chapter 10

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Night to morning avu Check temperature of sid and put soaked cloth to his forhead then morning

Avu : Now Temperature is normal. Uff Iam now relief

Then saw sid is sleeping and Smalling to saw him and kisses his forhead then sid slowly slowly opening his eyes

Avu :  How are you feeling now?

Sid : Iam okay

Avu :hmm now wake we have to hospital for chack up

(Hear hospital name sid scared)

Sid : Noooooooo

Avu : what?

Sid : Avu I don’t woona go hospital

Avu : No you have to it’s for your Health

Sid : No see Iam okay. Iam fit and fine

Avu : No you are not

Sid : Avu please

Avu : No

Sid : I'll give you promise I will not going to ate more ice cream after one ice cream please Iam not woona to hospital

Avu : No you have to it’s final

Sid : Noo

Avu : No excuses wake up fast 

Then avu leave

Then after sometime avu come and sid wake up. He was in Washroom now. He is coming

Avu : Are you ok now? 

Sid : Yeah

Avu : So Lets go for check up

Sid : No avu Iam ok see. So need doctor

Avu : no you have to go. come. Let's ate breakfast now

Sid : Ok

Then after ate breakfast they are going hospital and avu drive the car and sid sat in car and thinking something

Sid's prov : I don’t want to hospital. I will go then doctor Will give me injection noo. I don’t woona to go. But avu was not agreed what was I do now? I can't tell her I was scared for injection how can?

Avu 's prov : what was he thinking? And why he didn’t woona to go hospital for chack up? I didn’t understand anything

Then they reached hospital and sid was really scared and avu was thinking what happen to him

Avu : Sid Let's go. Dr cabin

Sid : Ok (sadly)

Then they go doctor Cabin

Avu : Dr in yesterday night. He have fever so please Check him. He is ok or not

Dr : Ok I'll check but how he caught fever

Avu : Actually yesterday night he ate 2 ice creams

Dr : Ohh ok..I'll Check

Then he examine sid and check  bp and Plus.

Avu : How is he. Is it ok everything or not

Dr : Yeah he is fine but I'll give him injection them it’s will better

Avu : ok doctor

Sid : Noooo

Avu : what happen sid?

Sid : I don’t need injection see Iam fit and fine nothing happen to me please please dr

Dr : But it’s need please

Avu : Sid please

Sid : Noo

Avu : Nothing will happen believe me please Iam here please for me

Sid : No

Avu : You will not take then I'll go away from you

Sid eyes widened to hear that

Sid : No please I'll take

Avu : Ok so take injection

Avu's prov : I understand he scared from injection but he was taking injection for me. He have care for me. He don’t want to leave me. How cute he?

Then doctor start giving injection sid and sid is really scared and sid hold avu's hand and avu was said

Avu : sid look at me

Then sid saw avu's face and mosly avu's Eyes he lost on her eyes and avu also lost in his eyes they have small eyelock then suddenly doctor

Doctor : Done

App kyha hogha tell me in comment

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