Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Avu's prov : I did really wrong to do this joke. Now he misunderstood me. Now what will I do? I have to make him understand as sooon as possible or else something will happen then.

Tears fall from avu's eyes.

Avu's prov end

Then they did there night like that  without sleeping. Then Avu wake up and saw sid also wake up. Then She gone to him and say

Avu  : Sid you are ok na? Why you are wake so early?

Sid : No response

Avu : Sid please answer me. Please don’t make me scare

Sid : Iam ok no need to do care for me.

Sid say that holding his head. His head is planing like hell. Because yesterday night he didn’t sleep and take stressed  avu saw that and say

Avu : sid you are not ok. Why you are holding your head? Tell

Sid : Iam ok

Avu : But

Sid : Iam ok Iam saying na and don’t need to do fake care for me. Do care for your boyfriend

Avu didn’t said anything Because she saw  sid's  something different side. She Didn’t saw that's types cold sid.

Avu gone downstairs in kitchen but she is really sad. When Vaish come she saw and say

Vaish : what happened avu?

Avu : Nothing bhabi

Vaish : No you are lieing. Tell What happen

Avu : Nothing bhabi

Vaish : I think it’s all about sid right

Avu : Yeah

Vaish : Don’t worry sid will be ok

Avu : Yeah

Vaish : But it’s only nothing more

Avu : Yeah nothing more don’t worry di.

Vaish : Ok one more thing avu

Avu : yeah tell bhabi

Vaish : Abhi  gone for office and me,  Parul and Me going Temple.

Avu : Ok bhabi

Vaish : Take care of you and sid

Avu : Ok bhabi

Then Vaish, Parul and VN gone to Temple. Then Avu gone to sid's room and saw

Sid was fainted on floor . Avu was shocked and run to sid and take sid's head on her  lap. Then Avu

Avu : Sid sid What happened? Sid What happened? Please wake up please wake up. I think you are trying to scare me right. You are doing drama right. Wake up sid.please sid wake up. You know I was only love you. Only love you.Sid I don’t have any boyfriend. I was Just joking on this time. Please wake up. Please you know how much I love you. Please wake up. Something Will happen you then I Will not able to forgive me. Please wake up.

Avu's prov : Sid is not waking . I can't take any risk. I Have to take him hospital as sooon as possible . But no one is here in house and driver also not here. Now I have to take him hospital.

Then Avu call mad . Then they take him car and liyed in car  . Then Avu also sat on car. She Have to drive now But she is really scared now because after there accident she didn’t drive car from 5 monthe. She is really scared that that's happen 5 month's age . Is that will happen now. She can't able to take any risk now she have to save sid. Then she take a breath and looked sid then start driving.

Avu driving but suddenly truck come. Avu's mind again come that's 5 month's age flashbacks that happened, car accident, sid's condition. She is panicked. But she didn’t leave her strength.

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