6• The Diary

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2 am in the night

Anika was sitting in her room thinking about the happenings and his confession. Suddenly her phone rang. She saw the Id, it was a video call from Rudy. She wiped her tears which was flowing unknowingly from her eyes. Making sure she is presentable, she received the call.

She saw both Om and Rudy on the other side of the call.

"Hey Om and Rudy. How are you?" She chirped.

"Bhabhi no need to pretend. We know what happened today. And we called you to talk on the same." Rudy said seriously. Om nodded his head agreeing to him. Anika sighed giving up.

"Bhabhi, I am sending you something. Check that now." Om said and the next second her phone blinged indicating that she recieved a new message. Anika opened it still keeping the call on.

Om had send her some pictures. Opening it she realised it as some pages of someone's diary.

"Bhabhi..." She heard OmRu calling her and she focused on the call again.

"Read that and decide what you wanna do. Whatever is your decision, we are with you." Om said and Rudy agreed to him. Anika hummed and they ended the call.

Anika opened the pics again and started to read.

Dear Diary,

You know that its only you to whom I share everything , every night. I wanna share something today. I did a sin. I killed an innocent soul today.

I was coming back to OM from my office. My car got bumped into a scooter. A girl was riding it. I wanted to go and ask if she is okay or not. But I was afraid. I gave some bundle of cash to her.

I saw her face. I have never seen so beautiful face ever in my life. But she didn't saw my face.  If I would be the old Shivay then I would have definitely fall for her. Such a beauty she is. But I can't and I will not.

I drove my car away from her. I did heard a small voice but I didn't realise that it was because of me. I don't know why, but I wanted to see her face again. So I stopped my car at a distance and looked through the mirror. I saw her crying bitterly, clutching her tiny puppy into her chest. I felt something inside me. I don't know what is it nor I know why I felt it. But I feel guilty.


Anika had tears in her eyes. She remembered the day. Then she changed the pic and another page was there.

Dear Diary,

I don't know what should I feel. I met her again today. She was looking breathtaking beautiful. And you know what? We are gonna get married soon.

When I met her today, I remembered her crying face. I felt more guilty. She took me to her room to have a talk. Guess what, she is exact opposite of mine.

Watching her room, I surely can say that she is a superb lazy and clumsy girl. But its okay I can handle it.

I told her that we won't share a husband wife relationship. I thought she will reject me but to my surprise she accepted me. I don't know what she saw in me.

But It felt good.

First thing I am gonna do tomorrow is to enter my car into the garage and I'm never gonna take it out. If she recognised it then, I don't know what will be her reaction.

I don't know but I am feeling peaceful after meeting her.


A small smile appeared on her lips. She changed the pic and saw another page.

Dear Diary,

Today I met her in my favourite coffee shop. She was sitting on my seat.  Usually I won't allow anyone to sit there. Not even OmRu.

I like to sit alone. But today I allowed her to sit there and I listened to all of her talk. I don't know what's happening to me. But I felt peaceful listening to her voice.  We spend some time and then I dropped her to her house. She was adamant to go on her scooty only but I made her agree to come with me. On the way too , she never stopped talking.

I wonder, doesn't her tongue get tired?


Anika made an O shape with her mouth, reading the last sentence.
She changed the pic and saw another page.

Dear Diary,

Today she and her family arrived Oberoi Mansion. Elders decided that our engagement will be held in 2 days. Tomorrow me and her are going for our engagement shopping.

OmRu and Anika have a really good bond. I am happy for them. Really feel peaceful, the way she treats my brothers, as if they are not mine but her brothers.

Anika chuckled.

They stayed till the dinner after that Rudy and Om gone to drop Her parents and Brother. There was no space inside the car so I dropped her. There, she took my phone number and saved it , to call me tomorrow. She gave her number to OmRu but I remembered it. So I too saved it in my phone.

I know she did that deliberately so that I could get her number. But I saw her frowning watching me not giving attention to her talk and not saving her number. She doesn't know that I already saved it.


"Chantomayi." Anika muttered smiling. She changed the pic and saw another page.

Dear Diary,

Today was the worst day of my life. We  did our shopping. After that she moved to her home and I moved to my office. I felt to grab some coffee for myself so I entered my usual coffee shop.

I was searching something then I got her phone from one of my pocket. She had gave me that when she gone to try the dresses. I was about to call her when I got her mom's call. I received it and heard her hello. Me and her told about the phone together.

Then we decided that she'll come to the coffee shop. I was waiting for her. I was walking to my car to get my laptop, to complete my works till she reaches.

Suddenly one girl bumped into me. She looking like a mess. She clutched my hands and were crying.

She asked me to help her. I asked her what happened when she said

Bhaiya, a man is behind me. He tried to force me I somehow ran away.

That boiled my blood. In some time he reached there. He tried to take that girl with him. But I didn't allow. I hit him blue and black. I called Khanna and told him to reach thee and leave that girl safely into her house. I made her sit on the shop and ordered her a coffee.

Then I saw that moron is trying to run away. I ran behind him. I was not aware lf the surroundings. All I just wanted was to punish that bastard.

After running a lot, he stopped and turned to me. I was not in my sense. I just picked my gun and shot him.

No I don't regret that I killed him. He deserves that only. I just regret that Anika saw me like that.

I am sure she must have a very bad impression on me. I took her to the corner and told her that I am just like that. I didn't told her the reason.

I told her to call off the alliance. She is a good girl. She deserves someone who can keep her happy. I am definitely not the one. If she married me, then she will be called as a murderer's wife.

And if she got to know about my past after our marriage, then I don't know what will she do. If I got her then I won't be able to lose her. So its better that I don't get her at the first hand.

Hope she take a good decision for her life.


Anika silently cried reading the diary parts.

"I know what I have to do tomorrow Shivay. I have my answer. Just wait and watch."  Anika said wiping her tears with a determination.


"O, she won't leave our bhaiya na?" Rudy asked as he and Om looked at Shivay's sleeping figure from the poolside. He look so innocent while sleeping.

"Don't worry Rudy, she is mature. She'll take right decision. Now lets go and sleep. Tomorrow we have to get up early." Om said as they returned to their room


Next Day

Oberoi Mansion was all in hustle bustle. After all its Shivay Singh Oberoi's engagement.

Shivay was getting ready in his room but his mind was all behind Anika and her decision.

"Bhaiya, Anika bhabhi and family have came. Daadi is calling you. Come down fast." Rudy said entering Shivay's room. He nodded his head and Rudy left to the hall.

Shivay sighed before walking out of the room. He is well prepared for any kind of drama.


Shivay walked down to the hall. His eyes ran the whole hall and suddenly got stuck somewhere. He saw Anika talking to OmRu and laughing.

Pinky saw Shivay walking to them.

"Everyones, please come heres. Let's start the engagemants." She said in her not so perfect english. OmRu led Anika to the seat, which was arranged exclusively for her and Shivay. He also came and sat beside her.

(Their Dress)

He observed her face. She was happy. Wasn't she angry on him? 

"First, we will do the Roka then engagement." Daadi announced.

Shivay looked at Anika and whispered,

"Anika, you still have time. Just say that you don't want this marriage. Don't worry, i'll take care of rest." All he got is silence and ignorance. Shivay sighed.

This girl surely have something in her head.

Pinky and Shakti put a red chunri on Anika's head and put a small dot on her forehead with the sindur. Then they gave her a coconut and may gifts like Her Shadi ka joda , jewelleries, bangles etc.

Then Harshad and Mansi came to Shivay and they gave him, suit, watch , perfume and many more things.

Then everyone made them eat sweets one by one and blessed them.

"Now lets do the engagement." Tej said and everyone nodded their head.

Shivay looked at Anika again.

"You won't be able to back off once this engagement is done Anika. You'll regret marrying me...."

"Will you regret?"

Shivay said but got interrupted by Anika's sudden question. Anika looked straight into his eyes, resulting to an eyelock.

"I won't. Because I am getting a good girl, unlike you. You are gonna marry a murderer Anika." Shivay said still maintaining the eyelock. Anika looked into his eyes and saw his eyes changing colours.

Suddenly their eyelock got broke by Rudy's scream.

"Here we go Bhaiya, make her wear this." He said and gave the ring to Shivay. Om gave the ring to Anika. Both took it and looked at each other.

"Come on kids, its time." Jhanvi said smiling.

Anika forwarded her hand to him. He looked at her hand and then her face. She was determined, he knew it just looking at her face. Shivay took her hand in his and slowly slid the ring into her ring finger. Everyone clapped for them.

"Come on Shivay, make her wear the ring." Shakti said as Shivay was gazing at Anika's ring in her hand.

Shivay came into his sense and saw Anika already forwarded her hand for him. Shivay kept his hand om hers. Anika slid the ring into his ring finger. Everyone clapped and they congratulated them one by one.

Soon the guests left and it was only Oberois and Mehtas.


OmRu had left to poolside with Anika. Shivay was in his room. Sahil was playing sitting with the elders.

Shivay saw Anika and OmRu at the poolside from his room through the pool side window. They were talking and laughing. The trio have already started to share a strong bond.

Shivay walked to the pool side surprising them. All looked at him, their look demanding the reason for his sudden arrival.

"I want to talk to Anika." He said. OmRu nodded their head and walked out from there, not before giving Anika a naughty smirk.

Shivay came and sat beside her.

"Anika, i did asked you a hundred times to stop this engagement. And now we are engaged." Shivay said as Anika sat there looking into the pool.

"Are you listening to.me Anika?" He asked but got no response.

"I already told you that I won't regret about the marriage. I am just like the way you saw me yesterday. And I  never gonna change myself. You'll see many more like that. If you have courage then welcome into my life Anika." Shivay said and waited for her response, but got none. Both sat there in silence for some time.

"I have to go now ,bye." Anika said and got up followed by Shivay.

Shivay closed his eyes sighing. Suddenly he opened his eyes feeling something in his cheeks and saw Anika running away. Then he realised that she just kissed his cheek. A small smile came into his lips along with a tint of blush which he immediately brushed off and maintained his stern look.


Heya guys....

Hope you all liked the chappy....

Stay tuned...

Athi ❤️

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