Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

Anu got ready then sid in downstairs. All people now calling anu. Then anu come with avu. Anu sat with sid in Mandap and priest start wedding. Then after priest tell sid and Anu to stand up for faire. Then they stood up. They are taking faire. But suddenly Sid fainted in Mandap. All just shocked what happen to sid. Avu Just Run to sid and saw blood come from sid's Mouth. Tears falling from Avu's eyes.

Avu : Sid sid what happen? Sid open your eyes. You give me promise na you wil marry anu. So how can you forgot your promise. Please wake up

Suddenly sid wake his eyes but he is half unconscious still

Sid :... Yeah..... give........ me...... Promise...... For...... Do....that. But I......can't......... Able.......... Anu...... You know........ When...... I.......... Understand...... What...... Is... Fr....from..... That........ day......I....just........ Loved......... you..... Avu...... Only......You.Sid : But..... You.... Y.......ou...... Didn’t..... Und.....under...... Understand........ My......... Love.......... You To...... Marry...... That..... Girl..... I..... Didn’t...... Love.... Her....... Can......... You.......... Do....... This...... And........... Are...... My....... Wife......bec.....beacuse..... I.............didn’t...... Give............... You........ Divorce yet......I......... Didn’t..... Sign..... Divorce...............paper...... Yet......... Because..... I...... You...... Only..... Love you..... Avu. But..... You didn’t understand....... And.... I.... Didn’t realise.... Mistakes........ But I agreed..... For...... Marry.... To Anu...... But Only....but I....can't bear.... More....... That's why... I......consumed..... Poison...................

Sid said and again fainted in avu's armeAvu : Sid Iam sorry. Iam really sorry Just Because of me It's happen. Iam sorry. I should understand you. Please please forgive me. Please forgive me sid. Please open your eyes please please. You know how much I love you. I can't live without you. Please wake up. Wake up sid

Avu start crying more. Anu just shocked. But now this time for take sid hospital . They take sid hospital .

In Hospital

Avu : Doctor doctor please please save him

Doctor : Don't worry we wil save him. We are trying our best but who are you? Which relation you have with him?

Avu : He is my husband. Please save him

Anu saw all

Doctor : Yeah

Then doctor go. All really tensed  for sid. Then suddenly doctor come and all go to doctor

Avu :How's he? Tell me? How's he? He is ok na?

Doctor : Yeah he is ok. You can meet him

Avu : Ok doctor

She said and go to sid's Room and on that time Anu's dad Rahul about to stop Avu but Anu stop his dad

Anu : No dad. Don't stop her. She is right. Avu right for sidAnu : sid always only avu's. One and Only avu's. I Just come in there life but I have to go from there life because I understand that " Age doesn’t matter in love " There love always pure. They always together. They always each Others. So now I want to leave from there life

Rahul : Bata are you sure?

Anu : Yeah dad Iam fully sure
Now we should leave from there life.

She said and go sid's Room and saw sidneet from window and go from hospital with her dad. Now Let's see what happening in sidneet side

Avu go sid's Room and saw sid just looking on window. Avu just go and hold his hand and sat beside him. Sid jarked his hand but avu give hand Again

Sid: why you doing this?

Avu : Sid Iam sorry please forgive me. Please forgive me. Please please

Sid didn’t looked avu tears falling from sid's eyes. Avu Just hugged sid and start crying.

Sid : You wil leave me na?

Avu : No Iam forever with you my love.  I really love you. Love you my boy

Sid : love you toooo Avu


Thank you so much for giving me so much love. Thank you so much for given loved to that book. It’s book is my first book I maked in wattpad sidneet. It’s really means a lot.

" Age doesn’t matter in love " I always saw boys elder then girl. When I feel like why boy. Why not girl? It’s feeling make me to made this book. I did so much research on that topies and make this book. This book teach us that " Age doesn’t matter " Age just a Number and nothing much. Love didn’t saw age. Love only saw pure love. That's it nothing much. Hope you guys understand " Age doesn’t matter in love "

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