Chapter 7

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        The person behind the door? Gem.

Silver didn't get it! She was Gem. SHE had made her up! SHE had created her with her own magic. You see, Silver can change her voice, her look, anything. Then if she made up someone she could have that someone take over her mind so she thinks shes really that person. Confusing ain't it?

"Whoa! THIS PLACE IS ACTUALLY REAL! Demigods exist!" screamed Gem, looking around. Everyone froze and Percy swam up to me. 

"Silver... Isn't that... That Gem? Er... You?" he asked, puzzled. Silver simply shrugged, still shocked. Percy had had two lives actually, one as a kid named Road. Gem and Road had... As you say... Fallen in love, and Silver and Percy both remembered that. It was still unsettling.

"How could Gem be a real person!" whispered Silver harshly to Percy.

"I don't know..." murmured Percy.

"Hey isn't that--" started Lily, running over to us through the popcorn. She stopped herself and blinked. She looked from Silver to Gem, Silver to Gem, Silver to Gem. "Gods of Olympus... Really!" she cried and stormed out.

'"Um. Did I do something wrong?" squeaked Gem. Oi, she sounded just like the voice Silver had made.

"No. Not at all." said Silver, reluctantly spreading her arms and forcing a smile. "You must excuse Lily. She is... Well. I guess she's just stressed from the war. But one warning do not make her mad."

Murmurs of agreement rippled through the area and Gem nodded slowly. She had blonde hair that could turn to look like gold, bright green eyes, and gems weaved into her hair. She had a Camp Half Blood T-shirt on and a short skirt with black leggings.

"Okay..." she said slowly. Suddenly James appeared by her side. But hadn't he had just been... Silver frowned slightly, but it quickly vanished.

"Everyone! Meet Gem. She's a new camper. Daughter of the beautiful Aphrodite." he said and bowed. No one else bowed, they were all looking at Silver.

"Do they like me?" squeaked Gem quietly to James and he looked at me, not answering the girls question.

Silver's eyes were motionless, her mouth uninforming, her expression... Guarded. 

"Welcome." she said at last, yet she did not bow. Laughing the campers crowded around Gem, patting her on the back and welcoming her. All but Percy.

"Um, Silver?" he asked slowly.

"Just... Just..." stammered Silver, "Just leave me alone." she walked off. Percy groaned but followed her.

"Why are you mad?" he questioned.

"I told you to leave me alone." replied Silver, trying to push the ridiculous son of Poseidon away.

"Well, I never listen to rules do I?" he asked and the Hell hound Furry whipped around and faced him.

"No. You don't kelp head." she snarled, pushing his forehead back with her finger. The girl was about to enter the shadows when suddenly Percy grabbed her arm.

He pulled her back and she stared into his eyes, his sea green eyes. "Don't hide or run like your brother Silver. Your the one that brought him out of the shadows, out into the real world. Don't throw all that work away." the words of praise should've made Silver happy, but they didn't. It hadn't been her, she had even doubted her skills to her brother Nico to be... Less of a hider. It had taken all of her friends help. She doubted she could ever do anything like that again.

"I... I..." she stammered, "I can't keep it together anymore Road..." 

"Road. You said Road, Gem." he realized.

"And you just said... Gem." recalled Silver/Gem. Suddenly the two changed form. Silver suddenly had the mind of the Gem that she had made, and her form flickered. Blonde hair and gems weaved into it, her skin became less paler and took on a tan. Percy stayed almost the same, but something about his body structure changed.

"Road..." whispered Gem, glancing at how he was holding onto her wrist.

"Try for rebirth..." he murmured, shaking his head.

"What... What happened?" stammered Gem.

"Look. Your a warrior in all your forms." whispered Road/Percy.

"But I still can't do it!" whimpered Gem/Silver, her eyes clouded with doubt.

"You'll do anything for your friends. Remember that. Don't let them take that away from you." whispered the boy and Gem/Silver nodded. They leaned in toward each other when suddenly they both pulled away, turning back to their normal forms.

"Thanks for the advice..." thanked Silver, though it came out as barely a whisper. Percy nodded, a bit shocked on what happened. Silver sighed and sunk into the shadows, appearing on her bed and dozing off.

"SILVER SILVER SILVER! ITS LANE!" screeched a voice and Silver yelped, rolling off her bed.

"Lily?" she muttered, getting up groggily. Surprisingly she hadn't had any bad dreams or visions. Though just thinking that probably jinxed her.

"LANE IS... HE WAS..." cried Lily as Silver reached her. Lane was a roman, son of Pluto. Silver personally never liked the guy, but he was like a brother to Lily, even though... She had killed him in a war between the two camps.

"Killed." finished Percy, holding Lily.

"What!?" cried Silver, "Won't he be able to come back? Li--Like when... Er... how he did the last time he died?" she was careful not to say When Lily killed him but she had come awfully close.

Percy mouthed the words, "Probably not." but he just shrugged.

"Well, Lane deserves a proper goodbye." said Silver in the calmest and bravest tone she could muster. Which wasn't a lot, she just made sure it didn't come out as a squeak.

"R-really? You would do that... For... For him?" whispered Lily, and Silver nodded.

She marched off but hesitated as she was about to enter the Aphrodite room. Sighing she opened the door. The smell of perfume immediately hit her face like a blast of wind and the furry coughed. Closing the door behind her she looked around for Gem. Even the Aphrodite kids had to fight in this war, and they actually offered too!

"Hello Silver." said Piper, smiling. Silver nodded, about to tell Piper about what had happened to her boyfriend, but then thought better of it. No one had told the poor girl yet, and maybe it was best that way.

"Hello Piper." replied Silver at last, bowing. Piper bowed back and they laughed.

"I think Annabeth has a bagel for breakfast." pondered Silver out loud and Piper grinned.

"Time to go steal from Annabeth!" she teased and the hell hound barked a laugh. The two had an on going joke about stealing each others breakfast. Even though they were at war, it was still fun and very funny. Piper walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

The girl scanned the rest of the cabin, then spotted Gem. "Hey Gem! Got any spare gems?" she yelled. Man that was weird to say.

The new camper nodded and gladly gave Silver a basket. "Whoa." is all she could say. Gem really lived up to her ironic name.

"Yep." said Gem grinning. Silver walked around the room, asking Aphrodite kids for some stuff, and without hesitation they gave it to her.

She trudged to her room and sat down on her bed. She weaved some fabrics together (don't ask where she got the skill) and soon she was ready for the shrine.

Exiting her cabin Silver shut the door and went to a clearing in the hide out. She opened a small hole for the smoke to clear up, but no monster would notice it. Hopefully.

She was about to call everyone when Gem poked her in the back. Snarling Silver whipped around and unsheathed her sword faster then the human eye could track. Her sword was pointed at Gems neck and the girl squeaked.

"Sorry. Thought you were a monster." said Silver, sheathing the sword hesitantly.

"Of course not!" squealed Gem indignantly. When she's offended she sounded like a hamster. It was kind of funny, and that's something Silver hadn't added into her fake Gem. "But I was going to say, if this is a funeral, shouldn't we have a proper one? With like... The body and stuff?"

Silver could've objected. She could have yelled at Gem. But instead she nodded. "Fine. We'll do it your way. But that means your in charge of the set up!" Silver threw her hands up into the air and walked off to her cabin, leaving Gem spouting about random ideas, not picking up the hints about Silver's bad mood.

The rest of her day went by in a blur. Silver did her training, prepared some people for battle, led some raids, yada yada yada. Finally it was nighttime, the time for the funeral. Gem had Lily say a few words. Bu in the middle of her speech Lily yelled, "MONSTERS DIE!" and threw a pot into the crowd. She stormed off and Percy followed her like a dog.

"Well... Lets go to the grave." said Gem and everyone followed her, tense. They were on the surface world, at night. What could go wrong?

She led them to a gravestone and pointed to it, "This is where Lane's body rests. I trusted some people to get his body and help me lower it down."

"This is totally wrong. I thought you were in charge." whispered a camper to Silver, but she simply shrugged and pushed the question away. But... Something felt wrong. Something... Was missing.

Gem started talking about how great Lane was when suddenly Silver stepped forward, her eyes stormy.

"Stop. Don't talk. DOn't do anything." she said and looked at the grave. She studied and her expression hardened. "There is no body under here."

"How do you know?" retorted Gem.

"Because I do!" snapped Silver.

"OH OH OKAY! OKAY! So your knowledge is better then mine Miss. I want attention, Miss. I'm so awesome. Miss. I'm so invincible I can push people around!" growled Gem, her eye twitching.

"I EARNED their respect!" snarled Silver, suddenly defensive.

"Girl speaks the truth." said a camper and a few nodded in agreement.

"Well, well, well... SHE PUSHED YOU AROUND!" yelled Gem. "AND JUST BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T LIKE THE GUY DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO RUIN HIS FUNERAL THAT I PUT SO MUCH WORK INTO!" cried Gem, shoving her finger in Silver's face.

"Get... Your finger... Out, of, my, face." said Silver slowly but calmly.


There were a few collective gasps and Silver's eye twitched.

"Do you know who I am? Who I am daughter of?" questioned Silver. Yep. She was about to play the Hades card.

"Daughter of the godess of Weasels? Maybe daughter of annoying rhinos? Or fat gazelles?" suggested Gem. Wrong answer.

"Hades. Lord of the Underworld." snarled Silver and Gem's face went pale. Snarling and growling in a very UN-human like way the hell hound furry pushed Gem out of her way and dug up the grave. She dug and dug, but no body appeared. 

"See!" cried Silver.

"Silver can sense people's auras and life forces." whispered James to Gem.

"Oh." she whispered, her voice an octave higher then usual.

Silver whipped around and her eye twitched again. She was about to yell at Gem, but the universe had other plans.

At that moment, monsters attacked.

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