry tree because she loved the fruit and the pink flowers. When we planted the seed with her ashes I asked Persephone to reserve the space just in front of it around the base of the tree so when I die we can be buried together." Leo says with a tear filled smile.

"That is actually so sweet." Connor says.

"Come here little guy." Piper giver her best friend a hug.

"I know red's your favourite colour but why orange?" Nyssa asks.

"Because the red and orange ones look really pretty." Leo sniffled adorably.

"It's a really nice place because all the colours make you think more about when they were alive rather that they're dead. It makes it happier plus they don't rake the leaves away and they let them decompose naturally so the soil is always healthy and doesn't need artificial stuff. They let anyone go in there as long as you don't damage any of the plants, I go and study there a lot, get homework done and assignments." Leo said hugging his bestie.

"That was so adorable it is now illegal, proceed with caution." Jason said wiping a tear from hearing Leo.

"Okay everyone make sure you voted." Annabeth says once everyone confirms they move on the next one.

"Everyone voted yes. I wonder if that's because if Leo." Annabeth laughed.

"Na it's because he punched Octavian." Leo says looking a little more cheered up.

A few people mostly smug popular kids before they got to anyone good, like you know? A good person?

"Hazel levesque is next and I assume we already have an answer but do you guys still want a quick presentation?" Annabeth asked.

"Sum it up, we can look at it when the applicants are more finalised." Clarisse suggests.

"Okay well Hazel's eighteen and loves horses and has a golden coated one named Arion. She races competitively, her and her horse are taking the mostly male jockey industries by storm, he's a very fast horse but does not trust anyone but Hazel. Basically this guy tried to buy the horse because he claimed a great horse needs a great rider but Arion literally wouldn't go anywhere near him. Hazel pushed his reputation in even further by taking a meek horse who wasn't saddled yet and earning her trust and winning a race with her, the horse wasn't even expected to be fast when the people got it." Annabeth told everybody.

"If she's going into the horse racing industry why does she need to go to college?" Selena asked.

"Because she also wants to help her brother which the funeral business she'd work part time probably but guess she wants a back up incase of an injury which means she can't ride anymore." Annabeth guessed.

"It's not a bad idea at all." Thalia states.

"Okay votes, votes, votes, Yeah okay she's in. Next is Calypso Nightshade, it's in alphabetical order by the way, last name led." Annabeth informed.

"That's my sister." Zoë said proudly.

"I got her." Piper says getting up.

"Okay, Calypso sister of our Zoë Nightshade is twenty." Piper began as Reyna opened up her slideshow.

"First of all Zoë gave me access to her phone so that how most of this was created." Some people snicker at that.

"Oh shut up it worked, so Calypso is doing classes on plants and stuff so I'm pretty sure she's planning to work in maintaining public parks and gardens and working for private estates." Piper said showing the second slide having photos of some of the gardens Calypso has at home.

"How sure?" Annabeth asks when pointed to.

"Because I texted her as Zoë." Piper says over her shoulder as everyone erupts into laughter.

"She's never been suspended or anything before and really likes tea for some reason." Piper tells them.

"She texted you about how much she wants tea and which one she should have didn't she?" Zoë asks with a grin.

"Yes for half an hour. Apparently my suggestion was stupid because camomile tea is only for when you have a sore throat and it needs to have lemon and honey. She also lectured me about decent fruit tea brands, there are lots of shit artificial flavoured ones that I am apparently not to consume, or else and Zoë you might want to write this down; I will put poisonous petals in your shitty tea." Piper can't keep a straight face.

"Yeah Calypso does actually know how to poison you with very legal plants, just saying." Zoë says.

"What? Has she poisoned someone before?" Percy asks recoiling from the girl two bean bags over from him.

"Yeah gave this asshole indigestion for still hitting on me when I said I didn't date, the guy had diarrhoea for a week." Zoë laughed.

"She shall poison out enemies." Piper states formally as a final statement.

"She won't kill anyone?" Frank asks.

"Only murderers and rapists." Zoë answered.

"Perfect." Thalia said.

"What are the chances of her using her skills for our pranks?" Travis asks with Connor beside him nodding both with their hand Mr Burns style.

"Not on friends only on enemies." Zoë answered.

"This is unacceptably Smithers." Connor says.

"But it will do, ah yes, this will do quite nicely." Travis says.

"Okay you two can stop it, whose up next?" Chris asks.

"***** ********." Quite a few more applications that all seemed half decent and a few shitty ones later.

"Will Solace." Annabeth reads.

"That's me, we not really but still." Percy says getting up.

"Okay go." Reyna says with the slide show up.

"Okay Will Solace is a bogan so he and Piper can have bogan babies." Percy starts and Piper throws and pillow at him.

"Na but he's a beach boy, major dude bro vibes. His clothes consist of shorts and T-shirt's, he actually likes to surf and doesn't pretend to be good at it so he's modest. He's training to become a doctor and surgeon, he's basically a prodigy; the guy saved over a dozen kids in a school shooting by whipping out a medical grade med kit and removing bullets and stitching everything up. He even gave instructions to teachers who had a bit of medical training for these situations. His dad's also a surgeon and him and his mum are from Texas, people say he's a mini me of his dad right down to being bi but less of a man whore. No but guys check this out he literally looked like a mini me of his dad." Percy shows us a slide with a photo of him and his dad in a hospital, presumably the one he works in.

"Why are they both in scrubs?" Lee asks.

"He's already working as an intern I guess but the medical equivalent. Basically it's like work experience, he's mostly in the emergency room because he's good at calming people down and cheering them up. He's pretty good at giving a diagnosis and quickly fixing a problem so he's basically guaranteed the job once he graduates. He's nineteen and already got a better career than me." Percy says going to the next slide which actually shows pictures of him helping his classmates in the school shooting and others where he's helping them on the stretcher.

"Damn this guys the real deal." Lee says.

"Are those all the bullets he removed?" Juniper asked.

"Yep, almost thirty. He was next to the class room that got most shot up. He then ran out into the open fire to get to some kids who were going to the bathroom or the bubbler when the shooter arrived." Percy answered.

"I'm sorry he ran into the line of fire?" Annabeth emphasised every word.

"Yep, apparently the guy is basically like an army doctor, getting in dangerous situation to save people if he has too. I don't think there is much else I can tell you, he sounds like an all round happy guy and he's never gotten into trouble in fact his friends quoted on an article about how he saved those students that he's the responsible friend but when he can save somebody it's another story." Percy confirms.

"Okay everyone's already voted so next up is Drew Tanaka."

"I'm up." Katie said.

"Drew Tanaka is twenty and only just graduated high school last year because she was kept back on account of good standing. She'd had too many suspensions for bullying, cheating on tests and blackmailing people. She's manipulative and cares about appearance over everything else, she loves drama and stirs it up all the time." Katia stated.

"She treats her friends like servants I swear and I mean it'd be kinky if they liked it, but no she's just a bitch, grade A bitch right here." Katie said.

"We'll she can die." Selena said.

"Yeah she ain't getting." Clarisse stayed and everyone agreed.

It went a little longer until they were through all the applications.

"Okay everyone the applicant's are over it's time to go back over and check the tallies." Jason said.

Reyna opened a new word document and made a graph then filled it in as Annabeth gave her the numbers. They ended with this:

"Okay so we've got to talk about these four because the numbers a pretty close." Jason says.

"Are we gonna vote again?" Frank asked.

"No we try to avoid that because it usual just causes a hassle." Pollux answered.

"Pollux is right it can get complicated, human error in counting and if it keeps being even or not working people could get fed up and just say no or say yes to get it over with and then someone might miss out because, or an asshole could get in." Jason explained.

"Okay so we just talk about it?" Frank asked.

"Yep." Thalia spoke.

"Okay ******** ******* ten for no, eight for yes. There's just one number between them so it's a close call. Yes Leo?" Reyna started.

"There are two numbers between eight and ten, ten take eight is two." Leo said like a child correcting a teacher.

"Oh shut it there is one number between them and that number is nine, you know that's what I meant. Anyway there are fourteen maybe's so can we go back over what made people say no?"

"She was caught selling people assignments and stuff, we don't want to be investigated because she gets in trouble for selling people papers." Castor spoke up.

"Yeah we don't want to have them looking through all our stuff but we don't have anything illegal so it's not a major problem, just if we have any classes with her and they think she did our assessments for us." Hylla answered her little sister.

"Hm when was she last in trouble for doing that?" Annabeth asked.

"Second year before she graduated." Beckendorf answered.

"Damn they probably have their eyes on her." Piper commented.

"She got caught because she gave two people the exact same paper instead of doing the assignment two different ways. Honestly I just don't want to deal with that, I know for the most part she's fine but the girl's a cheat and you know how I feel about that." Selena said.

"Yeah we want people who are making money legally, if she was selling anything else, anything I wouldn't mind." Jason.

"Well not drugs but we get your point." Juniper said.

"I'd give her a chance but she sold to Drew which is why Drew got caught and I just really don't want her to invite her to a party we are hosting." Nyssa Admits.

"Yeah I know it's not a great reason but I agree I don't really want Drew on our property." Miranda agrees.

"Remember we are talking about ******** ******* not Drew, do we want her to join or not? Rules can get laid down about who can get invited over." Jason reminded.

"Yeah we always go over the invite list together but what if she doesn't listen or sneaks Drew in and claims she must have gotten in with the crowd?" Nyssa asks.

"She's just not the type of person I want to live with." Clarisse said.

"Huh I didn't think you'd care much." Chris stated.

"I can't enjoy the Hazing if I hate the person." Clarisse told.

"Hm, that makes a lot more sense." Percy said only to have a second pillow thrown at him in this meeting.

"Wow Jackson, all the girls are hitting you today." Dekota laughed.

"Yeah all the girls are hitting on me today." Percy replied making them all laugh out snicker.

"Back on topic, ******** ******* yes or no?" Reyna asked on final time.

People shook their heads while a few shrugged but none nodded.

"Okay rejected, next ***** **** eleven yes, thirteen no." Reyna stated.

"Another one number different despite what Leo and his math says." Jason says earning snickers.

"He's a good guy but he just can't keep a secret, usually I wouldn't hold that so against someone but," Annabeth trailed off.

"He outed someone, his best friend told him he was gay and he just fucking spilled it to the whole fucking school." Thalia states angrily.

"Who fucking does that?" Travis was disgusted.

"Yeah that's fucked, I get it wasn't his intention but it was not his secret to tell and of all people he spilled it to the gossip type of people, I think it's a no." Nyssa tells Reyna and almost everyone nods.

"That one was fast, I think what happened was people voted yes before they heard the rest." Jason said moving on.

"**** ****** this is the first one with more yes's than no's twelve yes, nine no." Jason reads.

"Two difference." Reyna looks at Leo pointedly who snickers and chuckles.

"Why did people say maybe?" Zoë asked.

"Because he's a free loader." Rachel called from her placed slouching on the couch.

"His sister told me the guy doesn't do shit. He gets mad at her when the dishes aren't done even though him and his constant snacking and stacking the dishes in the sink is the reason. He literally yells at her or her mum if dinner isn't ready and the fucker yells at people at school too if they get in his way when walking to class." Rachel enlightened them.

"I feel like that's a strong no." Frank says and all the guys nod, Hell the girls nod and they wouldn't have to share a house with him.

"Okay fourth and final ***** ******* seventeen no, eleven yes five difference that's the larges difference we've had." Grover said.

"Dude five difference I think it's already a no." Thalia says.

"He's only signing up to fuck our sister sorority." Castor said.

"I mean we can't completely judge based on that because we do fuck." Katie points out.

"Yeah but we don't just do that, it's about supporting your brothers and lifting our sisters above sexism. I get the feeling this guy would actually push things back in the opposite direction." Percy glared at his name on the projection.

"Yeah I don't like him." Reyna agreed with many others nodding.

"Well glad that's dealt with. Now's just the start of the fun part." Thalia's smirk being replicated by the others throughout the room.

Later That Week

The boys were brought through the fraternity house as the girls were through the sorority house, they all met in the joint lard where the collective members of Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha awaited. They looked far cooler than the dumbasses they might have gone to school with in the past.

A green eyed guy leaned against the waterfall which had water falling into the pool, three purple eyed ones stood together sipping light beers behind a back yard bar on the girl's side of the space. Sat on some outdoor furniture under the boy's balcony were seemingly identical boys with three red heads; two girls and a guy who clearly weren't related, a grey eyed girl and a girl with an eclectic blue streak. A guy with a buzz cut and a kind smile stood with a tall blond and two girls with green eyes, a cross the yard from them were a stoic Latina, a kind looking girl and a big teddy bear of a guy talking to the boy by the pool. A black haired girl stood next to an older looking Latina leaning against the fence with a buff girl with a bandanna and a brunette boy and near the centre stood a buff but kind looking girl with a Native American beauty and an elvish Latino. All darting between looking at the girls then the boys as they made there way to the centre of the large outdoor space.

"Welcome to Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha." Someone said, the four couldn't figure out who amongst all the people had said it.

"Calypso, Hazel, Nico, Will, Yes I said that alphabetically." The grey eyed blond called them over.

As the four came over everyone came from wherever they were to the centre of the space being mindful not to make them feel surrounded or closed in.

"Of all the sixteen applicants You four are the only ones who will be offered a place here." The younger Latina told them.

"I'm Reyna I'm head of the sorority, this is Jason he's the head of the fraternity." She nodded to the guy across from her.

"If you should accept and succeed through the final stages of selection called hazing then you will be able to move in in two weeks, is that understood?" Reyna asked.

The four nodded well aware that the people around them were studying their every move.

"Assuming you don't know what Hazing is Annabeth is going to explain, she's our human dictionary and thesaurus, she is the human google with an array of completely random and inconsistent information. She can tell you who discover blood types but not her own, studying architecture she can tell you all about the most famous buildings in the country but god forbid you ask which state they're in." Reyna says and the grey eyed blond doesn't seem to take an ounce of offence before speaking.

"Hazing is the American fraternity and sorority tradition of making new members preform humiliating or demeaning tasks to earn a place in the fraternity or sorority. It is commonly things such as streaking, chugging beer, breaking into campus or stealing something from a rival house. However here as Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha we believe in a more reflective hazing, reflective of the lifestyle you will likely adopt here in this twin house. We believe that embarrassing yourself for the sake of our amusement is immature and unnecessary, our preferred form of hazing has been practiced for generations in these twin houses and today we give you the opportunity to decide if you will participate. If you are uncomfortable with the idea and do not wish to continue we will hold it not against you, this is why we do this hazing; to help you decide if you want to have your college experience here in this way." Annabeth spoke formally.

"Before we tell you what the hazing is it is important we make sure you know where it is coming from and what type of events and traditions you can expect from Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha." Jason spoke for the first time since they all arrived.

"We do not condone the use of drugs and if you wish to use illegal substances we ask you to leave now, we will not report you but should we see you with illegal substances within campus, near or on our property we will call the authorities. Many fraternities like to use drugs Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha is not one of them further more we do not ever invite underaged high schoolers to our parties because of the alcohol that we serve, we do not encourage underaged drinking and we do not permit smoking is that clear?" Jason asked.

"Yes." They all nodded.

"Good. Now there are rumours about what we do here in Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha," Jason moved on to another subject, "those rumours are true. We do fraternise with one another and this includes sexually, we fully encourage you to explore your sexualities, kinks and fetishes here, we do not shame one another however there are very firm rules we can all agree on. Zhang can you tell the freshmen the rules?" He didn't even turn to look at the guy who began listing the rules immediately.

"Always ask for consent, consent through pestering and threat is not consent. Absolutely no pedophilia what so ever, we will report you to the authorities. Practice hygiene, clean everything used for sex properly and if it wasn't designed for sex don't use it. Protection is mandatory." Frank said which were all rules that's shouldn't have to be stated but maybe they had someone who didn't follow them at some stage.

"Valdez explain the hazing." Jason ordered and the Latino stepped forward.

"The Hazing you will be preforming if you so choose is to preform a collection of sexual favours for the current members of ether the fraternity or the sorority, you way also choose both. This is something we've all done and we just as you were offered the decision; pleasure the girl, the boys, both or neither. No option will reward you greater than the others, it is simply up to you to decide what you are and are not comfortable with. If you decide to go forth with the hazing and complete the two weeks without deciding this fraternity or sorority isn't for you then you will have been officially made a Sigma Kappa Mu Alpha. Everyone in front of you has a tell tale inscription on their sororital - I do not believe that is a word - fraternal necklace that shows what choice we made and whom we decided to serve for a fortnight." The unnamed Valdez guy said.

The two boys and two girls looked around at the necklaces they all wore searching for the inscription which would clue them in and their eyes widened when they found it. Taking a closer look Hazel realised the symbols of male and female were engraved into the Greek letters σκμα in the dip of the μ either a circle with a cross or a circle with an arrow or both were in graved into the metal. She pointed it out to her brother in the little Italian he'd taught her, the other two seemed to see it as well because the four now looked at everyone's necklace for those two or one symbols so perfectly hidden in plain sight.

"Zoë oh my god did you actually?" Calypso asked her older sister.

"Yeah I fucked every girl here, either for my hazing or there's, or at some point after." She answered her sister who seemed to be processing this.

"I knew you were a lesbian but damn." Calypso commented.

"Leo you're bi?" Hazel asked the Latino who had spoken.

"No equestrian I'm straight as far as I'm aware, I'm just open to anything and felt curious when I had my hazing. I figured why not give it a shot?" Leo stated.

"Did you just call my sister equestrian?" Nico asked.

"Cherry tree boy." Hazel explained and Nico seemed to quickly understand.

"Ah that makes more sense." Nico nodded.

"So either you were all feeling adventurous like Valdez over here, or you're pretty gay." Will gestured to said boy.

"Yep, we're pretty gay, got some pansexuals up in here, whole lotta everything." Some guy said.

"I'm guessing this is where all the gay orgies happen." Calypso guessed.

"We organise the best orgies because everybody fucks everybody." The green eyes guy that was beside the pool states.

"Look we aren't saying you have to but if you want to be here you have to because this is something we constantly do. If you don't want to be getting laid constantly you don't want to be here because that is what we do, if you don't like it you're not going to like it here." Jason said plain and simple.

They gave them a moment to think about it, then Will broke the silence.

"I have a feeling I won't be needing my underwear." He said.

"No, no you will not." Leo smiled.

"Yeah this won't be a problem at all." Hazel said.

"The fact that we are doing this says a lot about our family." Nico shook his head.

"If I can walk by the end of this, you all will have failed me." Calypso states causing an eruption of laughter.

"Believe me you won't." Zoë assured.

"You need to decide if you want to have sex with the fraternity the sorority or both." Reyna reminded them.

"Fraternity, I'm too gay to do it with the sorority girls." Nico states.

"Same but the straight equivalent." Calypso said.

"Then I'm going with the girls." Hazel says.

"Are you sure haze? You don't have to." Nico told her.

"Yeah but I'm bi curious so why not? It sounds fun and I'll learn a few tricks." Hazel shrugged.

"Well I'm pretty sure I'm bi so I'll take a shot at both, best case scenario I'm so tuckered out I fall right asleep each night." Will said.

"Are you happy with your final answers?" Reyna asks and receives firm nods.

"Then pack one bag full of clothes and toiletries and come back from wherever you're currently staying at six o'clock tonight. We'll have dinner together and hand you each your hazing attire." Reyna instructs.

"Hazing attire?" Will inquires.

"We'll get that now while your packing so we will need to measure you seeing as stores sizes are unreliable from one store to the next." Jason says.

"We all have one and afterwards you get to keep it even if you back out in the end anyway." Leo said.

A few measurements later Selena had all fours required information down and the four left to go pack while the twin sorority and fraternity had to last minute shopping to do.

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