12. Fifteen Years Hence - Advika (part 3)

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Let your deadliness show. Chin up and head held high!

While in Hastinapura Pandavas and Kauravas arrived and Karna protected the forest dwellers, in another part of the country a girl was seen practicing, as dawn arrived. The forest was dark and deary but the girl was neither scared or afraid. Her steps sure and steady. She looked right at home in middle of the forest.

Her long hair in a plait. Her body moved with the grace of a seasoned fighter. She used a wooden pole as a sword to practice. She ducked, she parried. She moved from stance to stances. Her cat like movement was nimble and powerful. Her lithe body moved as she commanded it to, never disobeying nor straying. Beautiful yet powerful was she. Someone who could be a leader. An alpha among the power-hungry wolves. She did not need any other's protection; she could protect herself. She was traditional yet receptive to change. She was a queen, because she was taught to be one, through her actions never for her birth.

She had remained the same yet changed. Her values had not changed yet her methods have. These Fifteen years had taught her to endure. Taught her that Destruction was needed for a new Creation to take place.

"Advika!" Devi Arundhati called. A girl dressed in white turned her head. The sunlight caught her hair giving it a beautiful glow. He gold ornaments dangled as she moved. Her beauty was personified with the lush forest all around. She came she walked with a grace seen in a warrior. A warrior queens. Devi Arundhati smiled at the girl whom she sees as a daughter.

" Aap ne bulaya Mata?(You called Mother?) " Asked Advika.

"Haa Putri..your Gurudev have asked for you! Go and speak with him." said Arundhati. Advika nodded. In a hut, a man with white hair and huge wooden pole was seen standing.

He smiled as he heard his female student approach him.

"Putri!" Advika folded her hands and said " Ji Gurudev? "

"Time has not stopped for any human being. Fifteen years have passed, since you came to me, a small child who had not seen the world yet. I nurtured you, like I would have done a small plant. You grew into a beautiful and strong tree by receiving and taking the nourishment. It is time for you re-join the world again and walk on the path meant for you!"

Advika looked at the person who had taught her many things. From weapons to astrology, from medicine to Vedic scriptures.

"Time has passed." she agreed, "I will try my best to honour your teachings Gurudeva!" she said.

Guru Vashistha smiled and raised his hand to bless the charismatic girl, whom destiny had chosen.

"May Shiv- Gauri watch over you!" He blessed wholeheartedly. Night fell around the ashram. Advika stood out under the sky filled with stars and moon as they shown brightly.

She thought how her life had taken such a drastic change from that day. She had been so sad leave a friend but eager to test the new waters, the new opportunities. How was he? Had he changed? Did he remember her? Of course, he did.

She wondered if she would see him when she left this safe heaven. If so, then where would she see him. She wanted to visit her mother. It's been years. Who knows how she was? She smiled as she prepared to go back in her hut for the night, mind decided where she would go. Hastinapura, the place where everything started. She wanted to explore how much had the city had changed.

Hopefully, he would also come.

In Kailash

"Swami, it seems they are going to meet soon." Mata Parvati said excitedly.

" Haa Gauri, now the real play will begin." Mahadeva smiled at his wife's excitement.

Both turned to watch as unknowingly, Hastinapura became the meeting place for two souls again.

Let's see what's destiny has in store for them.

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