Chapter 10 The Decision

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        "WE HAVE TO GO TO HER!" Leo's fist slammed down onto the table as his demand washed over the others. His eyes were angry, pleading, and worried. But Silver saw through those three emotions. What Leo's real emotion was? It was the feeling of lost love. Silver sat at the head of the table, to her left sat James, Percy, Nico, Bone, the Stoll Brothers, Will from the Apollo Cabin, and others boy counselors from the cabins. Bone was Silver's half brother from the godly side of things. He had grown up in the Underworld with her father. He and her sister Jewel. In between Will and Connor was an empty seat with painted flames on it and gears. It had buttons on the side handles which Leo must have added. See they had made a room like the Olympians court. Each person got to choose how to design their chair, and got their name painted really cool on the back. Leo's name is burned into it so it has this really cool sunken and blackened effect. Connor and Travis' were white with designs of who knows what. Maybe stuff they stole. Their names were carved into their chairs and painted over with yellow. Will's was bright yellow with the sun chariot on the seat, his name was just painted on, but he painted it with the tip of his arrow so it was ULTRA cool and skinny. Bone's was pure black and his name was made out of... Well, Bones. In between James and Percy was an empty seat that was painted in a way so it looked like a wave just before it came crashing down. There was a white wolf hidden in the wave with startling yellow eyes. Some people say that Jay had really seen that sight, and being a half-blood and all, it wasn't a surprise. Percy's and James' seats were decorated pretty much the same, but instead of a wolf Percy had a lightning bolt, and instead of a wolf or a lightning bolt James had his fathers palace. Poseidon's palace.

To Silver's right sat an empty seat, Scarlet's. Hers was painted with birds and her name in feathers. She may be an Ares kid, but she was a soft kid at heart. Then there was Jewel's seat. Jewel had blood hair, and she had insisted on just keeping the chair plain but painting her name on it in blood, so they did what she had asked. Her hair would grow randomly as she sat there anyway, so it would usually be covered in blood at the end of the meeting. Gems sometimes wrapped around the chair as well, but not that often. Lily was next. She had declared that she was sitting across from Percy, even though Silver insisted on her being next to her or Scarlet, but the stubborn love-bird had refused. Her chair was actually made out of ice with electricity arching through it. So mental note, do not touch Lily's chair unless you wanted to become an electrocuted icy pop. Her name was also made out of real storm clouds! Yay... Then there was Bianca's, it was colored silver from the time she had been a huntress. She hadn't added much to it, but it was still cool. Then there was Zoe, Clarisse, and a bunch of others. Silver's was a very... Odd one. It had hell hound ears on the top side poles of the chair. Shadows and light fused together to create the chair. A bird--possibly a dove-- sat on her wrist, its cage just above Silver's head. Silver dragon wings sprouted from the back of the chair and deadly spikes lined themselves down the side.

At the end of the table, across from Silver sat Leo. The person demanding something always got out of their normal seat and sat there for the meeting. It was magic so that it would fit the person's mood and personality, and right now Leo's was storm grey and blue.

"Leo, how?" asked Percy, slowly standing up and placing down his seashell that he had been messing with.

"I agree with Seaweed Brain." proclaimed Lily and Annabeth in unison, standing up at the same time. Annabeth's chair was a stormy grey color with an owl perched on the top, the symbol of Athena. Its cage--Just like Silver's dove--was hung over Annabeth's head.

Lily shot daggers at Annabeth then said, "Correction, I agree with Seaweed Brain and Bird Brain."

"Bird Brain?" Annabeth looked offended.

"Would you prefer Owl Poop?" Suggested Lily.

"No, I'll stick with Bird Brain." muttered Annabeth, looking defeated. Her stormy grey eyes were angry, but fortunately she kept her cool.

Bone cleared his throat, "Anyway" he glared pointedly at Lily, "Leo, they're right. No one can find that island twice, what was it? Ogeema?"

"Ogygia." corrected Leo impatiently.

"Bone." Jewel chided, "Don't crush his spirits."

"I'm just saying the truth! Lame sister..." he growled.

Jewel's eye twitched and half of her blood hair shot up, carrying spears.

"Ack! Calm down drama queen! But if you wanna play THAT game..." muttered Bone. Bones shot out of the ground, forming a shield in front of him.

"Both of you quit it!" snapped Nico and both of their objects vanished. The spears in Jewel's hair and Bone's bones.

"Look, we need to send three demigods to find Ogygia. Now." said Leo.

Everyone's eyes turned to Silver. Her judgment could help Leo, or crush his dreams and his love life. Silver perked her hell hound ears to hear the whispers around the room.

"--Gonna crush Leo like the tin can he is..." Travis was whispering to his brother.

"I know her, she'll let Leo go. She never says no to a love purposed plea." Lily was telling Jewel and she was nodding,

"She won't let Leo go. To dangerous." Percy was telling James. Finally Silver looked at Jay's empty chair. Her eyes were pained but then were quickly guarded back up. She looked at Red's old, dusty plain chair. Lily was right about something, Silver never abandoned a plea of help if it was for love.

"I grant Leo Valdez and his two companions permission to travel to the Mediterranean and find Calypso."  as the words left Silver's mouth she felt a wave of disbelief and anger slam into her. Lily was grinning and she and Jewel quietly high-fived, James and Percy's mouths were opened in shock, and Travis and Connor's eyes were wide.

"IT'S TO DANGEROUS!" roared Clarisse in anger, standing up and looking down at Silver with her piercing eyes. But Silver did not flinch. She kept her hands calmly folded in front of her, slowly turning her blue gaze to the Ares kid.

"It is not.  Correction to my brother, Bone. No man has found Ogygia twice." said Silver.

"But... 'tis only the men that find this island." Zoë pointed out.

"But someone powerful will be able to find her." countered Silver.

"Someone powerful..." repeated Leo, tapping his fingers on the table. Suddenly his eyes lighted up with excitement and he snapped his fingers, "I've got it!"

Silver made a go on gesture and Leo ran over to Lily. "Powerful." he said, pointing down at her. He then moved over to Jewel. "Strong and daring." he said, pointing down at Jewel.

"But Silver has to go!" squeaked Jewel.

"Sadly, I can not." replied Silver, "As much as I would love to help Leo, I am not qualified to go."


"Too many battle wounds. Besides..." Silver hesitated on the next word, "Sister, this is your quest and your time to shine. Its about time I get out of the spotlight."

Jewel's eyes lit up and she smiled, nodding vigorously.

"We will provide you with the stuff you need. Good luck Leo, Lily, and Jewel." Silver nodded to each one and slowly got up. James quickly got up as well and helped her. "Until then." 

They walked off and Silver looked at James, a small smile on her face. 

"Good choice." said James, smiling down at her.

"But you didn't expect me to choose it." she added and James nodded reluctantly.

"I just... Don't get why. Yet I do support it, Silver, and I support you." 

"Well, I did it because... Well... Did you see Leo's face?"

"You mean the pleading look?"

"No. I mean the look of a lost lover. The emotion on his face? Thats heart ache."

"How do you know?"

"Ah... Aphrodite stuff."

"Right, right." James smiled and lightly kissed her on the cheek. 

"Well, lets see... They have a forge kid going, a Zeus kid, and a Hades kid." muttered Silver and James nodded. "Zeus kid... They need to air travel. End of story."


"Alright. Well... We will need the Argo II."

"Didn't it like... Crash and burn?"

"We've been repairing it ever since Fish Boy." joked Silver and James cracked a smile.

"Alright alright. I'm behind on the news. But we better get to dinner for the big announcement."

"Oh please! Few more minutes talking to you?" asked Silver.

"Only if you give me your desert." James winked.

"Not worth it." she replied and Fish Boy laughed.

"Alright then, lets get going Love Queen."

"Hey! That's my mom!" she laughed and they went to dinner.

CHICKEN BUTT! *Screams and slams into a cliff* Ow... *Rubs head* *Phone rings* *Picks it up and listens.* Oh... OH! That's now? But they-- Fine. BUT THEY STILL INTERRUPTED MY CLIFF SHOW! *Hangs up* *turns to camera* Oh hi! I didn't know you were there! Wait... You didn't see or hear that... Little... SHOOT! .. Anyway... I hope you enjoyed! 

But Here is the question of the story... Do you think Silver and James will hook up? COMMENT TO FIND OUT! Seriously comment people I'm getting lonely D; Vote, COMMENT, read, and follow! :D


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