Yeona's injury

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Yeona POV-

I was hardly sleepy, utterly worried about Yoongi. He's going to perform a ritual, where he's risking his life, and...

What if something happens to him?

I don't want anything to happen to such a sweet and caring person like him...

I thought that I could also take him to Seoul and show him around, to see him happy. I want to do something for him, because he's finding the murderer and risking his life, for me...

Suddenly I remembered my manager and sighed. For the past few days, she kept sending texts and missed calls, which I ignored, on purpose.

I assured her that nothing would happen to me, but she's just worrying 24/7. She's a headache.

I got off the bed, irked about the fact that I just couldn't sleep. Worrying about Yoongi is okay, but why am I not able to sleep?

Suddenly, I heard the noise of faint footsteps and walked towards the door, opening it slowly, and peeked through the tiny space.

What is Yoongi doing??

I noticed him heading towards the stairs, before climbing them down. I slowly crept behind him, exactly like the previous night, just that I wasn't suspicious, like then.

I shadowed him to the Graveyard, and wondered if the events of the previous night were actually replaying in my head as a dream... So I'm actually sleeping...

But no, the night was quite cold, as I hugged myself, shivering. I thought that Yoongi was heading towards the entrance of the underground, but instead, he walked to the opposite direction.

I observed him, as he walked towards one specific grave, slowly. As far as my eyes can perceive, and brain can calculate, he is going to talk to his mother.

As the wind blew against my face, I stared at him, my heart racing, by just LOOKING.

Yoongi deserves love. He didn't get enough, poor guy... I feel bad for him.

I walked towards him, making up my mind to give him some words of comfort if he was sad.

As I advanced towards him, someone else walking towards him caught my eye. My heart raced, while I observed what was happening.

Panic took over me, when I saw the person pulling out a blade from his/her pocket, aiming at Yoongi's back.

When the person was about to attack, I ran towards him, and yelled, "YOONGIIII!!!"

I blocked the person from harming Yoongi, by letting the cold metal pierce through my shoulder, as I was just in time to save him.

I groaned in agony, crashing the ground, pained by the force it pierced through my skin and probably damaged my right arm.

I couldn't process the events which happened before me as I passed out, except the yell, "YEONIEEEE!!!"


Author POV-

Yoongi paced around the room, nervously, cursing and blaming himself for Yeona's sacrifice.



"Yoongi, please. Sit. You've been pacing for an HOUR!", Hoseok pleaded.

"No. I just can't. I'm worried!!"

"The Min Yoongi... Is falling for Ms. Yeona, I see...", A voice commented, whose owner sat cross legged, in the far end of the room, with a smirk.

"Kim Taehyung. You're wrong. I already fell for her.", Yoongi said, before knocking at the door, frustrated.

"ARE YOU DONE?!", He exclaimed, irritated. I need to make sure that she's okay!

A faint voice from the closed room exclaimed, "If you want her alive, then shut up!"

Yoongi was desperate to kick open the door and break the jaws of the doctor inside, but thought better of it.

Let's take a DEEP BREATH, and calm down...

Suddenly, the front door of Yoongi's house pushed open slowly, and a sleepy Jungkook appeared.

"Someone told that the ARMY headstone...", He mumbled, sleepily. "Destroyed the whole village...?"

He stumbled against the sofa, and almost fell on Jimin, who was trying to stay awake.

"WATCH where you're... Going...", Jimin muttered sleepily, and Taehyung laughed.

He was completely used to not sleeping in the night, so he and Yoongi were the only people actually awake.

You would be wondering, why 'night'? And what were the other villagers doing there?

After Yoongi brought a doctor to save Yeona, he called everyone, in the middle of the night, at 1, and lied that the headstone destroyed the whole village, and the villagers must come to his house as soon as possible.

The sleepy villagers, in a daze, believed him, and ran to his house, or sleepily dragged themselves, just to realise, that if the headstone destroyed everything, then they wouldn't have been alive. Nor would Yoongi's house, be standing erect, which they were heading towards.

"Yoongi just fools people like this...", Seokjin who sat right beside the door of the closed room muttered, and continued cursing Yoongi under his breath.

Probably, that's what kept him at least, half awake.

"Why didn't Namjoon come yet?", Yoongi asked, turning to Taehyung.

"How would I know? I don't have 'sources', do I?", Taehyung asked, shrugging.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned to the front door, which opened slowly, revealing a messy haired, tall man, sleepily approaching Yoongi.

But, looks like he was in such a daze, that he thought Hoseok was Yoongi, and asked, "Are we dead already? We're spirits?"

Hoseok gave a small laugh and dragged Namjoon to a sofa. "Here. Sit. Relax. We're all alive, and awake."

"But Jungkook and Jimin are sleeping.", Yoongi commented, his arms crossed, still pacing.

"Yoongi, the villagers are not Yeona's love crazy idiots, who call people in the middle of the night, for her injury.", Hoseok commented, with a loud yawn. "They're hardly processing that they are alive and the headstone did not destroy this village yet."

Just then, the door, which Yoongi wanted to break open, opened, with the doctor walking out, a sigh escaping his lips.

Yoongi bothered and disturbed him way too much that he just wanted to get out as soon as possible.

"Thank you Yoongi, for your co-operation.", He made sure he highlighted the sarcasm. "She's okay, just a minor injury... It didn't pierce too hard, thankfully. I've put the pressure bandage dressing after treating it. All you have to do is, to change the band everyday. For that, visit my clinic every morning, at 8 or 9, preferably after breakfast. I'll text you the other details."

"Okay doctor. Thank you. Can I see her?", Yoongi asked, walking towards the room without waiting for a reply.

"My permission is hardly required, if you already went.", The doctor muttered, and left the house.

Yeona gave a small smile, as Yoongi dashed towards her.

"How are you? Are you okay? Do you feel any pain? Did the blade pierce way too much that it's paining? Did that doctor do his job well? Should I drag him back? Do you want me to-"

"Yoongi, I'm totally fine!!", Yeona giggled. "I can't even feel my arm!"

"WAIT. YOU CAN'T FEEL YOUR ARM?! I'm gonna bring that doctor and fix-"

"Min Yoongi!", Yeona interrupted, and burst into laughter. "What happened to you? I'm totally okay!! The doctor gave me regional anaesthesia so that's why I don't feel my arm! Now don't panic, I'm totally alright!!"

"Oh then it's okay.", Yoongi said, and sat on the chair in front of the bed Yeona leaned her back against.

"So... What happened? It's almost 3 in the morning and I can hear some noises... Are you partying early in the morning?", Yeona giggled, even though she knew what happened.

"Um... No... It's actually the villagers... They were way too worried when they got to know that you were injured. So they came here, as soon as they could, for you."

"Such a liar. I heard Seokjin muttering and mumbling the whole time.", Yeona said, with a smirk.

"What did he mutter?", Yoongi asked, raising his brow.

"I can't understand this ANNOYING Min Yoongi. First he's very SWEET and an ADORABLE gummy smiled kid, playing HAPPILY. Then he's a CREEPY guy, scaring people and IRRITATING me with his weird and rude behaviour. Then, OUT OF THE BLUE he just pops in, SWEETLY, and orders me to sink into the tears, TO DIE, and now, he's calling us all in the MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, just because he's in LOVE with a pretty and BRAINLESS weirdo. And I just don't understand what the f-"

Yoongi's laughter interrupted Yeona's imitation. He laughed so hard, that even Yeona joined him.

The other villagers heard the noise and stared at each other, confused. Jimin who was dozing, got up, shocked for a moment. He felt that he was living in a haunted house with ghosts laughing evilly. He shuddered and joined the others who walked to the room, to see them both cracking their sides with laughter.

Seokjin muttered, "And now they're laughing as if someone is wearing a dress like Tarzan and dancing like a monkey..."

Seokjin continued, realising, "Wait. Tarzan hardly wears anything."

Yeona and Yoongi turned to Seokjin and exclaimed together, "Stop it!! My stomach is aching with laughter!"

Seokjin stared at them, puzzled. What's wrong with them?

The others got a slight idea of why there were laughing and grinned. Jungkook exclaimed, "Your existence itself makes sure we don't get bored, Seokjin hyung!"

Seokjin rolled his eyes and asked, "Now that Yeona is okay, can we go to sleep?"

"Yeah. Sleep here. There's a room with a large bed, and a large sofa with two recliners, make yourselves comfortable. Hoseok can sleep in my room.", Yoongi suggested. "It's almost morning so it doesn't make sense to go home and sleep, just take a nap here, instead."

"Yeona, just assure me that he won't kill us, while we're sleeping. That'll be enough for me to sleep here, comfortably.", Taehyung commented, smirking.

"He won't.", She smiled, turning to Yoongi.

The villagers smiled and left the room to sleep, without complaining for once, which was completely unbelievable!

Especially Taehyung, who always requires a king size bed for himself, slept on the SOFA, and cuddling into a blanket Yoongi gave him.

Sometimes, just one thing, trust, can do great things to a person. Trust can make anyone do anything, no matter what. And Taehyung might have mocked Yoongi here and there, but he trusted Yoongi. He trusted him to save all of them, and bring back the happiness he lost.

Yoongi pulled the blanket over Yeona's shoulders, before gently patting her head, and leaving the room. When he walked towards his room, to join Hoseok, a knock at the front door distracted him.

He walked to the door, smiling at Taehyung, Namjoon and Jimin who slept on the sofa, showing off their adorable faces.

He opened the door, to see Yeontan standing outside, with a smirk.

"So... How's Yeonie?"

"Shut up and get lost Yeontan.", Yoongi said, annoyed.

"Yeontan? Who's Yeontan.", He gave a laugh. "I just look like Yeontan..."

"You would know me of course, my..."


And the plot twist arrived~~

Which u guys still don't know ;)

Because of the cliffhanger ✨ HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

I'll remind u guys about the hint I gave u guys, a few chs ago.

Yeontan's _ _ is the culprit, but _ it isn't him. It's actually _ _ who is also _ _ and _ _ _ _.

Guess guess guess ;)

And hope this chapter was funnyyy cuz I just love humor. I love to write stories which entertain ppl in the form of HUMOUR ✨✨
And I wanted this ch to be a lil funny cuz there were too many emotional and serious stuff before this chapter :(

And there'll be more :((((

Thank you so much for reading, love you guys!!!


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