31. The start of War with Drupad.

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An eye for an eye leads to more blindness.

The six brothers along with Advika returned to their part of the palace. All of them were in
deep thoughts. They all sat in the central room, that connected all their chambers.

" It is not right." said Arjun, making his brothers and sister-in-law to look at him.

" Kya sahi nehi hai, Arjun? " asked Karna, his brows furrowing.

" The fact that you cannot use your weapons. Why did you agree? And that Mamashree wants
all of the brothers to fight among each other!" said Arjun, fuming with anger.

Before, anyone can say anything, Bhima interrupted.
" I agree. Jyesht why did you stop me? And why did you agree? I believe that he wants to sow
dissent among us!" said Bhima, his words cutting.

" How would he sow dissent among us?" asked Yuddhisthir, his brow furrowed with concern.
Bhima did not say anything but Sahadev replied, " Jyesht bhrata Yuddhisthir, Mamashree Shakuni, said that if the Pandavas won then Yuvraja would be Jyesht. But Jyesht is not allowed to even touch his weapons, in the fight. Look at the situation he created from his viewpoint. He thinks that we would think that the eldest brother who did not even fight, gets to be the crown prince, while we fought the war for him." said Sahadev, explaining.

" But none of us really care for the throne. And if that happens then..." trailed off Nakul, his
eyes widening in horror as he turned to look at Sahadev.

Sahadev nodded a grim look on his face, as he nodded to what his twin was thinking.
" That scoundrel!!" yelled Nakul as he got up. Everyone's eyes widened at his words.
" Nakula! Watch your words!" said Yuddhisthir, his words thundering.
Nakul did not even paid attention to him as he started to pace furiously, his hands clenching
and betraying his anger.

" Shant ho jao saab. Sahadev explain. Nakul sit down. Arjun and Bhima, I will explain in a
moment. Yuddhisthir let's wait to see what has our brother in such a state of anger." said Karna,
his voice authoritative. Nakul sat down, his face still red in anger. Yuddhisthir nodded, though he was still displeased.

All waited to hear about Sahadev's explanation.

" Jyesht, when I said that you are not able to use your weapons and if we win the war, the public
might think, that you need your brothers to win the war for you. And that the Yuvraja might
not be as capable as he should be. Can you see the misconception that might be created? Jyesht
it could deal a lot of damage." explained Sahadev.

The explanation caused all of them to pale, except Karna and Advika. Nakul was already angry
at having connected the dots. Karna simply frowned, while Advika nodded thoughtfully.

" We did not even think about the implication! Jyesht what should we do?" asked Yuddhisthir.
The other five present looked at him.

" Nothing." said Karna, thoughtfully.

" Nothing?" repeated Arjun, blankly. Karna nodded slowly.

" Before that, I have a question. Arya, why is Guru Drona adamant about having revenge on
Maharaja Drupad?" asked Advika, as she looked at Karna.

" You don't know?" asked Karna, raising an eyebrow at her.

" No, I stayed secluded most of the time,in these 15 years." replied Advika. Karna hummed.

" Do any of you know anything regarding this matter?" asked Karna, to his five brothers. They
looked among each other, before Arjun opened his mouth.

" A little bit. We know that Gurudev was insulted by Maharaja Drupad in his Sabha." said
Arjun, sharing a look with his brothers.

" Yes, essentially that is what happen. Maharaja Drupad studied under Maharishi Bharadwaj,
Guru Drona's father. He saved Drupad once during his tutelage under his father. At that time,
Drupad had promised Dronacharya, that he would give him half of his kingdom. But this
promise was forgotten when Drupad returned to his kingdom Panchal. He noticed that their
status was not same. As a prince and later as a King, Drupad was rich, while Dronacharya was
poor compared to him. One day when Dronacharya went to Drupad for help, due to his financial crisis and asked him for milk for his son, Drupad insulted him. Further when Dronacharya reminded him of the promise of his made during their childhood, Drupad said that friendship can only happen between two people of similar status. He also refuse to act on his promise and also insulted his knowledge. From then onward Dronacharya vowed that his students whom he had trained with the very knowledge, which Drupad had insulted, would defeat him." said Karna, as he explained the happenings in brief.

The five brothers looked thoughtful. This sudden history lesson on their Gurudev had also
calmed their anger and anxiousness, as Karna diverted their attention.

" So this is the reason behind his Guru Dakshina." said Advika, thoughtfully.
" That's why he asked Jyesht to not use his weapons because he was not taught by Gurudev. So
the knowledge part would be moot if Jyesht participated." whispered Yuddhisthir.

" But what about the implications that may rise. This is not the right way to determine the
Yuvraja!" said Arjun, still worried.

" There should not be any Yuvraja competition in the first place. Jyesht is the eldest therefore
the Yuvraja. What is there to think about? It is his birth right!" said Bhima, grumbling.

" We cannot do much about it. Gandhar raj played well! What we can do is use what we had at
our disposal and work with it." said Advika.

Yuddhisthir bit his lip and nodded. Arjun and Bhima also nodded looking a bit conflicted and
worried still. Nakul was calm now, while Sahadev was thinking.

" Haa, Bhabhishree sahi keh rahi hai! We can simply use the strategy that Jyesht says or use
any advice he gives us! That way he has an involvement too." said Sahadev, looking giddy.

Advika smiled at him, a slight proud glint on her eyes.

" You would become a very good strategist, well done Sahadev." said Advika, her voice light
and jolly.

" Dhanyavad Bhabhishree! " replied Sahadev, flushing,as his brother also looked at him with

" Personally, I do not care. My capabilities were already demonstrated during the Kala
Pradarshan. Sahadev, priye anuj, well done. Secondly. I simply said I will not raise my weapons
to help you. I never said anything about using weapons for defending myself. If Drupad attacks
me on his own violation, I will react." said Karna, a small smile on his face, as his brothers looked relieved.

" Then, what are we waiting for? Chaliye Jyesht shigra! " said Arjun, excited now that all all
his questions were answered.

" Abhi nehi!! Eat before you go please." said Advika, as she stood up.

" You won't come with us, Bhabhishree?" asked Sahadev, a bit downtrodden.

" No dear. I need to speak with maa!" said Advika, as she smiled and then walked out the room,
asking the daasis to deliver their food inside the room.

The brothers talked among themselves as they waited for the food to arrive.

Advika walked through the magnificent hallways as she reached her mother-in-law's chambers. Behind her walked two daasis carrying two plates filled with food.

" Maa! Bhitar Pravesh karne ki anumati hai? " asked Advika, with a smile. Kunti looked up from where she was sitting.

" Arey putri, come inside dear!" said Kunti, as she smiled back at her daughter-in-law.

"Here, I bought food along with me." said Advika, as she gestured the daasis to keep the food
and leave.

" Parihar! " said Kunti, as she smiled at Advika. The daas and daasis left immediately, leaving
them alone.

" Maa, what happened in the Sabha.." trailed off Advika.

" Was not right." completed Kunti, her stare uneasy. Advika sighed, as she nodded.

" This is not the right way, to choose a Yuvraja. The situation has the potential to create troubles,
putri! Tatshree is furious." said Kunti, her tone downhearted.

" He should be maa. But don't worry, your children are not that naive! All of them would be
fine, you will see." said Advika, as she reached out to squeeze Kunti's hands. Kunti smiled gratefully, as she looked at her with hope.

" I hope your words come true, dear child. I truly hope so!" said Kunti, as hope bloomed a bit in her heart.

" Prarambh karte hai maa! " said Advika as she gestured towards the food. Both of them ate in silence, before Kunti spoke again. " Have my sons eaten?" asked Kunti, as she took the glass of water.

" Haa maa. I left after making sure they had food. They were planning to go to the war room for preparations." replied Advika, as she nodded.
" You did not go to help? You have studied war tactics as well, no?" asked Kunti, as she looked
at her eldest daughter.
" I have. But if I helped and then words got out, there can be consequences! This is GuruDakshina, first and foremost. It should be given by the students." said Advika, as she

" Yes, consequences like Gandhar raj manipulating the situations!" said Kunti, offhandedly.

" Yes!!" said Advika, snorting at the comment.

Both females continued to chat about various topics as they got to know each other well.

" Mamashree, what if those six brothers win?" asked Duryodhan, as he paced in his own
chamber. It was nightfall, as the moon rose high in the sky.

" Even if they win, they won't escape from this unscratched!" replied Shakuni, with a sharp

" But Mamashree, you promised that I will be the Yuvraja, and later the King! If they win,
what about me? Your promise will be broken then." said Duryodhan, his tone a bit whining.

" Arey mere bache! Even if they win, their reputation will be degraded. Which praja wants their
Yuvraja, to be weak, who rides on his brothers coat tails? Then Maharaja will have to remove
Karna, while you became the Yuvraja. Ek tir teen shikar." said Shakuni, in his own world, as he laughed a cruel laugh.

" Teen? But isn't it two?" asked Duryodhan, confused.

" Oho, mere bache, go sleep now! You should be well rested for tomorrow." said Shakuni, with
a forced smile, and a sugary tone. Duryodhan nodded and went to sleep. While Shakuni sat in front of the Chausar, eyes looking bright with glee.

" Teen Shikar se bhi adhik, mere bache! You get the throne, Rajkumar Karna is defamed so is
the the other five, Rajmata Kunti will become the wallowed flower that she was, while that girl
Advika, Kuruvansh's priye Kulavadu's blood will flow on the ground!" whispered Shakuni,
with a maniac grin as he let out a quiet but cruel laugh.

In the middle of the night, a spy requested an audience with the king.

" Kya samachar laye ho, guptachaar? " asked a booming voice.

" Maharaja, Guru Drona's students, 105 of them, will be attacking the Kingdom, in two days,
according to the vengeance sworn by Dronacharya." informed the spy.

" Oh, who are they? This 105 students?" asked the same voice, lilted with amusement.

" The Kuru princes, Maharaja!" replied the spy.

" Is that so? But there is news that there are 106 of them! What about the remaining one  person?" asked the voice again, intrigue colouring the voice.

" The eldest prince will not participate, Maharaja." said the spy.

" Why is that? Does this prince think of himself as some kind of Maharathi? " asked a lighter tone, different from the one speaking before.

" No Rajkumari. Dronacharya asked that his students defeat Maharaja as Guru Dakshina. The eldest Kuru prince is not the student of Drona. He has further promised to not raise his weapons
to help his brothers." explained the spy.

" Whose student is he?" asked the same booming voice.

" Bhagwan Parshurama and.." trailed off the spy, wondering how to relay this news.

" And?" asked the lighter voice, impatience in its tone.

" And Dev guru Brihaspati." said the spy hesitantly. Silence followed the news.

" I see." said the booming male voice, a slight angry tone could be heard. The spy winced.

" Is this the same prince who got married recently, to the eldest Yadava princess?" asked the
light female tone, curiosity evident.

" Ji Rajkumari, he is the one." replied the spy.

" Interesting, very interesting. Ab tum jaa sakte ho guptachaar! " dismissed the booming voice. As the spy left and the door of the chamber closed, Mashals were lighted.

" Pitashree? " asked Shikandini. She was a tall female wearing a simple dress of red in colour. She is known to be the senapati of Panchal kingdom. She was personally trained by her father
as after her birth, it was said that she would become the cause behind Bhishma's death.

" I am not worried child. Prepare to defeat them. I believe Bhishma, may come to protect his
grandchildren." said Drupad, the Maharaja of Panchal pradesh.

" Perhaps, Pitashree! But what about the eldest prince?" asked Shikandini.

" It does not matter. He wont attack, so it should not be a problem. Prepare the soldiers well,
child. We have two days." reminded Drupad.

" Of course, Pitashree!" said Shikandini.

With that both left to their respective chambers, ready to annihilate the Kuru princes in the
upcoming war.

The Sun peaked up from the horizons as the Kalash dropped water at the same time. Two well
built arms gently bought the Kalash back to touch his forehead, in a pranam gesture.

Two dark charcoal eyes can be seen as thick and long eyelashes opened, from where they had
been resting close, highlighting the sharp aristocratic cheekbones. A soft smile played on the
male's lips as the eyes watched the Sun rise.

" Putra! " called a melodious voice, only refined with age.

" Mata! Pranipat! " said Karna, his voice strong yet gentle, as he bent to take her blessings.

" Ayushman bhava, putra! I did not interrupt you, did I?" asked Kunti with a smile.

" Nehi maa! What brings you here?" replied Karna, with a smile.

" This! I wanted to talk to you as well." said Kunti, as she showed him the basket filled with
flowers for the puja. The outline of the temple could be seen from where they were standing.

" Haa ma, aadesh kijiye! " said Karna.

" Not an order, son. I simply want you to take care of your brothers. This is the first time they
are going to war. Please take of yourself as well, though you will not be fighting, but still. This
is the first time I am away from all my six sons, that also due to war, putra! I am worried for
all of you!" said Kunti, her eyes filled with worry.

" I know maa. Chinta maat kijiye. I will keep an eye on them, as much as I can." said Karna, eyes reflecting his calm and reassurance. Kunti smiled relieved.

" A clever plan has been lain putra! Be careful." said Kunti, knowing the walls had ears.

" I am aware, maa." said Karna, nodding at his mother, that he understood. Kunti sighed in relief, that her son were fully aware.

" Good! Now I should leave Advika must be waiting for me, in the temple." said Kunti, as she turned to walk back to the temple.

" Maa! " called Karna. Kunti turned back, raising her eyebrow at her son.

" You should worry less, your hair would turn white permanently otherwise. Have some faith in God and your children. We are not that naive!" said Karna, his voice teasing, as his eyes twinkled.

Kunti laughed at her son's words, as she shook her head, and walked away. A smile still playing on her face, as she walked back to the temple.

Karna smiled at his mother's laughter as he also turned to return back to the main palace, to
meet with Pitamaha Bhishma.

Gangaputra Bhishma, also known as Devrath, sat in his own chamber when a knock on the door alerted him of his eldest grandson's presence. He smiled at the figure of Karna, before speaking.

" Parihar! " called Bhishma.

One by one every daas and daasis left the chamber. The last daas closed the chamber doors before leaving.

" Sit, son." said Bhishma gesturing to Karna, who stood in front of him. Bhishma watched as his grandson took a seat with the regal grace of a King or a warrior who was experienced. Even though he was not bought up within the palace, filled with luxuries, his grandson still managed
to embody the essence of the King. Well he was taught by the best. The very people who had
taught himself as well.

" Pitamaha? " urged Karna, wondering what his grand-sire wanted to speak to him about.

" Yes putra? Oh! the reason, I sent for you. Putra, I believe you are aware of what is Shakuni's plan." said Bhishma, looking at his grandson.

" I believe I am." said Karna, a concerned look on his face.

" I wont deny, son, I am worried, very worried. But your Tatshree, wont listen, no matter how
much both Vidur and I try. I hope you have some plan in place." said Bhishma, his face in a worried frown.

" Don't worry Pitamaha. Have some faith in God. Everything will be fine." said Karna, his eyes
reassuring him. Bhishma nodded relieved.

" Is that all, Pitamaha?" asked Karna as he and Bhishma both got up.

" Yes, putra." replied Bhishma. Karna bent to take his blessings. Bhishma raised his hand.

" Vijayi bhava! " intoned the Gangaputra.

He watched as his grandson left and prayed that his words come true.

Advika walked to her chamber hoping her husband will be there. She pushed the chambers
doors open.

" Arya? " called Advika.

" Yes Advika?" asked Karna, as he turned back at her. He was wearing durable clothing but not war armour.

" No armour? You do know you are going for a war, right?" asked Advika, raising an eyebrow.

" A war, I will not be participating in. I will be only in a supervisor role. And wearing an armour is a moot point, when I have a personal one from birth." said Karna, his tone slightly carefree.

" Well you have a point! But again managing 105 volatile princes will be tough job in itself." said Advika, a slight laughter in her voice. Karna chuckled agreeing with her.

" You don't seem worried at all, though!" said Karna, as he turned to fix the arm bands, by looking into the mirror.

" Why should I be?" asked Advika, as her short and delicate fingers slapped his hands away from the bands, as she herself fitted it and tied the strings there.

" Oh! You must be the first wife, who is not worried when her husband leaves for a war!"
teased Karna, a slight smirk on his face.

" Well you did remind me that you are not fighting in said war. And if I need to be worried in
a war, regarding you then what's the use of all those lessons you received from your Gurudevs." retorted Advika, a slight blush covering her high cheekbones.

" Such confidence in me, huh?" asked Karna, raising an eyebrow. His fingers tilted her chin to
make her look up at him.

" Should I not have such confidence in you?" counter questioned Advika, as she blushed at his touch though gentle.

" I am glad you have such confidence in me. After all, what's the use of those lessons, right?" teased back Karna, a smirk playing on his lips.

Advika flushed red, before her eyes stuttered shut as soft lips caressed her forehead, with a kiss. She felt a smile play on her lips as they separated. A soft knock sounded just then.

" Putra? Putri? " called Kunti. She smiled as she watched her two children standing near the
mirror. She came towards them.

" Maa? " asked Karna, a slight worried frown on his face.

" Putra, do you know where your brothers are? I did not see them in their chambers." asked Kunti, her voice concerned.

" They are most probably in the armory maa. I will check." said Karna, as he nodded and left the room to check where his brothers have disappeared off to.

" Putri? " called Kunti, as she turned from watching her son leave.

" Ji maa? " said Advika, with a smile.

" I need you to decorate and arrange the thali, for the tilak! You have to do it, now that you are
here. I can't because..." trailed off Kunti, her voice subdued.

" It's fine maa. Of course I will do it. But you will have to show me. I have no idea how to do
it." said Advika, a small smile on her face as she tried to divert her mother's attention to something else.

" I will show you how to do it. Come with me, putri!" said Kunti, as she smiled a small smile, understanding what her daughter was doing.

She thanked God for giving her such amazing sons and a wonderful daughter.

Karna opened the door of the Armory, to find his five brothers there.

Yuddhisthir was going through the spears, while Bhima checked the weight of the mace. Arjun was checking his arrows, while also testing his bow. Nakul and Sahadev were sharpening their
swords and axe respectively. At the door opening, they all looked up. All of their faces were tensed.

" Maa was searching for you all!" said Karna, as he approached them.

" Kya? We should go!" said Yuddhisthir, clambering to get up and go. Others followed.

Karna stopped them with a hand outstretched.

" I know you are worried. I was too, when I first got into a real fight. I can see there is something
worrying you. Bhima, speak up!" said Karna, his voice steel and his gaze penetrating, as he watched his brothers stand in front of him in a half-circle.

" We are still worried about the competition, jyesht!" said Bhima, his tone worried and subdued.

Karna watched as all his brothers had the same concern and worry, for him and their reputation. He smiled before his expressions hardened.

" Anuj, that is exactly what the opponent wants you to think. Forget about that fact that
completely. This is Guru dakshina, to your teacher. Nothing else. This is your Dharma and you will complete it. Remove any other thoughts completely from your head. Understood?" said Karna, his voice authoritative and calm.

All the brothers nodded as they took a breath, and steeled their nerves.

" Let us proceed then. Bhabhishree and Mata must be waiting." said Arjun, as he gestured towards the door.

All nodded as the six brothers left, with the five carrying their choice weapons.

Kunti and Advika watched as all the brothers entered in a line and stood in front of them. Advika held in her hands a beautiful decorated thali. A lamp shining brightly on it. Kunti gestured to Advika to start the tilak.

She did the tilak one by one on all five of them. They all bent to take her blessings. She also blessed them with a "Vijayi bhava! ". She did the same to Karna as well.

" Stay safe and keep them safe." whispered Advika as she did his tilak and aarti. Karna nodded subtly and blink reassuringly back at her. The six brothers went to Kunti to take her blessings. They all bent together, with Karna and Yuddhisthir in the middle.

" Vijayi bhava Putro! " blessed Kunti.

" We should proceed towards the gates." said Karna, as he looked at his wife and mother. They all nodded and proceeded to the palace gates. All the elders had gathered to watch the Princes ride away on their horses. There were 106 horses present. One pure black horse in the middle, while a white and brown horse stood exactly few steps behind the back one. Karna took point at the black horse, while Yuddhisthir and Duryodhan, took the white and brown horse respectively.

Another chestnut brown horse stood some paces in front of Karna, where Dronacharya sat upon. They nodded at each other.

As the conch shell was blown, Guru Drona reared back on the horse and started forward with Karna, Yuddhisthir and Duryodhan following. The other princes followed their lead. In the palace steps, Kunti and Gandhari clutched each other hands. Bhishma and Vidur watched the sea of Kuru Princes, going off to war. While Shakuni glanced at Advika whose eyes looked right back at him. Her gaze penetrating and dangerous.

Shakuni immediately broke the stare.

' Enjoy while you can, Prithvi kumari. Your days are numbered. After all I have to give a
present to dear Rajkumar Karna, as a wedding present. What is the best present than a dead
wife?' thought Shakuni, as he smiled cruelly.

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