Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Sid's prov

Avu said " but Anu love you. She want to marry you. She wants you " I just shocked what is she saying? I said " No No It's can't possible and stop saying nonsense avu " Avu said " Iam not saying any nonsense It's true. Now give me divorce and give me peace from this blacklife " I said " No Avu please Don't say this. Don't leave me. Please avu. Please avu. Please " Avu said " Iam leaving you but Anu always with you so don’t worry and get ready for marry her " I said " what? No I can't and what is you wil say to my familly? How wil they accept that? Tell me what you saying? " Avu said " You didn’t need to worry about that all is ready for this relationship and for our divorce " I said " what? How can this possible? How they agreed?  " Avu said " they know what is good. So that's why they agreed now you also got ready for marriage and divorce " I said " No No Iam not going to do " Avu said " You Have to understand " I got really angry how can they all do this?They all forcing me for marrige  and avu behaviour making me for angry then I said " Ok Iam ready to do marry Anu but you have to do our all marriage preparation and you have to watch our marriage fully. You are not leaving our house now " Avu said " Ok Iam ready but After marriage I wil leave " Avu said and go from Room. Iam agreed for marriage because Iam really angry with avu. How can she do this? Now let's see how can she wil she my wedding with another girl

Avu 's prov

Iam coming guest room and falling in floor and start crying. I know sid I hurted you so much that's why you agreed in this marriage. But What wil I do? I didn’t have any option. I have to save this business. I have to do.


Someday age
When I come office I saw our business got lost and we are not able to bear this lost. We did founder who wil be partner and who wil give money in our project. But we are not able to find any person. But today when I go office I  find MR Rahul Sen.He also business man. He want to give money. He want to us partner. But he is Anu's dad. He have one condition that you have to marry anu. On that time I didn’t got any idea I agreed for condition because I can't make all homeless. For that I have to divorce you sid. I know you hurt but for you and your familys happiness  you have to do.

In Anu's House

Anu's prov

Iam Crying in Room but suddenly dad come and said  " Don't cry you know na I can't see  tears in my daughter eyes " He said and wipped my tears and said " Don't worry sid is only yours " I Said with shocked " How dad . Sid didn’t love me and he is marry with Avneet. " Dad said "I know sid is marry with avneet. But he is ready to marry you now and he wil take divorce from Avu " I Just shocked what is dad saying is it really? I said " what? But How? How sid agreed? What about Avu? How they agreed? " Dad said " Don't think about that and Start your wedding shoppings because your wedding in this week " I said " Dad really? "

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