ƈԋαρƚҽɾ 2

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I woke up late this morning. The sound of a door slamming woke me up.

Hmm... The sound of a door slamming?

Without giving it much thought my brain started planning how I would spend my time today. I decided to clean this crusty dusty old house. Crawling out of my bed and groaning at the thought of all the works waiting for me I dragged my feet to the bathroom.

Time skip

Before I start cleaning I decided to give my flat a tour. Upon opening the main door, at the left corner, the stairs were located. The floor looked empty. To make sure I knocked on the door opposite to mine and of course, no one replied. I ended up climbing down the stairs and came face to face with an old woman. She looked gaunt and dusty as the house. Her eyes were green and faded.

"Anneyong Ajumma are you the the landlady" I questioned.

She looked at me queerly out of her faded eyes before she answered.

"Yes, I am. You must be Jieun"

I nodded at her question.
"Anyone else on my floor?"

She gave me a long haunted look while I stood there anxiously. Old people are so weird sometimes.

The next second she answered

"Reckon you are" she wanted out, ending the conversation abruptly by turning her back on me and slowly going towards her room.

Well... Okay. Let's just go get over with the cleaning.

I made a U-turn and followed the same way to my apartment when I noticed a nameplate to my right.


So, that's the name of the previous owner?

I detached the nameplate from the wall and threw it away without another glance.

"Hmm, where do I start"

Started dusting from the hall, I discovered three interesting things.

1. A Polaroid camera.
2. A music album named Winter Bear.
3. Few books.

Fidgeting the music album back and forth I took the CD out of it and put it on the player.

Agreeing with playing the song later I swayed across the hall towards the storeroom, until I saw a ladder to the attic.
Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to go take a look cause super interesting things are always found at the attic.

It was dead silent and chilly inside. Much too cold for my liking. An uneasy feeling ran through my veins.

The air was damp.

Light cascades in from a window giving the attic a more haunted look.

Rat droppings scattered all over the floor made me go ugh.

There were shelves at one corner, with a mirror by it's side. I made my way towards it. Upon the shelf there lied a frame with picture of a handsome young man with the camera I found!

The picture seemed to be clicked in front of the same mirror.

I glanced at the mirror and to my horror I saw something move behind me. I screamed my lungs out and whirled around only to find no one there.

My breathing hard and ragged had reached its highest point. My heart had this hollow feeling, one which cannot be explained. A wave of dread overcomes me.

I hurried out of the depressed room. The moment I climbed down the ladder, the attic door slammed closed.

A loud melody filled the hall.

"She looks like a blue parrot
Would you come fly to me?
I want some
good day, good day, good day
Good day, good day

Looks like a winter bear
You sleep so happily
I wish you a good night, good night, good night
Good night, good night"


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