Chapter 9

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"Silver... Come on..."



Silver groaned and opened her eyes. She saw... Green eyes? She scrolled through her brain and finally remembered who had green eyes. James and Scarlet. Scarlet was in a coma...

"Do you remember anything?" he asked.

"Battle. Traitors. Jason. Jay..." she murmured quietly and James nodded.

"You three took quite the spill. Summoning stuff like that couldn't have been easy."

"You questioning my powers?!" snapped Silver and James back up a step. Silver heaved a sigh, "Sorry. Guess I'm just a bit mad."

"Understood." said James with a nod, "M'lady." he added after a pause. 

"Ah, go eat a pillow." joked Silver, throwing a pillow at James.

"What happened to the fish?" questioned James.

"Ah! Be happy I haven't gotten another one yet! After YOU ate it fish boy!"

"Fish boy?"

"Don't act surprised."

The two stared at each other then started cracking up.

"OW!" someone screamed and Silver kept laughing, but James stopped.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Abyss." answered Silver, still laughing. "HEY ABYSS!" she called, "NOSE OR FOREHEAD!"

"BOTH!" came the reply, then a very loud groan.

Chuckling Silver snapped her fingers and someone appeared next to her, stumbling and face planting into the ground.

"NOSE!" cried the black haired dude and Silver laughed. The guy slowly stood up. He had on all black and had startling red eyes. His nose was bent in a funny way.

"Nose." warned Silver, grabbing a mirror (she always kept one under her pillow, along with a knife) and showing Abyss his face.

"Ga!" he groaned and grabbed his nose. He pushed it the opposite way it was bending and there was a small Crack. Abyss yelped, but his nose was back in place.

"Who's he?" asked James, his expression very hard to read.

"Abyss. One of my friends." chuckled Silver.

"Why does that ALWAYS happen? I mean, its ALWAYS the face."

"Stop emphasizing ALWAYS dent dude."

"Finer. ALWAYS."

"Your impossible."

"No, I'm Abyss.

"Shut up."

"Shut down."

"Shut down what?"

"The war." said Abyss with a smile.



Silver groaned, rubbing her head. "Your giving me a headache!"

"Your giving me a bent nose."




"Can you two stop?" moaned James, touching his fingers to his temples.

"Alright." said Silver, glaring at Abyss. He returned the glare. "Come to fight on our side?" she asked.

"Why wouldn't he? He IS half blood, right?" questioned James.

"Still haven't chosen a side." admitted Abyss.

"Idea time!" yipped Silver and Abyss leaned down and Silver sat up on the edge of her bed. She whispered in his ear, "You take your brothren's side as a spy."

"What?" he asked, stunned at Silver.

"You can mind communicate, right?" she asked out loud.

"Totally." said Abyss in Silver's mind.

"Then we have our spy." she replied back in Abyss' mind, a smug smile on her face. He made a Sour Pusey face but nodded. Then he vanished in a cloud of smoke.

"What was..." started James.

"Don't ask." said Silver and he nodded slowly.

Taking in a deep breath Silver stood up, but immediately fell back down onto her bed, her hand on her forehead and jaw tightened in pain.

"Whoa. Stay in your bed. Lily tried to do the same thing, actually she went out in battle and got a broken arm." explained James and Silver nodded.

"Your... Your hurt." she murmured lightly as she looked at James' right foot. It was wrapped in vines and had splints on it.

"Ah, broken foot. No biggie." replied James.

"Ha! No biggie..." retorted Silver. "A broken bone is not a, 'No Biggie."

"It is when I'm talking to you."

"Nice burn, why don't you go grab some ice."

"For what?"

"For your now burnt ego."

"Alright. Alright. I surrender!" laughed James and Silver nodded, smiling halfly.

Of course, when Silver was happy that's when something happens.

Commotion suddenly rang out around the hide-out and Silver blinked, sensing something... Or someone powerful.

"Help me up." she said and James nodded. He bent down and Silver put her left arm around his next and he put his right arm around her side.

Silver yelled in pain as she tried to put her left leg down on the ground. Her body was weak, and her left leg... Bruised and battered. Taking in a shuddering breath she limped over to the crowd, holding onto James.

"She's really here." murmured Percy to Lily as they passed, he looked back at the front. "Get Leo." 

A half blood nodded and ran off, soon to return with a scrawny brown haired dude. He was wearing his normal outfit today, blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and his army jacket. It was Leo Valdez. His smile told you immediately that he was a trouble maker. But his jaw dropped as he stared at something. 

"Get me closer." Silver grunted as James and her went to the front of the crowd. It was... It was... 

"Calypso..." Leo's voice was barely a whisper, but full of excitement.

Today she was wearing an elegant white dress, the same dress that Leo had first met her in--Silver remembered that much from his tale. She had cinnamon hair and almond colored and shaped eyes. But... There was something off about her. Mist surrounded the edges of her milk-light skin. It was only a message, but Silver didn't dare crush Leo's spirits. 

"Hello, demigods. I appear to you today to send a message." said Calypso and Leo tried to touch her, but he went right through. "Valdez." she chided and he blinked, chuckling softly. "Anyway." continued Calypso, dropping the former act. "Gaea is planning to attack you. She wanted me to tell where your hide-out was. Be happy I didn't spill the beans. Though I had perfectly good reason to after a certain upstart demigod didn't double-check to MAKE SURE I WAS RELEASED!" she shouted the last few words and everyone looked toward Percy. 

"Hi Calypso..." he murmured.

"Hello Percy." she sneered, though there was some sort of mixed emotion in her eyes. Like... She was mad, but she still missed the love she lost. Silver sighed, knowing what that feels like. Her mind backtracked to her old friend Red. The 4th son of Poseidon she had met. The first couple of summers that they had known each other had been wonderful! But the third... The third brought tragedy. Wait. Third. Three powerful gods... Hades was considered the third. Silver's eye almost twitched but she stopped it.

Red had changed completely, he had more of an attitude, he wasn't as fun, and he radiated death. SERIOUSLY! Go missing for a whole school year, come back completely different and not even recognize your friend? The girl who was known as 'The Fish Thrower' to sons of Poseidon?!?!?! He barely knew her when they met that third summer! That's what had made Silver mad. She ddin't even know what to think of Red anymore. He was to stupid to even show his stupid face in this stupid war! Stupid.

Taking in a deep breath Silver backed out of her bitterness and payed attention to Calypso.

"--Gaea said. She's going to destroy Ogygia anyway, so that's why I have decided to warn you. My island will be destroyed anyway, so I may as well help you... Heros." she said the word as if it was an insult. As if they were monsters instead of people who were trying to help save the world! But of course, someone in the room was a monster to her. Percy Jackson. But she didn't act like she held much of a grudge against Leo, hmm. Wonder why.

"But anyway, Gaea isn't able to track this place, and I can tell why. If though its in her domain its heavily veiled in magic. Yet... Grandma said that if any demigod sets foot on her territory that she will send wave after wave of monsters at them. Feeding the monsters strength every second, making it feel like your trying to run through quick sand." her warning rang through out the ranks, a ripple of fear and uneasiness coming along with it.

"Then we can't go up to the surface world." said someone after a moments silence.

"No." said Silver firmly. All eyes turned to her. "We will not back down, we will not be frightened by Gaea's warning, and most importantly, we will NOT let Gaea win this war." murmurs of agreement passed throughout the half-bloods, though most stayed silent.

"I must go!" yelped Calypso suddenly and everyone turned back to the image. "They're attacking!" she screamed, and she actually sounded scared. "I bid you all good luck!" she cried, and the image vanished.


"Gas loving?" asked Percy, blinking.

"Yeah man! She like... Likes to blast people away, thats gas... Right?"

"While your science may be shakey I do agree with you Leo, Khione sucks." snarled Annabeth. Lily's eye twitched and I yelped.

"Okay! NEW SUBJECT!" I prompted. "We have to do something about Calypso. We can't leave her there all alone..."

"Yeah! The gods got rid of the magic over that island long ago, she told-- Er... I think she was building a boat to get off of it." said Leo, almost stumbing over the words. Silver raised an eyebrow at his dialogue, but in the end decided to leave it be.

"So its settled." she said.

Leo finished the sentence in a dead serious tone. Not like him to be serious, but when it came to Calypso, he was."We got to send a quest to save Calypso."

Pop goes the weasel. I HOPE HOPE HOPEEE you enjoyed! :D Little commedy in there. Did I get Leo right? His humor? Don't know. I'm honestly not that funny... OH WElLZZZZZZZ HEHEHEHEHE. Don't ask about the hot gas thing... I just re re read House of Hades... Then re re re read the part where they found Leo. Yeah. I'm awesome. xD. Oh dear, tik tok. Time for me to get started on some new chapters for other stories! See ya'll round! Oh! Hope you enjoyed the whole Caleo stuff. HAVE A FUN DAY! Btw do you think Silver's gonna go on the quest? Vote, comment, and follow! 


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