2•Their First Takraar

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Though many wanted me to continue this one, but i didn't got much response i thought of. But yeah, its absolutely upto you guys. Anyways, i thought to give another chapter, so here it is....


Shivay Singh Oberoi. The name which is ruling the business world from past 5 years. No one ever dared to defeat him. Whoever tried, they are now celebrating their defeat with their forefathers.

He stepped into the business world at  22 and it hardly took 5 months for him, to rule the business world. At the early age only, he kept his feet there strongly and no one, ever could, atleast shake it. He was much stronger to them.

His family is way too happy at his achievement, especially his bade papa Tej Singh Oberoi, who is his role model. A loving and caring person. He is a great business man. He managed the office and his house together, without any fault.

His Daadi, Kalyani Singh Oberoi. The eldest member of the family, who loves her family from the bottom of her heart. She is the one, on which the family is rooted. She raised her both children as great persons. She is the widow of Late Prithviraj Singh Oberoi, the founder of Oberoi industries. She was from a middle class family, thus she knew the struggles of a middle class family. She lost her husband when her younger child was just 15 and the elder one was 18. After that, she became their both mother and father figure. Daadi was the one, who teach the values of life to Shivay and his siblings.

His papa, Shakti Singh Oberoi, is more of a religious person. He merely came to the office. But when he comes, he made sure to do everything perfectly. He too is a loving and caring person.

Pinky Singh oberoi. His Maa. Obviously she is from a middle class family, who hardly got the chance to go to school. She always tried her best to match herself with the high class family. She tried her best to talk in english but, it always turned out to be comedy, but she is still confident. A lovely lady, who loves her family immensely.

Jhanvi Singh Oberoi. His badi maa. Who is not less that his own mother to him. She also considered him as her own child. She used to scold and love the children where it needed perfectly.

OmRu. Omkara Singh Oberoi and Rudra Singh Oberoi. His cousins. Children of Tej and Jhanvi. But they are not just cousins to him. They are more than his own brothers. They are like his children. Is very protective of them. For them also, he is their hero. Om is 25 year old, a self billionaire, an Artist and Rudra just completed his studies and now focusing on his Modeling career at his 22. Where Om is a very matured and sensible person, there Rudy is a child from heart. He is the duplica of 7 years back Shivay. Chirpy and bubbly.  Anytime happy person.


As we say, SRK is the king of Bollywood, likewise SSO is the king of Business world. Both known to the world in three letters, starting with S. One is Shah Ruh Khan then the other is Shivay Singh Oberoi. But their life is far different from eachother.

Where the one is the king of romance, there the other is the king of arrogance. Where the one is the king of action, there the other is the king of ruthlessness.

SRK has the Love of his life with him, where SSO had no Love within him. Yes he love his family. But he forgot the way to show his love. Yes he cared for his family but he don't know how to show his care to them. He is unknown to all these feelings and emotions. He never cried, he never smiled. No pain is there which could make The SSO cry from the past 7 years. He had no emotions within him nor he felt the pain of others as well except his family. But he never showed it. One scratch oh his family and thats the end.

Its been whole 7 years to the event which made him a corp, just a corp. No law didn't punished him yet he is being punished, by himself.

He made himself away from everyone. He never allowed himself to be attatched to anyone, even if its his family. He was there for them all the thick and thin. But he never allowed anyone to stand with him in his thick and thin. He's alone


"Khanna, i want that deal at any cost. Do whatever you want and....." Shivay paused for a second giving a silent warning.

"Don't let me handle the deal or you know what will i do. Tell him  that." Shivay was driving his car talking on the phone by Bluetooth. He was calm by his voice but his eyes had the same essence of 7 years back.

Khanna, his PA cum security head. Mostly he handled SSO's deals because if SSO came, then there would not be a single talk and the deal is all his. They could argue with Khanna but not with SSO.

Suddenly Shivay took a sudden break and looked infront. There he saw a girl on the road, her red scooty half on her. Her phone was near her and at a distance, a cute little puppy.

Shivay's eyes halted on her face. Her black glittery eyes which was adorned with a little kohl, silky hair which lengthened till her waist, her chand bracelet, her peach off shoulder top and black jeans, a simple stud adorning her ears and a small pendant hanging on her neck.

Shivay came out of his daze  and closed his eyes for a second and when opened, it was red shot. He had no expression on his face. The girl was struggling to get up and pick up her puppy. Shivay drove a little further and stopped near her. Taking out a bundle of cash from the dash board of his car, he opened the glass of the door a little and threw the cash on her. And he immediately closed the glass.

Anika tried to look at the person who topped the car and throw the cash. But alas, the glass of the door was closed and it was not possible to see inside.

Averting his eyes from her, he drove his car further. A small cry heard and the she looked there. Anika's breath hitched at the scenery. It was a heart wrenching scene for anyone. Crying to herself, she freed her from the scooty. Her 3 month old puppy was lying there lifeless. The tire of his Mercedes car ran over him mercilessly. Half of his body had ground under the tire. Anika took his little body in her hand and cried for help.

At a distance, something urged Shivay to take a glance of the girl, he just passed. He slowly averted his eyes to the side mirror. That scene made something into his heart. She was crying, clutching the little puppy into her chest. Her dress and hands were full of blood. But his face expressed nothing. It was like if his face muscles had gone to coma stage. But his eyes softened for a fraction of second, but that was not enough for anyone to recognise.


Shivay entered the Oberoi mansion. Once it was his home. But now, he didn't felt like home. He was just living here. His family was very loving and caring, but he was not. He had no heart to reflect them the love they gave him. He was with everyone but he felt none with him. Everyone are trying their best to be with him but he felt nothing. Ofcourse they love him from the bottom of their heart, he knew it. But still it felt nothing.

"Billu, come here." His Daadi called him to the hall, where all the family members are seated. Rudy ran to Shivay and hugged him. Shivay patted his back just to assure that he is there, still with no expression. Parting the hug, Rudy dragged him to the couch and made him sit with Om and himself.

"Yes Daadi, what happened?" Shivay asked looking into her eyes.

"Puttar, what do you think about marriage?" She asked all of a sudden.

"Marriage is something that keeps two person together for lifetime. Thats it." He finished in a single sentence. His words too had no expression. It was plain.

"What if i say that we are gonna find you a girl and gonna make you marry her?" Daadi again asked raising her eyebrows.

"Thats all your wish. I have nothing to say in it. If you guys want, i will marry." He said straight.

"Hmm... So get ready, tomorrow we are gonna see a girl. And if you like her, we can fix the marriage. " Daadi said.

"I don't have any objection. You all can decide whether i should marry her or not. You can ask her opinion as well. I have nothing to say in it." He said and got up, walking to his room. The family looked at his retreating figure.

"Hope, the girl we are gonna see, could do any wonder to him. Its been 7 years that we lost our bubbly Shivay. He is no more our Shivay. He is just SSO now." Om said looking at him from distance. Everyone nodded agreeing to him.

Indeed. Its not the same Shivay, he used to be. The Shivay they knew was a kid, who used to run all over the house. He never sat a place peacefully, nor let anyone to stay peaceful. He was the one who made the house cheerful. But now, he is something that he actually is not.


Anika Mehta. Daughter of a business man. She is rich, yet  simple and down to earth. One who see her for the first time,will consider her as a middle class. She wore simple clothes. She is not like other rich girls, who wear tones of makeup. She just need a Kohl, a lip balm, a small stud and a small pendant. That is her. Simple yet elegant.

Anika came to her home crying  taking her puppy's body in her hand. Her Dad, Harshad Mehta came to her running.

"What happened beta?" He asked being worried. His eyes land on the lifeless soul in her hand. He was shocked.

"How did it happened?" He asked cupping her face. She said the incident.

"Such a heartless people our world have." He said with anger. Later the duo buried the little body on their backyard.

It was hardly two month that her dad bought the puppy. She was very much atteched to it, so as he. It was very difficult for her to accept the death of her friend. She cried on her bed till she fell asleep.


Anika opened her eyes at evening 7'O' clock. She descended down the steps, from her room to the hall. There she saw her family. Her Dad Harshad Mehta, her Mom Mansi Mehta and her little Brother Sahil Mehta. Little yet happy family. She came to them and sat with them smiling.

"Didi..." Sahil jumped on her lap. Anika was 24 and Sahil is 10. They have a huge age gap. Sahil was a late comer. Thats why he is treated as a prince and Anika as a Princess. He was her partner in crime. Anika is indeed 24 but she is a child by heart. She did all the mischievous things with Sahil.

Sahil kept his head on her shoulder sitting on her lap and holding into her through her neck. She wrapped her hands around him, preventing him from falling, with a light kiss on his forehead. Their parents looked at them smiling.

"Anika, tomorrow, some people are coming to see you." Anika gasped.

"Maa?" She called in a question manner.

"They are good people beta. I know Shakti and Tej from a long time. They will keep you like a princess. I can't trust anyone other that them, in your matter." Harshad said caressing Anika's head.

"Okay Papa, as you say. I know you both will take only good decisions for me. If you know them, then i am sure, they will be awesome." Anika said smiling.

"Get ready tomorrow. They'll be here by 10 in the morning." Mansi said. Anika nodded her head. Later they had their dinner and they slept in their respective rooms. Sahil was sleeping with Anika.


Heya guys.....

So here goes the first capter....

Hope you all liked it.

Read and enjoy.


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