Happy Birthday!

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Saphie: "walking home with her sword" Ah... another job well done at last. Now to finally get some rest.

*At the mansion*

Charmy: "spying on her" Guys guys! She's coming! She's coming!

Vector: Would you just calm your yaps, bumblebee?! "hits him on the head"

Charmy: OW!!! DX

Espio: "sighs" You know you don't have to do that right? -.-'

Vector: Eh .3.

Marine: That alligator's literally clueless in the noggin, don't ya think? 0.-


Marine: Whatever mate -3-

Tails: ^^'

Cream: Mr. Vector does look like an alligator... 0.0

Blaze: There's a difference between an alligator and a crocodile Cream ^^'

Cream: Oh o.o

Sonic: Hey guys, let's not uh... talk too long 'cause Saph's almost here o3o

Marine: Right! 0o0 Everyone to your hiding places!

All: "goes to their hiding places"

Amy: "whispers" Can someone kill the lights please? I don't mean the 'kill' thing okay? 0-0'

Silver: I got it! "uses his telekinesis and throws a wooden figurine at the light switch, turning it off"

Sonic: Nice aim o3o

Silver: Thanks ^^

Shadow: You could just have pressed it earlier -.-

Sonic: How would you actually see where you are going in the dark? >.>

Shadow: I have my ways Faker v.v

Knuckles: Alright! Everyone quiet down!!

Sonic: We know, Knucklehead. We know.

Rouge: Knuckies It'll be fine~ ^^

Tikal: Yeah Knuckles! Don't worry!

Knuckles: Guess you're right...

Cheese: "looking through a window" Chao chao!! "flies back to Cream"

Cream: Oh! Oh! Miss Saphie is here!

Knuckles: Everybody quiet!

All: ......

Saphie: "opens door and walks in" Whoa... who turn out the lights? 0.0 "places sword down on a table" It's so quiet... where are all the others..? "turns on the lights"

All: "jumps out" SURPRIIIIISSSEEEEE!!!

Saphie: "stumbling" Holy cheese balls!! What the heck guys?! 0-0

Sonic: It's your birthday!! :D


Saphie: Aw guys! You shouldn't have ^^

Tails: We had it planned out for you since you've been here with us for a long time ^^

Saphie:  Thanks you guys! XD

Amy and Blaze: No problem! :)

Mephiles: "appears next to Saphie" Happy birthday...

Saphie: Oh! Hey Meph! c:

Scourge: Yo Blue! Your twin looks so pretty today ewe

Sonic: Don't even try to kidnap her Snot -_-

Manic: "pulling Saphie by the arm" Come on, birthday girl! Let's have fun!! :D

Saphie: XD Way ahead of ya, bro! "following Manic"

Wave: Hmph. He's really some weirdo. I mean, look at his hair e3e

Jet: XD Yeah!

Sonia: "pulling his tail feathers" That's my little brother you're messing with! >:(

Jet: OW!! DX

Wave: Dragon is watching me _ _|||

Big: Dragons scary _ _|||

Knuckles: Relax you big babies -3-

Shade: "rolls eyes"

Saphie: "in front of everyone, holding her guitar"

Sonic and Shadow: "holding their guitars"

Manic: "with his drums"

Silver: "at the sound system"

Saphie: I gotta song number ready for you guys! Please enjoy!!

(Music: The Dying Message by Rin Kagamine)

*After the music number

All: "at the dining room"

Silver: I have no idea how big this place is but it sure can fit a lot of people here o3o

Shadow: You may ask her about the elves that dined here long ago. And invited Gandalf as well.

Silver: Say what? 0-0

Shadow: "shrugs" She has a lot of stories to tell.

Sonic: You said it!

Saphie: Okay everyone! Thanks again for making this day special! And also for being here ^^

Charmy: Anytime! :D

Saphie: Oh and guys! Five days till Christmas! Boy, am I getting excited XD

Knuckles: Yes. Yes you are .3.

Saphie: Thanks noodlehead cx


All except Knuckles: "laughing" XD

Saphie: "laughs" Alright! "raises her ice cream cup" Let this be a merriful day for everyone! ^o^

Sonic: Don't forget your other buddies as well :3

Saphie: Oh yes! I wanna say thanks to my other friends* for being with me for a long time. I couldn't be much happier without them.

Rouge: Aw~ That's nice hun! ^^

Saphie: Hehe thanks ^^ Merry Christmas all! And thank you again for this day!

(*Other Friends [Not in order]













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