Chapter 49

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"Alright it's been exactly twelve hours since I've asked you to marry me and you still haven't given me an answer." said Jay, catching up to me.

I looked at him, and even I knew that pain was flaring up in my eyes. He didn't get it. How could I say yes to his purpose knowing that he may not come back... And then I'd be left with an empty alter and another broken heart.

"Jay I can't make a decision like this on a time line. Besides, you asked me while I was drunk."

"Far enough, but I just don't wanna spend another moment without knowing that you will always be mine."

"Silly, I'll always be yours. But for now you have to worry about preparing for Tartarus. Now get to class."

Yes I said it. The forbidden word. Class.

The people going on the quest to Tartarus are getting tutored by those who have been there. Annabeth is teaching with us, even though she's going on the quest herself. She'll be teaching how to survive, and Nico and I will be in charge of what you see. Then we'll all come together to tell them all how to fight 'special' monsters and what to do if you run into some.

Also if you think that interferes with Annabeth's roll, it doesn't. She will be telling them about food and drink down there that could keep you from dying. Won't this be a fun class?

First period, Hades kids time.

I looked at everyone in the room, Annabeth, James, Calypso, Jay, Piper, Jason, Hazel, Frank, and Clarrise.

"Let's get started!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands.

An hour passed (our school was different than others! The time periods for classes are different!). Everyone was tired from trying to control their minds. We had sort of put them in a generator... That... Sort of shows Tartarus how Nico and I see it... Then we did exercises in how not to go mad! Now isn't that better than a normal school day? Be happy we didn't learn math. Or... gods forbid, an exam! With ADHD demigods? NOPE.

"GODS OF OLYMPUS WHAT IS THAT!" Exclaimed Jason, throwing the glasses (of the generator) onto the floor and slamming his head against the wall. I looked at Nico and shook his head, putting an X mark by Jason's name. That basically meant he needed work.

Annabeth's turn came up after Jason's and we put the glasses on her. I glanced at a screen, she was looking at the same thing Jason was. She moved (yes you could move) and ended up finding Tartarus' heart. She looked at it for awhile then moved on, but I DID notice a tiny shiver run through her body. A blue and black thing moved around the sky like a disgusting bruise or parasite and she flinched slightly. Finally she took off the glasses and seemed in better control than most would be. Understandable, she had already been there so she knew what to expect. Kind of.

I'm not explaining all the people and what happened so long story short... (I will grade these like normal grades, but don't blame me if I get something wrong!)

Jason: F-

Annabeth: A

James: B-

Calypso: A++ (she's the daughter of a Titan what did you expect?)

Jay: A (I may have had a bit to do with that grade...)

Piper: B-

Hazel: C

Frank: D

Clarrise: B+

Don't blame me if I got some grades wrong or some of those grades 'don't exist'. In case you haven't noticed, IM A HALF BLOOD! NOT A SCHOLAR! What do you expect me do be given the question 647284682X3528 and solve it in one minute? I don't even know what 2+2 is...


After teaching and nearly driving Jason and Frank insane we sat down to take a break. Course everyone was happy about that, but Annabeth found out Calypso had gotten a better 'grade' than her. Man was she mad.

So of course I calmly ate my sandwich with Jay right next to me munching on his meat while the two went at it.

I quickly looked around for Nico and found him hiding in the shadows nibbling on a grape. Yup. Enjoy that, brother.


"Oh, oh. You want your soup?" Asked Annabeth, picking up Calypso's bowl of soup.

Calypso nodded and Annabeth smacked it into her face. Apparently Calypso was behind on the latest food fight starts. Wait did she even know what a food fight was? Better not ask.

The two started throwing food at each other and screeching and screaming.

Jason tapped my shoulder and I turned my head, raising an eyebrow. "Silver, aren't you the teacher? Shouldn't you do something?" He asked.

"I should." I agreed. "But this is to amusing."

Jason face palmed and went back to his lunch. I looked at the clock on the wall and frowned, class was over.

I grabbed Annabeth and told her to get ready to teach her own class. That seemed to pull her out of her rage and she quickly ran off. I looked at Calypso, quietly high diving her and walking off.

I thought about all the attempts Jay had made to impress me, and there had been a ton. Like a few before the war he had offered to be my servant for a day, he had tried magic, tried cheesy pick up lines, and a lot of other stuff.

Finally I made my decision.

Whole Annabeth was still mumbling and stressing about her lesson I gently tapped Jay on his shoulder. I knew he could tell I had something to say, but I didn't give him time to guess.

"So, when's this wedding?" I questioned.

"What?" He asked, a note of happiness in his voice. "You mean..."

"I mean, my answer is yes."

"Y-yes?" He stammered.

"Yes I will marry you!"

I hugged Jay and he laughed. I wrapped my tail with his, a big goofy smile on my face.

"Now get going, we'll plan the wedding later." I ordered.

"Alright, see you later." He said, flicking his ear and quickly kissing me on the lips. I untwirled our tails and he walked off. I watched him go, a small smile on my face.

Okay fine a big smile.

Fine a big big grin.

Alright. The biggest grin ever ever ever ever ever ever ever to be worn!

I couldn't believe it. I was marrying Jay.

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