S.S.S 2 part 1

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(This came into my mind after hearing this o3o)

Ushimitsudoki (3:00 AM)

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunfires were heard in the middle of the sleepless nights of Midorijima. Blood spattered on the stone walls and concrete ground. Screams of agony echoed throughout the darkness and the silence of the dark night broke away into an antagonizing madness. There was no escape for the continuous death and destruction trailing along the river of crimson blood.

Standing at a red arch, waiting for the challenge to start, was a young man. His hair, tied into a bun with red ties on each side and a chrystathemum flower on the top left, and skin was unnaturally alabaster white, a long scar across the bridge of his nose while his eyes, rigt one covered in bandages, turn from cyan to red, like that of the blood his own hands were dyed previously. He's wearing a white cloak that the ends touched the floor, red undershirt and pants with black tassles and wooden sandals. He's wielding a gun and wearing a sharp grin on his twisted face.

How he came to be like this? No one truly knows how. Or even didn't know why would he became like this. Nevertheless, he's acting like a puppet but moving on its own, killing and destroying anything he could see. No regrets were found within him. Just his need and impulse to destroy.

He then heard footsteps coming from behind him. "You have come at last." He smirked without turning his body towards the person behind him. He'd like his gory fights with even the toughest and meanest people in the city. It kind of... Feeds him. With the desire of everything red in color.

"Evildoer, you must stop all this at once." The person said. It was a man with a muscular build. He has midnight blue short hair, amber eyes with the right one covered with an eyepatch and tan skin. He wore a black long coat over a white collared shirt and red necktie with matching black boots, red slacks, his cap, gloves, and a swatski band around his left arm. Wielding his long, sharp katana with one hand, he growled at the other man in front of him.

"Fufufu, you think that you can stop me with that sword of yours?" The white man chuckled coldly while slowly turning towards his direction. He pulled out his gun, one finger rested on the trigger. The guard got ready, clutching the thin sharp blade with one hand.

"All evil must be destroyed." He muttered and glared at him. The white man smirked and shifted his feet at a certain angle. Then... the fight commenced.

Kowashite, Kowashite

He dashed around in circles while shooting rounds to the guard. Metal bullets rang at his ears as he avoided every single one of them. One nearly hit his good arm but he didn't stand down. Taking his chance to attack, he swung his katana swiftly at the white killer. However, he smoothly dodged his swings without the blade touching him at a hair's breadth.

For the whole night long, the sounds of gunfire and a clashing blade rang on as the fight to the death continued. No blood was spilled yet. The sky, now a mix of glowing scarlet and black specked with white and the moon became one with the red.

After what seemed to be like forever, the guard managed to aim and swing towards the center of the white killer but he blocked it with his gun. The guard gritted his teeth while the killer smiled wickedly at him, insanity, bloodlust and pride exposed from the depths in his eyes.

"You'll never stop me! I will be victorious and reign the world in blood! HAHAHAHA!!!" He laughed madly. "Gh...!" The guard gritted his teeth, struggling to subdue his enemy. Their fight wouldn't be finished if none can get to attack each other without getting injured. Who would prevail.

Suddenly, a large gust of wind blew towards them, swirling their spot in circles. The guard's hat flew off of his head and his entire face was completely exposed. At a glimpsed of his face, the killer suddenly stopped. They lowered their weapons and their eyes widened as they look straight at each other. A familiarity sparked inside their cold eyes, slowly thawing and giving up a faint light.  Fragments of hidden and forgotten memories began to take shape and pieced themselves together, creating a scenario that started to replay everything by itself, as if trying to explain the whole, unlikely twist of history between their broken bridge of their past.




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