ᴘᴀʀᴋ ꜱᴇᴏɴɢʜᴡᴀ

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You and Seonghwa have been in a on and off relationship. You always fight but you guys will soon get together.

Today Seonghwa visited you and he did something really unexpected.

"Hello baby!" he said. He is smiling all the way and you exactly know what just happenes. If he is like this, you know that he did something really bad today.

"What's with the smile, did you break something?" I asked. He still smiles at me and moved out of the door. "Look outside." he said. I noticed that he has a wound on his left leg.

I looked outside and the pot with my favorite plant inside is broken. The pot is broken and it can't be fixed again. "No!" you shouted and fixed the plant. You moved the plant to the other side together with some other plants.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too. I should surprise you but I accidentally slipped and I hit the pot." he said and I laughed. We went inside and I treated his wound. "There!" I said and he smiled. He hugged me and said "Thank you for accepting my apology." I kissed him and said "You're welcome!"

That night, you can't sleep. You know he is hiding something to you. His friends reported that he was always with a girl.

The next day, you decided to confront him about it.

"Is it true that you always go out with a girl?" you asked him. He looked at you in shock and he said "She is just my cousin that I haven't seen for a while."

You were not that satisfy with his answer so you asked him again one more time "Are you really sure about it?" you asked one more time.

He looked at you angrily and said "Why are you so naughty? I've told you that she is just my cousin. Stop with your non sense. Fix your attitude."

I looked down, not knowing what to do. The only thing left to do is to trust him. He is a good man, you know that he will never ever cheat on you.

You heard a glass broken and you immiediately went to the kitchen. You saw Seonghwa holding a broken glass. His right hand is full of blood. "Oh my gosh Hwa drop that glass." you said he dropped it and you cleaned the floor.

You cleaned his hands and treat his wounds. "You shouldn't mind me. I hate it when you do that." he said and left the house. You sighed, you just wanna treat his wounds. You're just concern knowing that the broken glass may be inside him.

After about an hour thinking about what to do. You decided to visit him in his company to apologize for what just happened.

About a meter or two away from his company. You saw him with a girl. You hide and your heart was beating fast.

I hope she is just your cousin. You muttered again and again. Seonghwa holds her cheeks and kissed her in the lips. It was long enough and you can't hold it. Tears automatically fell down your cheeks and you've had enough. You went to him.

"How dare you." you said. They were shock "I can explain." Seonghwa said. You slapped him in his cheeks and red marks are going on his cheeks.

"The last thing I wanna say to you is that whatever explanation you do to me, I will never ever forgive what you've done to me. Just like the plate that you broke earlier and the pot you broke yesterday, you don't have anything else to do. You can't fix a broken heart just like a broken plate and a broken pot.".

Next: Yunho Imagines

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