Grocery Store Tips/Saving $$$ 🍒 Aimee

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It's Aimee here! Have you ever wondered why you've spent so much in the grocery store or wondered how you can get through the grocery store a little bit quicker? Same here. I have some tips on how you can save money in the grocery store and some grocery store tips.

1) If your grocery store has a rewards card get those rewards! It can help you save on your purchase. Download the app and sign up for their email notifications so you can catch their sales.

2) Always make a list so you don't forget the main reason why you came to the grocery store and so you don't buy things you don't need.

3) If your grocery store is 24 hours 12am - 3am is the best time to go shopping because less croweded and you can actually do some looking.

4) Coupons are not a bad thing. Don't be ashamed to use those bad boys! I'll break out my coupons any day. If you cut your coupons keep them in an envelope in your purse. Your grocery store app may have some digital coupons on it so make sure you check.

5) Don't go to the grocery store hungry. You will want everything.

6) Organize your cart and while your putting your items up on the belt. If you put spaghetti noodles with mac and cheese it will get bagged together.

7) Make sure you have freezer bags for your cold stuff. It keeps it colder longer incase you have to stop to put gas in your car.

8) This one might make you laugh. Actually look at the prices of things instead of seeing the name and going "I want" and getting it.

9) Set yourself a monthly budget on what to spend on groceries.

10) You don't have to buy name brand everything. Sometimes the knock off brands are even better.

11) Get your cold stuff last.

12) Buy things you can make meals with like homemade spaghetti because leftovers!

13) Create a stock pile. If you eat mac and cheese then buy a box or two extra on every other grocery trip and put it in the pantry. When you run out of something to eat you will have it. Also when shopping you can say I have like 5 boxes of mac and cheese at home I don't need any.

14) Local grocery stores have better deals on meats. Wal-Mart and other franchise stores is outrageous on meat.

15) Organic is more expensive.

16) Go shopping alone so your friends or boyfriend doesn't put anything extra in the cart.

17) Actually weigh your produce. Don't just grab a thing of bananas or any produce for that matter they could be $3.22 or $4.56. Sometimes produce can be very expensive and I'm just about ready to plant myself a lovely little garden so I can save money with produce.

18) Don't buy bottles of soda or bags of chips at the gas station when at the grocery store you can get a case of soda cheaper than 2 bottles. Same with a small bag of chips, you can get a bigger bag at the grocery store for the same price of 2 bags of chips. $12.00 at the gas station and $6.00 at the grocery store.

19) Don't buy an open or damaged product.

20) Wal-Mart has a grocery app where you make your list online. They get it ready and you pick it up incase you don't have time to shop.

I hope these can help someone!

xoAimee 🍒

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