Chapter 3

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"Why?" The female was dumbfounded as she stared at both the males. Atlas whom had been just observing spoke.

"Because it's time you go back to where you truly belong." The female had tilted her head confused.'Back to where?..I was born and raised here'

"Excellent Question Luna."

"I didn't say anything." The male had stopped in his tracks.

"Well you've gone and done it now idiot." The male sighed softly

"Lunettea have you had visions, Nightmares perhaps of a burning city but you were guled to the ground unable to put it out forced to watch as the flames crawled up your skin to devour you whole?" The female stopped breathing entirely her heart thundered in her chest as she spoke as if she had just run a marathon.

"H-how did you k-know?" She had this reoccuring dream for the past 3 years. She hadn't an idea what was the cause and why she did but each day it got worse as if the flames were alive she could feel the intense burning heat. There was another part to this dream she remembered vividly as her eyes refused to open the feeling of rough yet gently hands caress her naked flush skin the flames had seemed like nothing- she put an end to her thoughts as she remember they might be able to read them but the flush of her cheeks were clear and visable against her pale cream skin.

"I just do." Zariel put the back of his hand up against the female's forehead.

"Are you sick Luna? Your head is burning up."

"N-no! I just need some rest if you would both excuse me."

"Sorry dearie I don't have time." Atlas picked the female up shadowstepping to another place.

".....He does know that's- oh never mind." The male followed suite to his brother.


"I didn't see any family and you aren't struggling so what's the problem?"

The female had opened her mouth before shutting it piercing silver hues glared at the male. "The problem is you are taking me somewhere I don't wish to go! And without my consent!."

"I'm not getting your consent because I didn't ask to have sex with you. And your in no harm or danger for now so I'd recommend you shut your mouth before I spell it shut."His words put her futile complaints to rest as she just huffed laying over the male's shoulder 'why in the bloody hell would I want to fuck an asshole like you' The male chuckled hearing every word she spoke in her mind but not saying anything about it.

"Brother perhaps we should explain what's going on as to not leave her confused and in the dark as well as wanting to cut off our heads."

"You explain it then I'm sure you could do a much better job then mentor." Rai had just sighed defeated before walking behind his brother.

"Are you both going to actually kidnapping me."

"If you know don't ask." The male had continued to walk through the dark pathway torchers linned the stone walls as he was walking the flames appeared.

"And I hope you know you aren't human so I would recommend you stop thinking like one before you get yourself killed. You have abilities like no human and clearly more grace and skill then one."

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