Chapter 6

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        Silver almost broke down into a crying mess. But she held it together. Barely.

"No, no no no no!" she screamed, running around. They were all unconscious, some so still they looked as if dead. But Silver knew better. Their auras still flickered, but they were still in pain, deep in pain. Wishing they were dead. She ran and found Jason Grace by Reyna. The two had gone down defending their camp. Silver decided to check around, and finally she found someone... Someone still awake.

It was Octavian, her least favorite demigod. Seeing him made her skin boil. Out of all the demigods to survive, the world chose HIM! So she did the only sensible thing. She ran at him screaming and smacked him in the face. Okay maybe not so sensible, but it was to her.

"Ow! Watch it you little--" he stopped as he realized who had hit him. The color drained out of his face and his expression was so funny Silver would've laughed--If she hadn't been so mad at the dork.

"Oh... Uh. Silver. Hi." now usually if that had been a normal person Octavian would have screamed at them. But Silver could tell, he was scared of her deep inside. A splash of pale green covered his aura. Either meant he was sick or was scared. Maybe he was sick with fear. Yes. That thought made Silver feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She had street cred among the Romans and the Greeks. She had a rope of black fire (its shadows that can burn your skin like fire) reserved just for people who insulted her or her friends. 

"Hello. I see your the only one who managed to stay conscious in this attack." she prompted, keeping her voice in a calm but firm tone.

"No. But I did end up waking up before all of them." he said with a slight smirk, pointing to the battle field.

Silver wanted to punch Octavian in the face. "So... What attacked?"

"A shadow." he said, and there was a glint in his eye that made the hell hound furry even angrier.

"A shadow? Like... The kind I summon?" she asked, a small edge in her voice that should've given Octavian a warning.

"Yes." he replied. Stupid answer.

Nodding Silver slowly turned away and said, "I'll take the others back to camp."


"Oh, and Octavian?"


"THIS IS FOR PERCY JACKSON, JASON GRACE, AND ALL THE OTHER DEMIGODS YOU'VE HATED ON!" she screamed, whipping around and punching Octavian right in the nose. It happened so fast he didn't even have time to react! He fell to the ground with a thump and Silver turned around, looking over her shoulder at him. A small smile flickered across her face and she turned her head and began to walk out to the battlefield to help the others. It was gonna be a lot of work, taking them all to the hide out. But it didn't matter. At least she had gotten out most of her anger. And there was still more to come.

Finally Silver had shadow traveled the whole Roman army to the hide-out. When she was done she collapsed on her bed, her head thumping as if some little annoying peanut was knocking on her skull like it was some sort of knock-knock joke. It actually had happened before (Long story) and Silver didn't want to experience it again.

Someone blocked her vision and Silver groaned. She just wanted to rest! WAS THAT TO MUCH TO ASK! The girl looked up and her breath left her. Standing over her was a man with a brown beard and black obsidian eyes. He was dressed in black robes with a golden slash across it. He didn't always dress or look this way. Its just how he preferred to look when hes with his children.

"D-d-d-da... I mean... Hades." Silver stammered, immediately sitting up and bowing. 

"Hello Silver." he said. His voice was cold as ice, but it had some comfort in it. Silver looked up and smiled at her father, and he smiled back. 

She had always seen the beauty in his father, just as she did the underworld. Maybe she got that trait from her mom. She never saw him as the super scary, rude, and mean god most people mistake him for. Underneath he's actually a good guy. Okay, goodish. 

"You've done very well." said Hades, looking around. "We gods are... Fighting our own battle. Sadly, some of the minor gods have vanished. Disappeared. Vamoosed."

"Really dad? Vamoosed?" she asked and Hades blinked. They both laughed. The two had an on going joke about using words that don't really fit the sentence, then the other one would try to point it out.

"Well, I suppose I better get back." he said, then suddenly both of them realized what Hades had said. "No! No, not you of course, or that friend of yours. What was her name?"

"Lily." answered Silver

"Right. But you two won't just... Vanish." he sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

"Well, as you said. You better get back." 

"Yeah..." Silver got up and hugged her father, and he felt him return the favor. There had never been any stiffness in their relationship. She pulled away and looked straight at her father.

"See you. Dad." she almost hesitated with the word 'dad'.

"See you." he replied, waving. She waved back and watched as her father began to glow. She looked away--Though she needed not to--as the Lord of the Underworld turned into pure energy and vanished.

Alarm bells rang and Silver's eyes went wide. One ring. Two ring. Good, the bunker wasn't under attack. Three rings. Good. Gaea hadn't awoken. Three rings. NOOOOOOO! Popcorn was ready. Chuckling Silver walked to the meeting room and her jaw dropped. The entire room was filled with buttered popcorn! 

"Wha--" she got cut off by Leo.


Everyone burst out laughing and then James looked over and noticed Silver. 

"Hey Silver!" he called, swimming over to her.

"Yeah?" she asked as he reached her and he laughed.

"Check out what Leo made! I guess he wanted to lift our spirits." he looked at her, but then slowly looked away. He knew the truth about her, she had told him in trust. Now... She guessed he didn't know how to adjust to it.

"Yeah." she repeated, looking at the popcorn. "Wait! Let me get Percy." she rushed off and went by Percy's bed.

"Percy. Percy. Wake up. Wake up." she said, pushing him.

"Aaagggggggggghhhhhhhuuuuuuu" he murmured.


"WHAT!" he screamed, sitting up and tumbling to the floor. Immediately he got to his feet and looked around frantically. "LILY? LILY? LILY!!!!"

"Calm. She's not in danger."

Silver didn't know Percy had a death glare. Apparently he did. "I have to show you something." squealed Silver, practically dragging Percy to the popcorn scene. She opened the door and his jaw dropped.

His first words? "CANNON BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Percy Jackson dove head first into the popcorn and everyone came out of the shadows, dog piling him under the popcorn.

Finally they all came up, accept Percy and Lily.

"Ah... Those two love birds are kissing under the popcorn water." explained Annabeth and Silver nodded.

"Come on." said Nico, guiding Annabeth through the popcorn. This... This was their life. Sad one minute then... Well, this the next. realized Silver, and a small smile appeared on her face. It was only a half smile, but still. A smile.

Then of course, as soon as she was happy it got ruined. Someone knocked on the door.

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