13. Surprise

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If your base is strong, your building will stay upright even during the storm. This is exactly what a good character is about.

In Suryaloka.

Karna walked around the palace that had become his second home. Yes, second home. If someone asked him whether he would prefer the palace of Suryaloka or his adopted parent's house, he would always choose his Radha Mata's and Adiratha Pitashree's home. That small house will always be his home. That place was his solace.

He was adopted by them. They gave him a home when they did not have to. They could have simply handed him to the ashram in Hastinapura, but they did not do so. They chose to keep him as their son. They gave him food, clothes and basic moral values. They loved him as his own even after Shon was born. He was still their first child and they loved him. That's all he can ask for.

It had hurt when he learnt from his father that his biological mother had given him up. He had been abandoned, though there was no fault of his. He was nothing but a baby then. His heart had lurched and writhed with pain when he found out his mother had not wanted him. Tears had rolled down his cheeks thinking that he did not deserve love.

But he had understood too. He understood the circumstances. He had forgiven his mother the moment he heard about her plight. Understood she was in a tough position. He was grateful too. If he had not been abandoned by his biological mother, then he would not have met his Radha mata and Adiratha pitashree. He would not have met his only friend Advika.

His mother was a princess and also, a queen. If he was bought up by his biological mother, then he would have led a lavish life. How would he meet his friend and his beloved parents then? He cannot imagine a life without them. They are a part of who he is. They had a hand in molding his personality. Without his adopted parents and Advika he would have been always craving for love and affection. To prove his worth over and over again.

In the end, Karna thought that Advika was right in saying 'Whatever happens, happens for a reason.'

His life might have been tough, but there were people who had worse than him. The least he can do is be grateful and become the best he can become. To honour those people who prayed for him, stood by him and helped him. Karna realized as a small smile spread on his lips, that he had a lot of those people. His biological father Suryadev and his family, his adopted parents, his celestial brothers and sisters and his two revered teachers...who had taught him the principles of life...who had mold him and made him who he was today...and one more person. Advika.

Her thought had always bought a smile on his lips unknowingly. She became the light when he was being bullied and rejected by the society for being low born. She became a truly dear friend. He realized how much he values her friendship. She would tease him, irritate him and then apologize as well. She stopped him from doing wrong and expecting that he would do the same for her. Karna stepped into a balcony that showed the palace garden in Suryaloka. He breathed in the fresh air and watched as his father rose the sun in the sky.

A near silent footsteps were heard as the person came to stand beside him. Karna did not glance at him, already knowing who he was.

Shani dev spoke,  "Suna Mata sei ki tum bhulok ajj hi wapas jaoge! Any specific reason?"

"Nehi, koi visshes karan nehi! Radha Mata and Adirath Pitashree must be waiting. It's been years since I met them." said Karna.

"A valid reason." nodded Shani dev.

A comfortable silence fell on them as they both watched as their father left on his chariot with seven white horses for his morning rounds.

"Bhrata! Ek prashna puchne ki anumati hai? " Karna asked.

Shani dev looked at his youngest brother. Karna had always been the fearless one. He had always been extraordinary with his abilities and an absolutely brilliant warrior. His little brother was a gifted speaker. If he put his mind into something, he was brilliant at it. He was also a solitary person, preferring to stay alone than stay with a huge crowd. He worked hard for what he wanted. He also had the divine Kavach and Kundal's of their father, which made him practically immortal in combat. The Kavach stops even divine weapons of the Devatas and Asuras. He was generous and compassionate.

All of these qualities were amazing in a person but only if he never strayed from the right path. If all these qualities were used for the wrong side, then, Karna would bring his own destruction. He had been worried and bit doubtful as well regarding his new and youngest brother. Shani deva was the Lord of deeds and Karma. He was the Dispenser of Justice. He was the brother of Dharmaraja and the son of Surya. He had certain capabilities and knew certain secrets.

When he had saw that destiny's thread was unraveling, he had been worried. In his worry, he had gone to his Aradhya, his guru, Bhagwan Shiva, the Devadidev Mahadev. He had asked him of the sudden change in Niyati. Mahadev had seemed amused but had assured him that whatever will happen will happen for good. He had still worried and so had traced the unraveled thread to a small young girl child.

The daughter of Devi Prithvi. Advika, was her given name. He watched over her, saw how she got up despite her home problems, how her adopted mother protected her, how she befriended his youngest brother, how she stopped him from telling lies. He had smiled then, knowing this girl will take care of his little brother. As their friendship had a very positive impact on his little brother.

He had welcomed his little brother and taught him how action has consequences. Taught him to be always careful, to understand a situation before making assumptions, to always have a solid proof for everything, to always be careful with words. He also taught him how to speak without lying and how to hide the truth in thousand words, without resorting to lying.

His little brother had taken all these lesson to his heart and absorbed them like a sponge. He was a delight. Shani dev had been curious though, about the sudden change in Destiny's direction. So, he had looked to see what would have happened if Advika was not there. What he had seen had teared his heart into two. His youngest brother Karna was humiliated and bullied only for being a Suta, even though he had all the exceptional qualities that he did now. He got a friend named Duryodhan, but he was an Adharmi. He saw his brother finding about his birth mother, his disrespect of a chaste and pure women, all because of his need to gain love, appreciation and praise. He saw his brother getting killed by his own brother from the same womb of the mother. He saw his brother becoming an Adharmi. He was a Daanveer but it had still broken his heart for his sweet innocent brother when he died such a death, where he could not even defend himself.

Shani dev had shed tears that day. He had avoided everyone for a while, digesting this terrible news. He had refused to let his brother, who had so much potential, be wasted away in such a manner. He had been glad for the presence of that girl Advika, because her presence had reduced such problems. Her friendship had soothed his little brother. His little brother still had a need to prove himself, which he had curbed and made sure that need died a sad death. He won't allow his little brother to follow that path ever again, not when he was so attached. He had also looked into Advika. When he found that she had the blessing of Mahadev and Gauri, and she was an ansh of them, he had known she would be a good friend for his precious little brother.

In present, Shani dev looked at his brother standing beside him asking, if he can ask a question, he let his lips curl into an automatic genuine smile.

"Ask Aadhavan." Shani replied.

Aadhavan, was what he had started calling his little brother a few years back. It meant brilliant like the sun. Shani dev thought the name suited his little brother.

"If I ever had to do Adharma to protect dharma, then would should I do? And what if I my actions though done with pure intentions, had negative consequences then? Bhrata, please guide me!"

Shani dev smiled. He always knew his brother was philosophical in nature. He tended to be in various deep thoughts and had a lot of liberal ideas.

"Karma karo faal ki chinta maat karo. If you have problem trying to distinguish between right and wrong, anuj, then close your eyes and ask your heart what is right. Your heart is your conscience. And when your heart has given permission, then what you are doing is right. Your heart is pure anuj, remember the fact. It will never let you astray, from the right path."

A strong and powerful voice spoke after Shani deva had stopped speaking.

"Offo! Bhrata Shani itne pratakal aap anuj ko yeh saab gambhir baate kyu sujha rahe hai? Do you two not want breakfast? Yeh fir 'gambhir baate' khana hai subha ke bhojan mei?" said

Yama, also known as Dharmaraj and lokpala. He was the eldest son of Suryadev and the twin brother of Yami. Shani dev rolled his eyes at his elder brother.

Karna smiled and said " Chaliye Jyesht. We were about to go to the breakfast hall."

Yama nodded and winked at his brother Shani behind Karna's back, a mischievous look on his face. The look and wink made Shani dev raise his eyebrows.

" Waise... I heard your conversation. I can give you much simpler advice than Shani." Yama said very innocently.

Shani dev raised his eyebrow at Yama. Karna blinked before asking " What?"

" You could just ask your best friend. What is her name? Oh yes, Advika! Ask her she surely will tell you, her opinions. I mean, trying to analyze your heart takes time and huge amount of introspection. So, the easier method is ask Advika, I am sure she can help! Every successful man has a woman behind him, whether it's your mother, aunt, sister or.... a friend. A female friend, who can turn into wife. " Yama said winking at Karna, whose face was turning red slowly.

" So, Advika can help! Right Shani?" Yama asked his other brother.

Shani's lips were in a thin line, seeing his little brother's embarrassment. He was trying not to laugh.

" I guess, yeh bhi saahi upay hai! " Shani added.

Karna sputtered. His face was completely red like a round tomato.

" Bhrata! Jyesht! " Karna said, understanding they had been joking and teasing him.

Shani dev and Yama was laughing at their anuj's embarrassment and horror. Suryadev returned from his rounds as the sun began to set. Darkness fell, cloaking the entire sky. But Suryaloka lit up like a newly wedded bride. Beautiful flowers and huge lamps were placed tragically creating a beautiful picturesque scene. The servants rushed here and there giving final touches.

Surya dev's wives Devi Saranya and Devi Chayya had wanted to give a farewell to their youngest son. Therefore, a small gathering of close family and friends had been called. Only family, that is, Surya dev and his wives and children and Vishvakarma, who were their maternal grandfather. The only other persons called was Karna's gurudevs, Dev guru Brihaspati and Bhagwan Parshurama.

No other devas were invited or anyone else for that matter. All of devlok knew Karna was not comfortable in huge crowds and religiously avoided such celebrations. So, no one is going to be insulted if Suryadev did not throw a huge party and did not invite them. They understood it was a family matter and let it rest there. All of them already knew what was going to happen anyway!

Huge trumpets were blown and huge drums was played as various performers performed in the grand hall of the Suryalok.

Karna blinked when he entered. He resigned himself to the mercies of his mothers. He touched both his guru's feet and they blessed him.

" Ayushman bhava! " Gurudev Brihaspati said.

" Kirtiman bhava! " Gurudev Parshurama blessed.

He then took the blessings of his Father.

" Chiranjivi bhava."

His mothers blessed him, his brothers and sister hugged him. Parshurama said " I know you are leaving soon. I have a gift for you. Take this bow. It is the great Vijaya bow. Whatever arrow you choose to launch will never miss its target."

Karna bowed his head at him before walking towards the platform where the great bow was kept.

He took it and lifted it. It disappeared when Karna willed it to disappear. Parshurama smiled, before he disappeared as well. His work was complete.

Karna looked towards Guru Brihaspati.

"I give you the Brahma Astra. You can use it now. I tested you and you passed. I have also spoken to Brahma dev and he gave permission." Brihaspati said.

Karna folded his hands humbly. Guru Brihaspati blessed him and he also left. The family spent some time with Karna. But when time approached, he took leave from his celestial family. They watched as he disappeared from their view.

On earth.

Karna appeared in front of his parents' home and felt right at home. The house was same as it was before 15 years. He knocked hoping to see his beloved parents.

Radha opened the door. She looked at the radiant and handsome man in front of her door steps.

"Maa! " Karna called softly.

Radha's eyes widened. A sob escaped from her throat. She hugged her child to her chest. Oh! how she has waited for his arrival. These 15 years without her eldest had not been the same for her.

"Vasusena! " Radha called him by his childhood name. Tears filled his eyes at the name. He clutched his mother and hugged her. Both mother and son found solace in each other after so long.

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