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Author's POV-

When Yeontan invited Yeona to join him to his trip, Hoseok ran towards them, giving them a shocking news.

"Bad news!! Today, when I went to the ARMY headstone, I saw it broken! And not just that, a purple solution is pouring CONTINUOUSLY!"

"What?!", Yeona exclaimed, while Yeontan was stunned.

Both of them got up quickly, and ran towards the headstone when Hoseok shouted, "I'll call the others too!"

"I'll help you!", Yeona shouted back, and ran towards Seokjin's house which was nearby.

While Yeontan dashed towards the headstone, where Jimin and Taehyung were already there, staring at it in horror. Namjoon joined them too, in a few minutes.

He turned to Taehyung, who wasn't making eye contact with him. Or avoiding eye contact.

Namjoon was going to touch the liquid when Jimin called him, "Don't! It's dangerous!"

"What? Why?"

"It is said to be poisonous when it breaks and secretes a dark purple liquid. It affects mental health, in a large amount, if even a drop touches a person. It kills people who aren't even natives."

Yeona and Seokjin ran towards them then, with Jungkook and the other villagers behind. They too, exclaimed at the headstone in horror.

At last, Yoongi came with Hoseok, and directly marched to Yeona, in anger.

"What the fuck are you doing here?! Didn't my rules clearly say that you're supposed to NOT get out without my permission?!"

Hoseok worried if there might be a fight, and called him, "Yoongi-yah... The headstone..."

Yoongi realised that there were more important things to worry about and turned to the headstone and gasped, like the others.

He thought hard for a while, and just dragged Yeona away, instead of worrying about the villagers.

Hoseok said, "Don't worry, we'll solve this soon!! Until then, Jimin-ssi, you and the doctor's family can live with me..."

Jimin gave a grateful smile, and they both walked to his house, to take his belongings to Hoseok's house.

Taehyung said, shrugging, "Well, I think I'll leave this village and go to another one." He walked away, looking unbothered.

Namjoon just rolled his eyes, and went to the theatre, to close it down, and Jungkook walked to his arcade, worried.

Problems are just pouring these days... Taehyung forcing me to sell my arcade, Yeona's parents' death, ARMY headstone breaking, and most importantly, kombucha still getting SOLD OUT!

Seokjin said, "Don't worry, I'll keep a meeting with those people, and find the CRIMINAL!"

Yeontan suggested, "Even I'll help you..."

"Uh, why not! An extra brain helps more! We're doing it today, and now itself.", Seokjin informed. "Well, I'm gonna convince them."

Yeontan gave a laugh, and walked with Seokjin, to call the others.

The other villagers were just worried and began gossiping among themselves, suspecting some of them.

"This Taehyung is so unbothered! How can he be like that?!"

"I think he must have done it. So, he doesn't even care..."

"No no, I'm sure it must be Jimin!"

"So Jimin's gonna break the headstone and flood his own house?! Stop blabbering!"

"Do you think it's Jungkook? He's pretty suspicious..."

"No no, he's an innocent boy! Yesterday, he was talking to one of his games, challenging that he will win against Jimin-ssi, and decorate it with colourful lights if he beats the record..."

"Ah Jungkook's a baby... He's not bad at all! It must be Yoongi. He killed Yeona's parents and broke the headstone as a distraction. Now, we'll all die."

"Yoongi is scarier than trapped in a jungle with millions of reptiles! But, just because he's scary doesn't mean he's the bad guy!"

"Well, let's just see... Seokjin is a handsome, talented and clever man... He'll help find the criminal."

"Yeah, hopefully..."


Yeona's POV-

"Well, Yeona, I feel bad that you have to stay with this crazy guy for a few days... If you'd like, just come to my house, I can protect you from him.", Taehyung suggested.

He's so kind, just like he's so handsome...

Wait. What am I thinking?!

"Mr. Kim Taehyung. Fuck off. Or else, I'll have to tell people who is the person sending love letters and gifts to Sun-woo...", Yoongi said, smirking.

I looked amusedly at him. What's that? Love letters?



My eyes widened in shock. But I changed my expression to a poker face, so that Taehyung doesn't notice.

"Yeona, I'm warning you. This man is really dangerous. He just knows everything which happens in this village."

"He owns the underground you know? Controlling the...", His voice trailed off, and he whispered something, which I couldn't hear, but I'm sure Yoongi did.

Yoongi's eyes widened, and I just wondered what he could have said.

It looked like he gave a kiss to Yoongi, but THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!

What's under the ground? Umm... Worms? Beetles? Minerals?

Decomposed garbage...?

Yoongi said, after a moment, "Let's go home. We need to discuss about who's the murderer."

He walked away, while I just followed him, still curious.

What could he have said?!!

We both walked into the house, and I was half grateful that he isn't scolding me, for now at least.

We both sat on the sofa, and Yoongi looked at me, and asked, "What did the others say, when you enquired them?"

"Well, Hoseok was practicing for a competition, and you knocked at the door. Jungkook heard some screams and detected it from my house. He broke open the lock when it was 'locked from inside' and rushed to the doctor for help when he saw them. And I think Jungkook's suspicious. How can someone break open a lock when it's locked from inside?"

"Ay don't worry about that. Jungkook's always blabbering. I'm sure he meant that he broke open the door..."

"How can you just trust him?!", I asked, shocked.

"Well, I always observe our villagers. And my sources too do."

"Well, if your so called 'sources' do scan the village, can't you tell me who murdered my parents?!", I exclaimed, annoyed.

"Well, none of them expected it. It was late in the night, and we all were discussing something important.", Yoongi said, casually.

"Um...", I said, my teeth gritted. "Okay. I'll continue. Namjoon saw Taehyung kneeling to them, when he came back, after a meet up with his friends. He also heard someone, probably Jungkook screaming about a murder. Taehyung saw Jungkook running away from the house, and went inside, to see my parents struggling to breathe. My parents told him to tell me, just one name, Min Yoongi. And-"

"See. Your parents did want you to see me.", Yoongi interrupted.

"Now even I'm going to make rules and you're gonna follow them.", I said, irritated.

"Well, I'll happily not follow them, and recieve the punishment...", He replied, winking.


"And, Yeontan was out of town. Jimin saw Taehyung and Namjoon inside the house, discussing something, before calling the villagers.", I concluded.

"Wait. That's all? Oh then this case will be really easy to solve!", Yoongi replied, delighted.

"Huh? Easy? How?!", I asked, puzzled.

"Simple. I'll explain what happened that night, as far as your information reveals.", He began, and I observed him, curious.

"Jungkook was at home, and heard some screams, and detected it from your house. Neighbour, of course. He broke open the door, and saw them, struggling to survive. Then, he ran to a doctor for help, and tried warning everyone by shouting, on the way. Taehyung noticed him, and curiously walked to your parents' house. After seeing them struggling, he must have tried saving him, as far as I know him, and then asked them if he could inform you something, and your parents said my name. Taehyung was baffled after seeing them dead after uttering my name, and just then, Namjoon walked in, after hearing Jungkook's shouts. I don't know, but probably Taehyung would have bribed Namjoon to not trap him. Then, Jimin observed that conversation, and doubted both of them!"


Just WOW.

"And, when Jungkook screamed, the spi- I mean, my sources heard him, and informed me and I quickly dashed towards the house when I saw Jimin walking home, sucking a lollipop, smiling happily. I saw him, looking suspiciously at Namjoon and Taehyung, after turning casually towards them. So, I think Jimin's not the one too..."

"How did you just fit them all together?! It sounds like this is what exactly must have happened!", I exclaimed, shocked.

"Finding clues is not the only work... Collecting them. Connecting them.", Yoongi explained.

"Ohh... So, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin are not the murderers?", I asked.

"As far as I see, no. They're not.", Yoongi said, with a small smile.

"So I need to doubt Hoseok, Seokjin, Yeontan, and... You.", I said, thoughtfully.

"Well, you learn fast. But, I'm not the murderer. I'll explain it to you, one day.", Yoongi said, looking slightly worried.

Why's he worried? Did something happen?

"Okay, so! Let's go, and collect your things, and think more about this case, while we eat breakfast..."


Do you want another update today? :D

Also guys... I don't know what's happening, rumours, everything is bothering me rn, and I don't like it... Namjoon's letter seriously made me feel T_T

I don't know. I really don't know. But whatever is happening, I just hope that BTS is happy. That's what I need the most. They've done a lot to make us happy and entertained. Now, even we have to accept their decisions and understand them, to keep them happy.

So guys let's support them, no matter what, solo or group or their well deserved break. We have to support BTS and each and every member, coz all of them are important to us.

Also, I hope this chapter made things clearer about the murderer~

Borahae 💜

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