Chapter 5

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"Scarlet..." whispered Silver, looking at her friend laying down on the bed. Silver hadn't battled for two days, she just stayed at Scarlet's bedside. 

"Silver, you have to help us plan the next battle." a voice sounded behind her and reluctantly Silver looked away from her friend, lifting her head to see Lily.

"Very well." replied Silver, heaving a sigh. She got up and looked back at Scarlet.

"She'll be okay, its just a coma. You can see her life force, right? If you can then she's fine." prompted Lily.

"I guess your right." murmured Silver, watching Scarlet. The fall and rise of her stomach and the beating of her heart were signs to others that she was still alive. But the daughter of Hades never used those facts to tell if a person is alive or not. She looked at their aura's or their souls. Scarlet's was so dull... But it was coming back to life. She would be okay. 

But that's the problem, Silver would tell herself that, every time she worried about Scarlet, but... There would always be some doubt nagging at her gut. Pushing aside that negative feeling Silver followed Lily into the meeting room.

 As they walked in a pot was thrown and it nearly slammed into Silver's head, if it not had been for Lily. 

"Sorry, their fighting about the war plan. This is why we need you." explained Lily and I nodded, putting on a brave and confident face.

"Ahem!" I exaggerated the clearing of my throat and everyone froze.

"Silver!" squeaked Angel, quickly hiding a plate behind her back.

"That's right, I'm back." she sat down in her seat and searched the eyes and Aura's of the others. Silver allowed no traitors in her army, none. She always searched the aura's for the slightest of betrayal, normally she found no proof of a Benedict Arnold. "I'm gonna go check the other armies, but first."

Silver got up and pointed to a map. "We attack the giants fort, there won't be any giants there though. The Romans have that covered, bless their souls." some gasps went around the room as Silver said that and she shot the people who had gasped a look and they shut their mouths shut/.

"As I was saying, Khione and some of her horrid monsters are there, so we'll need Leo with us."

Lily suddenly looked uncomfortable, and Silver knew why. Lily was a kid like her, born of two gods. Zeus and Khione. Why the Lord of the Sky cheated on Hera for a traitor? Silver had no clue. Khione had actually been good for awhile, she had begun to reform. Then Gaea struck, crushing the flame of love that was sprouting inside of her. Or... So to speak.

"We also need... Hephaestus." she said hesitantly, and immediately roars of defiance answered back. 

"But the gods won't fight!" yelled a voice.

"AND they don't fight their children's battles!" screeched another. Silver waved her hand, a signal for them to quiet down. It took awhile, but finally they did.

"This is their battle too." Snarled the daughter of Hades, standing up. She looked each and every one person in the meeting in the eyes. "Do you think that they don't care that their civilization that they've tried so hard to build up over the years will be crushed in less then a month? Do you also think that all the gods, every single on of them. Big and minor, won't fight for their world? Fight against Gaea? Because if you think that then your wrong! We are going to get the forge god's help, and that is that!" silence followed Silver's small speech. She could see some people nodding in agreement, but not many.

"Now, I suggest you send some scouts out to check the place first, make sure Leo is with them." they nodded and Silver sighed, "I'll go check on the other armies."

Shadows swallowed Silver and she sunk into the ground, shadow traveling to the Hell hound Army.  As she appeared her pet hell hound--Rose-- bounded up to her, barking rapidly.

"Perimeters set?" asked Silver and Rose barked some more.

"Think so. Shadow is doing all the work today, Frost got injured." she said in dog tongue, but Silver understood ever word of it. Sighing she remembered the white hell hound that had chosen Scarlet for a rider.

"Bring me to Shadow please." Said Silver and her old friend nodded. She climbed on and took in a deep breath. "I've missed you..." 

"I've missed ya too Silver." Barked Rose. "Hopefully after this war we will both still be alive, and then we can hang out together, like we used too"

"Hopefully..." repeated Silver quietly. "Alright. Lets go." she smiled down at her friend, a warm feeling spreading over her. Some people may think that the underworld is creepy or scary, or that Hades minions are the most horrid creatures alive. But their not. Their just loyal to their master, Lord of the Underworld. 

Rose nodded and padded off, and Silver held on lightly to her neck fur and looked around the underworld. Just how she had when she was little, when she had gotten the chance to see it. Silver sees the underworld differently from everyone, and maybe that's a good thing. The skulls and bones on the walls decorate into a pattern for her, creating history in pictures. A light blood river would trickle down near them, but Silver saw that as a way to refill, to remind yourself that not all are indestructible. Its not the encouragement from her friends, nor the thought that the gods won't let the civilization be destroyed that gives Silver her courage, its the thoughts of the Underworld. Of how beautiful it really is. She had the eyes of Aphrodite, seeing things as good. Maybe that's why her mom had chosen her father, because she could see the inner beauty in the underworld. Everyone underestimates it just because its where the dead roam. It deserves more then that, every inch of it radiates power.

With a bark Rose sped up and Silver laughed. "That the best you got!" she challenged and Rose shook her head, a grin on her dog face. She bolted off faster and Silver let out a "WOOOHOOOO!"

Finally the two friends came to a stop and Silver's ears twitched.

"Frost..." she breathed. She got off of Rose and ran to a small cave where she could pick up light whimpering an cries of pain. Running through the darkness of the cave Silver could hear the footsteps of Rose quickly following behind her, and then... They saw her. Hell hounds were pressed against the edges of a wide area in the cave, it was big enough to hold lots and lots of full grown hell hounds. 

In the middle of the cavern, there was a large white creature, about the size of a horse. Small for a hell hound. 

"Frost!" cried Silver, running over to her. Frost opened one of her eyes, which were dull and full of pain. "Did you find anything wrong with her?" I asked the other hounds.

"No. I'm sorry Silver but she may have been damaged from the inside, but no outside wounds." barked a voice.

"Well... Thank you for trying Heather." said Silver and the black hell hound nodded. Putting her hand on Frost's side the girl immediately found out what was wrong. The aura, the choice, the connection. She looked up at all the others and took in a breath, "Her companion is in a coma." Silence followed the words. If a hell hound puts their trust in a human they become their companion. If one gets ill so does the other. Their bodies can act the same way, same disease or illness, or they could react differently from each other.

"I can't heal her, but I can put her in the coma with Scarlet." said Silver after a long silence. Closing her eyes, Silver thought about what was happening. The world of the gods was shattering, and she didn't like it. Her friends were dying, and she didn't like it. Power surged through her, feeding off her sorrow and anger. A bright green light shot around the cavern, lighting up the cave. A strong breeze blew around, swirling. It blew Silver's hair back, but she couldn't go back now. Picturing Scarlet in her head Silver imagined putting that image in Frost's head, sending her into a coma with her friend. Breathing hard Silver took her free hand and put it on Frost's head, and the memory of Scarlet seared into the hell hounds mind. The winds died down, the light slowly faded away, and Frost was asleep.

"She'll wake up when Scarlet does." murmured Silver, slowly getting up as if she may collapse any second, and she actually might. Healing isn't an Aphrodite or Hades gift, but if she wants it enough she can use her power to love to heal, or put them to rest gently. But she wouldn't dare use it on Scarlet, the power it would take to bring someone out of a coma could be enough to suck all her powers forever--Or kill her.

Breathing heavily she looked around the room and barked, woofed, then sniffed her nose. In dog that was: "I better go find Shadow. I might be able to smell him over the scent of... The death from above." The hounds nodded and Silver ran out, Rose quickly following her. They came across a large hell hound, bigger than Rose, with a pelt black as the night sky--Without the stars. Of course, his eyes were where the stars were. As he turned he had bright yellow eyes and sharp sharp canine teeth that even Silver was still a bit scared of.

He looked at her and tilted his head and Silver barked, asking "Is the army doing well?" Shadow just nodded then went back to watching the hell hound army. Even though Silver was the Commander of the army, since she couldn't be in the Underworld at all times she usually put Shadow in charge. He was a good, strong hound, and not just because of his size. Even as a pup he was strong, ripped with muscles.

"See you later Rose, stay out of danger." said Silver and her friend nodded. Closing her eyes Silver went up to the surface ground to check on Camp Jupiter. They had better security than Camp Half Blood so they could stay in their own camp. They have their own god! So... Yeah.

But the Daughter of Aprodite got a big surprise when she got up to the camp. No, there were not monsters surrounding it, but... Almost everyone was laying on the ground. Camp Jupiter had been overruled and attacked.

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