Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

Avu's prov

Rohan said " How can you do this Avu?  You are going to end your relationship and Your love. You also want to leave your love. Really how can you do this? For sid how much difficulty you bear. You did for him because you love him and you want to live with him but now what is you doing? You leaving him really? You know from you and sid's Relationship I understand that " Age doesn’t matter in love " So now what you are saying? I saw Rohan is so much irritated because of that. Then I said " Yeah I also think that " Age doesn’t matter in love " but now I understand that Age matter. Iam wrong. My love is incomplete. I thought that " Age doesn’t matter in love " After that incident " Rohan said " Which incident " I said " Iam saying It's all about somedays age. When mein and sid is really happy in our life. We happy with each others . Then Some guests come in our house. They saw me and said " Ohh sid's wife is so beautiful but It's looks so she is older then sid "Then another lady said " Vibha you didn’t got any other girl for sid? Why you choice this girl for sid? I know she is beautiful and Rich but what about age? Age matter in this " I hears all there talk I feel really bad and tears come from my eyes. There taunt is hearing in my ears. But I saw sid saw me with crying and said to All people " I know you guys thinking about that how avu my wife and why we did that marriage. Iam giving all question answers. We marry each others because of Business deal can say our marriage is Just a deal and nothing much. On that time Avu didn’t know anything about me and my age. I also didn’t know anything about her. I did for my uncle said to marry her that's why I married her and Avu also married me for deal. But she didn’t about my age. She get to know in our first night when we meet first to each others. On that time we shocked and Iam not ready to accept that. I really scared from her. But she regrating because she thought that It’s all happen becasueOf her. She didn’t want to destroy my life. But our marry done now she can refused that relation. She accept me. She always taking care of me. She always gave me important more then everything. She is always help me in everything . She is fully perfect and that about Age. You guys thought that Age matter. But I thought that " Age doesn’t matter  " because of her  she is best. Iam gald to got her and now don’t dare to taunt her. It’s not her faults or else is you want to taunt her then leave from our house. I just smile and sid wipped my tears. He support me and stand for me. I saw different sid on that time. I loved that sid's that side. From that day I really thought that " Age doesn’t matter in love " But today I understand that Age matter " Rohan just just garing me and said " You uggh I think you wil not goona to understand. Now forgot that your home is come now you can go " I said " ok Iam going bye wil talk you later and sorry for disturb you  "

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