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Perhaps, he was the reason I was meant to love, and not live.

The night was old and rugged, not a single sound of life to be heard.

In the eerie quiet, sat the woman, beautifully aged, her grey eyes still held the beauty of storms. The soft glow of the earthen lamp, illuminated her milky skin, her bows scrunched as she scribbled on the rough parchment, dipping her quill in the ink, once in a while.

She now lived deep in the woods, somewhere along the bank of the Ganges, with her brother-in-law, the fallen king Dhritrashtra, and her broken wife.

She could've lived with her five sons, in their unmatchable palace, and have herself treated like The Royal Mother of the clan, have her kids around her.

But every time a memory kept creeping back into her mind.
"Love, you know my elder brother is a good man. A little off the path, a little self referential, maybe a little blinded by power, but he is a good man. Don't give up on him, just like I didn't."
And she never gave up on him.

Life was a monotonous ongoing, days disappeared into nights, and she prayed to disappear along with them.

However, tonight was different. She felt a new kind of energy run down her spine, she'd hadn't felt that way since years.

"Kunti."a throaty voice came, whispering along the the wind. She looked up and turned around. She often heard the voice, but only in her dreams. It was his voice, the voice that she had once fallen in love with, the voice that had burned along with him on the pyre.

"Come along."it whispered to her again.

The wind came in from the door, pulling her. She stepped out of the straw cottage, into the clear moonlit night. A mystic fog hung around the place, the vision slightly blurred.

Far in the distance, she saw a cloaked figure, walking ahead of her. She followed the person, barefoot on the wet grass, her hands touching the barks of the trees, as she passed by. The parchment lay crumpled in her fist.

She walked for an hour, after which she halted to catch her breath, her aged body not used to much strenuous exercise.

"Just a little more love, just a little more."

She collected herself and trailed behind the cloaked figure. Soon enough she stepped into a clearing, near a cliff. She looked down, into the valley, the mighty waters of the Ganges roaring as they went.

The mist cleared up suddenly, and she found herself face to face, with a man, clad in black drapes, holding a sickle in his unnaturally white hands.
She gasped as she realised who he was.

The Grim Reaper. Commonly known as, death.

Then he came out from behind Death's back. His face still youthful, his eyes still enchanting, and he had that smile on, the one specially reserved for her.

Her eyes glossed over as she looked at him, her sight thirsted to see him, heart pulsating under his gaze. Feverishly she opened the piece of paper, and read the words engraved.

And yes I might have lied to you
You wouldn't benefit from knowing of the truth
I was frightened but I held fast
I need you now and long last

"You're here."she choked.

"I never left."he stepped towards her, placing his hand on her warm cheek. She leaned in towards his touch, and realised, how terribly she had missed him.

"I'm here to take you, Kunti. I've waited long, too long. Come along, love."he whispered.

She looked at the Grim Reaper, then at him, and smiled.
"I am ready."

Pandu held out his hand to her, and she placed her palm on it, just as he intertwined their fingers.

"Will it be painful?"she voiced.

"No, not when I'm with you."he looked over, a spark in his words.

Then both of them jumped down the cliff, hand in hand. She neither screamed nor shrieked, but simply smiled, out of content.
It was was not bad that she should die this way. It was legitimate end to a life of illegitimate belongings.

"Forever?"he asked as they descended.

"Forever."she assured.

Death watched as she feel down into the gateways of heaven, a lone tear making way down his face.

And they say, Death doesn't know about love.

Idk about anyone else, but this chapter gives me chills. Vote and let me know how you liked it ;)

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