The Descent into Hell isn't easy

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If you've got a girlfriend, I'm jealous of her
But if you're single that's honestly worse
'Cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
(Honey, it hurts)
Ocean blue eyes looking in mine
I feel like I might sink and drown and die


"What do you want?" Lizzie questioned the second she reached Kaiden who still hadn't even looked back at her

Despite her confidence, Lizzie was nervous to even be walking with him. She had every right to be, less than two days he tried to strangle her against the door and to add insult to injury, he was apparently in charge of the institute temporarily or at least that what Isabelle said

"I shouldn't have reacted that way" he said looking around finally to face her and she scoffed bitterly

"And?" She raised her eyebrow expectingly

"What do want me to say?" He inquired with furrowed eyebrows but confusion and was clear in his eyes

"I'm sorry that I almost killed you?" She snapped coldly pointing at his red fingerprints marks he left on her neck "Is that seriously your lame ass apology?"

"You're a shadowhunter, love. You'll get over it" he shrugged with a cocky smirk "So peace?"

"What the actual fuck, Kaiden?" She raised her voice incredulously and he rolled his eyes with annoyed glare

"I'm sorry alright? Can we move on?" He said he with a sigh and he knew it was pity ass apology, even when he did want to apologise. He found himself way more bitter to let the words out. He felt like he was the one deserving an apology after what he had been through because of her

"Fuck you Kaiden!" She hissed with a glare just when a familiar voice sounded from afar "Is that Simon?"

"So this cold-blooded killer is gonna help us?" She heard Simon question Clary as the duo got closer to them

"He's not a killer. He's protecting us" Clary defended the blond as Kaiden glared at him

"Who the fuck let a mundane in?" He questioned with a deadly tone that made Lizzie flinch invisibly

"Specifically, you. It's sort of our thing" Jace ignored him and Simon looked alarmed that he didn't even pay attention to the brunette

"Your thing? You guys have a thing?"

"He means a Shadowhunter thing. That's what they do, protecting humans from demons" Clary pointed out before smiling when she spotted her sister

"Demons, right. That makes perfect sense, 'cause there are demons running all around New York." Simon sarcastically said with a scoff as Lizzie grabbed his arm making him face her

"What are you doing here? Why would you let him in Clary?" Lizzie questioned with a stern tone and Kaiden was for once surprised to hear her being serious. She never truly was

"I feel so welcome by my best friend" Simon smiled sarcastically

"That is the first correct thing you've said all day" Jace told Simon before they heard a beeping making them look at the screen to see policemen trying to find who killed the circle member

"Jace, what is a mundane doing here?" Kaiden questioned again making the blond sigh in frustration

"A circle member followed him, so I had to save him, you know kind of the purpose of being a shadowhunter" Sarcasm laced Jace's tone before looking back at the screen

"Yeah but our purpose also to stay undercover, Wayland" Kaiden retorted back making Lizzie clear her throat trying to diminish the tension

"Won't they find us?" Lizzie asked Jace crossing her arms around her chest

"No. Our wards will deter them and the NYPD will do their typical mundie thing for a few hours and then the area will be clear" he explained as his eyes were still on the CCTV footage of the police trying to get inside the church

"What is going on? Why is there a mundane in the Institute?" Alec approached them pulling up his sleeves with Adeline by his side

"A Circle member followed him to get to Clary" Jace sighed in defeat

"A Circle rune, just like the guys that took my mother" Clary said with a hopeful look wanting nothing but to get more help to find her missing mother

"Wait how did you know that?" Lizzie asked with a confused look and Kaiden's eyes landed on the redhead suspiciously "Were you there?"

"Yeah, she pushed to a portal and I ended up at Luke's office and he was speaking to two of them- with circle runes" the redhead elaborated getting everyone's attention

"What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?" Simon questioned curiously but there was a hint of fear in his tone

"All we know is a long time ago the Circle led a revolt. A lot of Shadowhunters got killed... including my father and Kaiden's" Jace revealed averting the redhead's eyes. He didn't wanna show any emotions, that much was clear

Lizzie's head snapped towards Kaiden who's eyes were focused on the screen as he was explaining something to Isabelle. Guilt was slowly eating her in the worst way possible, she had no right to bring his dad without even knowing if he had one or not

She had gone too far this time

"And since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle" Alec added pulling her out of her thoughts

"But, how is that even possible? It's your history" Clary wondered looking at the shadowhunters

Jace let out a scoff walking past her "Says the girl who didn't know she was a Shadowhunter?"

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right" Clary snapped looking at the blond with defiance in her eyes "And now the only person who knows the truth is missing, so I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, I'm... There's got to be someone out there who can tell us why they've taken my mother"

Lizzie wasn't paying attention to the back and forth conversation that was happening, she was staring at Kaiden who walked away with Adeline towards the training room. She debated whether she follow him and apologize or just move on

Meanwhile at the training room Adeline held out two wooden sticks as she threw one to her parabatai's direction. Kaiden caught it with ease before facing each other

"So we're just gonna ignore the fact that she's back?" Adeline asked with a pointed look but blocked his attack when he tried to strike at her left

"She doesn't know who I am and it's good. I can't afford a distraction now that the circle is back" he replied blankly as they started to duel. They were both good but she was always better when Lizzie was involved. Wether he'd like to believe it or not, he was distracted

"It's been a whole year, you forbid me to even speak about her... fuck even Jace and Alec don't know that you wanted to marry her. They don't know about her at all" Adeline stated with a frustrated tone and he took that to his advantage and landed a strike right at the back of her knee making her fall down and she smirked with pride glistening his eyes

"Emotions cloud your judgement" he reminded her before holding out his hand for her but she flipped him over but Kaiden used his force to knock her backwards

She grabbed his wrist reflexively switching positions as she was on top of him now making him chuckle when she slammed him against the ground. "Well that wasn't entirely bad" he commented with a wink

"All I'm saying is that you should be careful, I know it's not her fault that... someone wiped away her memory. We should tell them who she is... they need to know" Adeline told him softly sitting down next to him as he remained silence

"And then say what exactly? I've been seeing her for like almost a year behind their backs? She doesn't even fucking remember me, Addie. I'm a fucking Herondale, my grandmother will actually murder me"

"She's a Lightwood" Adeline said quietly trying to reason with him "She's not just anybody... for fuck sake, your parents had agreed to a marriage for both of you"

"Don't mention that to anyone" he warned her with a serious tone and she scoffed bitterly

"Give me some credits, Kai. I know worse and haven't said anything" she replied with an offended tone. She was affronted by his audacity

"The point is, they're gonna know who she is and Maryse and Robert knows that you're supposed to marry her... it's your duty but apparently to you it's more than just a duty"

"Kaiden" Lizzie called out making his heart beat increase against his ribcage "Can we talk?"

"See you later" Adeline kissed his cheek and stood up smiling at her warmly before walking past her

"You should try to be nice like your girlfriend" Lizzie said with a small smile as he stood up with an amused chuckle. Though looking into her eyes, there was no jealousy and he hated that, he hated that she didn't recognize while just staring at her shatter his heart to pieces and those tiny slices would only love her and only her

"You want to talk- talk" he ordered placing the wooden stick back at its place

"I'm sorry" she said sincerely and he looked taken back for a moment "I shouldn't have spoken about your family like that... I'm sorry"

"Yeah... I apologize for hurting you" he said as she searched for any insincerity but there was none

"I'm Lizzie" she introduced herself with a smile and he frowned in confusion as if he didn't already know that "Figured that if we're doing this, it's better if we start again. I'm Elizabeth Fray"

"Kaiden Herondale" He held out his hand for her to shake making her chuckle before taking it but gasped feeling something she wasn't supposed to feel- his emotions all at once

"What's wrong?" He touched her shoulder in concern but she stepped back shaking her head in denial frantically "Elizabeth what's wrong?"

"My- my- my bracelet" she stuttered as her voice shook looking at her empty wrist "No, no, no"

"What bracelet?" He inquired with furrowed eyebrows, sure he had notice a vintage bracelet she never took off. The last thing Kaiden wanted was for her to see him vulnerable- he can't afford that. He couldn't afford a weakness

"Kai!" Jace called making them both snap their towards the blond's direction "Oh, Lizzie the girls are at Isabelle's"

"Thanks" she forced a smile glancing at Kaiden's who's eyes never left hers. She walked past Jace who frowned staring back at her while she walked away

"What is it?" Kaiden questioned making Jace turn back his attention to him "Aren't you interested in the redhead? Why are you checking out her sister?"

"I'm not interested in Lizzie, Kai. She seemed scared... what did you tell her?" Jace accused with a raised eyebrow and Kaiden scoffed

"I'm just gonna take the high road and pretend like you didn't accuse me of scaring her"

"Didn't you? Like two days ago?" Jace retorted blankly "So excuse me if I don't trust your words. You're an asshole, that much is known"

"Rich coming from the guy who's favourite pass time is to break women's hearts" the brunet retorted back with a cold smile. Kai and Jace's relationship was rocky, they loved each other but they were also both as competitive

"We need to find out about Lizzie's parents" Jace stated returning to the main topic "She said that Jocelyn is her biological aunt and they were dead exactly eighteen years ago, when the circle died down so-"

"Her parents were circle members or died fighting circle members" Kaiden said with a nod "I know but we need to know who Jocelyn is first"

"Can you do it?" Jace asked curiously as they walked to the OPS center "I mean know who Clary's mother is? I mean clearly she's a Shadowhunter"

"I need a little time, I mean we both know Fray isn't a Shadowhunter name" Kaiden pointed out tapping Jocelyn's name on the screen "Have you tried tracking her with Alec?"

"I couldn't find anything that belonged to her" Jace admitted with a shrug

"She could be dangerous, you know?" Adeline joined them sitting on a chair and Kaiden gave her a look "I mean sure, her girls don't know anything about the shadow world, so why did she keep the truth from them?"

"Maybe she's trying to protect them from something... or someone" Kaiden said with a glare and Jace looked at him with a suspicious look

"Kaiden what do you know?" Jace asked facing the Herondale young man fully

"I don't know what are your talking about, it was a theory" he shrugged mindlessly focusing on his researches "She was kidnapped... she may have been concealing something or some information the circle members want... wait didn't Valentine marry Jocelyn Fairchild?"

"So?" Jace gave him an annoyed look

"Jocelyn Fray is Jocelyn Fairchild, you idiot" Adeline elaborated with an eye roll

"No, Clary isn't Valentine's daughter" Jace shook his head in denial and Kaiden sighed in defeat

"She is... she is Valentine's daughter. Elizabeth is... James Lightwood's daughter" Kaiden revealed with a defeated look

"No" Jace denied still refusing to believe the girl he just had a crush on is Valentine's daughter

"Jace, I'm not saying she's a criminal... all I'm saying that she's Valentine's daughter. She herself doesn't fucking know it"

"And how do you know that?"

"She's eighteen... when did the circle members were stopped?" Kaiden questioned with a knowing look "I remember James' daughter and I was four the last time I've seen her. Her name is Elizabeth Lightwood and now Fray? Do you think it's a coincidence? Besides, just look at her she screams 'I'm a Lightwood'"

"Okay, let's say she's Valentine's daughter and Lizzie is the missing Lightwood... Why would Jocelyn never show up when Valentine was no longer a threat?"

"I don't know" Kaiden said truthfully

"Maybe she was protecting them?" Adeline suggested glancing at her parabatai "She's a mother"

"Wait- aren't you supposed to marry Lizzie?" Jace asked with an amused smile "James' daughter and the Herondale golden child"

"That was a long time ago, our parents are dead and she doesn't have to know, alright Wayland?"

"Okay" Jace chuckled winking at Adeline before his features turned serious "Find out more about Clary and I don't mean your theories, alright? Something real"

"Just leave" Kaiden dismissed him sitting down next to Adeline who was searching for James Lightwood

"Did you seriously just tell him all of that? He will rat you out to Alec who will rat you out to his parents" Adeline scoffed in disbelief and Kaiden shrugged "You should talk to Lizzie"

"He will not rat me out to anyone... not when he's interested in Clary" Kaiden smirked devilishly "He knows the consequences, he can kiss her goodbye if the Clave finds out"

"She didn't do anything" Adeline eyebrows furrowed skeptically


Clary knocked on Lizzie's room before opening it to see it was a chaos, her sister was a mess. The brunette didn't even notice her as she continued to look at the drawers and then under her bed "What are you doing?" The redhead asked curiously

"Fuck!" Lizzie flinched looking around facing her sister "Not a big fan of knocking?"

"I did knock... what's wrong?"

"My bracelet... I-I can't find it" Lizzie's voice cracked but Clary's green eyes seemed urgent- desperate "What's wrong?"

"It's Dot... she's in trouble"

"What do you mean in trouble?" Lizzie grabbed her jacket following the redhead worriedly "What Dot has to do with this fucking mess?"


After a long debate with Alec, he finally gave in and agreed to accompany them to Pandemonium. Lizzie was actually the only one who seemed relax but annoyed at the same time. She tried to get information out of Clary and what she saw exactly but ended up with no results

"What the fu-" Lizzie never got to finish her sentence when Clary ran again, she drew a deep breath before following her "Never been a big fan of running"

"Hey!" Kaiden called grabbing Lizzie's arm and she flinched back. She couldn't make a physical contact with someone without her bracelet. It was just too much

"You alright, Elizabeth?" He asked with a confused look

She couldn't pinpoint Kaiden's emotions yet, he wasn't really sad but there was this hollowness that made her feel almost empty yet there was also anger. Years of anger that she was surprised by how much he was too calm about it

"Why are you angry?" She asked all of sudden making him look at her dumbfounded

"Pardon?" Confusion was written all over his face making her pull her arm back from his grasp

"You don't understand. Dot's like my big sister" Clary stated before looking at her sister for help

"It's not safe here. We have to go back to the Institute right now" Alec demanded with a stern glare. Lizzie was surprised that Kaiden was running the institute instead of Alec. The latter made his intentions clear about the mission but he still kept his silence and joined the rest in hope to find something

"So, what now? Valentine has my mom and Dot, and we're just gonna give up?" Clary narrowed her eyes at him in disbelief "What about my memories? They can't just be gone?"

"There is another option" Kaiden spoke for the first time grabbing their attention

"Don't even-"

"Absolutely not!"

"Kai what the hell!"

"We're not afraid of the Silent Brothers" Jace agreed folding his arms defiantly

"Who are the Silent Brothers?" Lizzie asked curiously but her eyes somehow found some familiar blue ocean ones

"They're Shadowhunters with superior powers" Kaiden explained with a sigh and Adeline glared at him incredulously

"Who possess the ability to recover memories" Isabelle added and that seemed to catch the redhead's attention
"A process that can also kill you, so there's that." Alec stated ripping the band aid off

"Clary no!" Lizzie exclaimed with a warning glare
"Your bedside manner is abysmal" Simon commented with a sarcastic smile

"We've broken at least 18 Clave rules and now you want to go to the City of Bones?" Alec asked turning his attention towards Kaiden specifically "There's no way. I won't allow it"

"This isn't our choice to make." Jace stated his eyes catching Clary's "This is Clary's decision"

"You can't ask her to do this" Adeline told him shaking her head in denial "Jace, she isn't us, alright? She's a freaking newbie"

"Ouch" Lizzie placed her hand on her chest dramatically with an amused look as everyone glared at her "Sorry"

"She doesn't know what she's facing" Isabelle told him with a stern tone "She's not prepared"

"If anyone can tell me another way to recover my memories and still get the answers we need, I'm listening" Clary looked at them all with an expectant look "That settles it"

"See? I told you she's one of us" Jace told them with a proud smirk

"Jace shut up!" Lizzie snapped before turning her attention back to her sister "Clary no. You're not fucking dying on my watch"

"You're not my mom" Clary retorted folding her arms around her chest with a defiant look making Lizzie scoff humourlessly

"Well, mom left me in charge, she always do so what I say goes and you're not fucking going, okay?"

"Liz-" Simon began as he tried to touch her but Kaiden stood in front of her protectively making everyone share a look

"Lizzie, please... I'm not going to die, mom is missing and we're the only ones who can help her... please" the redhead's eyes turned glassy making Lizzie curse under her breath "If there's any sign of danger you make the call... please, Lizzie"

"Clary this isn't a joke" Lizzie told her with a defeated look "I can't lose you too"

"You won't, I promise" Clary said with a bright smile before she went to hug her sister but Lizzie stepped back as Jace raised his eyebrow looking at Kaiden for some explanation

"I'm uh... I can't" the brunette said looking around at everyone who seemed bewildered but concerned at the same time

"What's wrong with her?" Adeline whispered as she and Kaiden walked out first and he shrugged looking back at the blonde

"I think she's an empath" he said with a deep frown causing his parabatai to chuckle but her face dropped the second she realised he was being serious

"Tell me you're joking and this is just one of your insane theories"

"I'm afraid I'm not"


When they arrived at the City of bones, Adeline and Kaiden were ahead which Lizzie didn't even find odd at this point, they were never apart. Isabelle wrapped her arm around Lizzie's arm with a smirk

"They're Parabatais" she said in a whisper making the taller young woman to look at her in confusion

"I'm sorry?"

"They're not dating" Isabelle elaborated nodding towards Kaiden and Adeline "They're Parabatais like Jace and Alec"

"Why would I care?" Lizzie asked honestly, she truly didn't care about anything that involved Kaiden Herondale

"Yeah, this place isn't creepy" Simon spoke fear lacing his tone "Not at all"

"Don't tell me you're afraid" Isabelle taunted with a chuckle. Even Lizzie stared at her with a raised eyebrow, she'd had to be born in their life to not be afraid

Simon scoffed "Are you kidding me? I was born afraid... which sounded a lot better in my head"

"Let's check it out" Kaiden told Alec patting his shoulders before looking back at Jace

"Wait here a minute. I wanna see if it's safe" the blond stopped Clary who nodded with a small smile

"Hey, Lizzie!" Adeline called when the men went to check out their surroundings "Can I ask you a few questions?"


"Did your mom ever mention anything about the shadow world? Like ever?" She asked crossing her arms around her chest as Lizzie noticed the men were all in a heated conversation

"No... I don't recall anything really" Lizzie sighed in frustration "I know you are expecting some kind of informations from me or Clary but I promise you. We don't know anything, we didn't even know about the shadow world"

"I think your mother wiped away your memories just like Clary" Adeline concluded as Kaiden's blue eyes found Lizzie's while he was speaking to Alec

"Honestly Addie? I don't fucking know anymore. If my parents are even dead or alive, who are they? Is she really my aunt?" Lizzie asked with a tired smile, she did look exhausted "And now Clary is trying better than I, she's determined to find answers while I don't even know my next move. Do I even want my memories back? Will I see the truth or just hurt myself trying to act like an older sister?"

"You know, Lizzie... Being a Shadowhunter doesn't mean you have to become some unstoppable badass... look at the mess we're in because of Valentine and he is a shadowhunter. Being a shadowhunter is honor, duty and sometimes it demands sacrifices" Adeline stated glancing at Kaiden "Look at Kaiden, he hates being in charge of the institute, yet he is anyway because it's his duty"

"Being a Herondale is some sort of Shadowhunter royalty or what?"

"Yeah... kind of" Adeline smiled sadly "Being a Herondale isn't easy even when some people wishes they were him"

"Are you okay?" Kaiden approached them looking at the girls and Adeline cleared her throat forcing a smile


"Elizabeth, listen you don't have to do this, alright?" He told her firmly "We can find another way... I will find another way"

"And leave my sister do this on her own? Are you kidding me? Mom will actually kill me if she finds out I allowed this" Lizzie told them with a frantic tone. Kaiden shared a look with his parabatai, apparently the new shadowhunter had the older sibling syndrome

"Your sister is a big girl, she can make her own decisions" Kaiden stated glancing at the redhead who was in mid-conversation with Jace

"Lizzie!" Jace called motioning for her to join them. When she did, Adeline turned back at Kaiden who seemed troubled

"She can't know" he shook his head in denial "Not like that"

"I'm gonna take care of this now but Kai, I need you to give me your word that you're gonna tell her everything.... And I mean everything" Adeline said with a stern look and he nodded eagerly

"You have it"

"Hey, Jace!" She called out before the trio got inside the city of bones "Lizzie can't get in"

"Why not?" Lizzie questioned with an annoyed tone. Adeline looked at the blond man for help and he frowned deeply

"Because if Clary goes in... she has to be alone" Jace lied with a composed tone

"It's okay" Clary quickly spoke before her sister got the chance to protest "I'll get the informations we need to wake out mom up... I promise you, Lizzie that I will be fine"

"I don't like this place anyway" she shrugged carelessly making Simon smile in victory

"Finally someone with a common sense"

"I can do this" Clary mumbled trying to convince herself that this was all for her mother and she would get out of the city of Bones- well alive

"Yeah you can, you're Clary freaking Fray. You can do anything" Simon encouraged her with a bright smile as he took a step forward making Jace catch his arm

"All right, hold up"

"Surprise, surprise!" Simon exclaimed mockingly turning to face the shadowhunters "No mundanes allowed, just like in the training room, right? Wrong! I've seen every horror movie ever made and the funny best friend who gets left behind... dead man"

"This isn't a movie, sweetheart" Lizzie deadpanned as Isabelle let out a laugh

"You're not that funny" Kaiden pointed out causing Simon's smile to fade as he seemed offended by his comment

"But by all means, go ahead" Jace gestured towards the entrance "Of course, the minute you enter, you'll die"

"Problem is, now I don't trust you" Simon snapped glaring at the blond who seemed beyond annoyed

"He's not lying" Alec spoke up making the Lewis boy share a look with Lizzie

"Now." Isabelle said with a smirk "He was before"

"The rune energy in the City of Bones will kill any mundane who dares to enter, so, please..." Alec gestured for Simon to step inside that would most likely kill him

"The Brothers creep me out" Isabelle sighed before grinning mischievously "I'll mind the mundane."

"Your sacrifice is noted, Izzy" Jace smiled at her sarcastically before walking to the entrance with the redhead

"Talk about sacrifice" Simon looked at Lizzie with a panicked look "I'm missing a financial analysis class"

"So? It's not like we're here playing bingo on a Friday night" Lizzie retorted with an eye roll making Kaiden's mouth to curve into a small smile "People are dying, Simon"

"You're an NYU student, Liz" Simon retorted back with a glare "You're like the smartest person I freaking know that you even creep me out sometimes"

"I can't be here anymore, so, Jace, I'm gonna mind the perimeter" Alec told his parabatai before taking off. He reminded her of Kai, they were both very self-restrained and constrained but the difference was. One cared about the rules more than anything and the other didn't

While Clary was talking with Simon, Lizzie went and sat on a rock bouncing her leg up and down anxiously. Kaiden motioned for Adeline and Isabelle to keep an eye on her while he talk with Alec

"There's something you need to know about Elizabeth" Kaiden spoke making the Lightwood young man stop at his tracks and face him

"That she's a trouble? Yeah, Kai, I know but she's the only one who seems to have an actual brain that works" Alec sassed with a scoff "Maybe you and Jace should learn a thing or two from her"

"I never agreed to this" Kai snapped coldly

"No? Because as someone who runs the institute, you sure as hell seem fine with this nonsense"

"She's your cousin" Kaiden said coolly as Alec slowly realized what he was talking about. He knew he had a cousin who disappeared nineteen years ago

"Elizabeth Lightwood... James and Beatrice's daughter" the Herondale young man added as Alec was too stunned to even utter a word "She doesn't know yet so do me a fucking favor and don't tell her until I do"

"I mean... how do you know? How can you be so sure?" Alec shook his head as confusion was written on his face

"I'll explain everything later... besides, you can't look at her and not know she's a Lightwood"

"I'm gonna take the high road and not accuse you of being involved with her" Alec said with a warning tone and Kaiden simply shrugged "What the hell Kaiden?"

"You either play or get played" Kaiden's apathy was slowly becoming an issue for Alec and everyone at the institute "So don't blame me for choosing the former"

"Play? Play with a fucking mundane, Kaiden?"

"I'm going to marry her" Kaiden stated with a determined look and Alec laughed dryly, humorous didn't really reach his eyes "And she's not a mundane"

"You're gonna what? Force her to marry you because you're a Herondale?" Alec questioned bitterly and Kaiden would be lying if he said his best friend's words didn't hurt. They aimed to kill.

"Kaiden!" Lizzie called making him turn around. Somehow her voice soothed the pain his best friend caused "Don't you think they've been inside for too long?"

"I think Elizabeth needs to go back to the institute" Alec spoke looking at his cousin. He couldn't even let the information sink in, it was a bit too much for one night

"I don't take orders from you, my love" Lizzie didn't even spare him a single glance as she kept her eyes on Kaiden

"Yeah maybe we should... like check?" Simon suggested agreeing with the brunette

"Jace has it covered" Kaiden said with a sigh, he was seriously tired of Simon's nervous ranting

"The Silent Brothers are quite unpleasant" Isabelle pointed out twirling her hair around her finger playfully

"That's not helping. Not at all" Simon commented while rubbing his hands together for the heat friction to take place "What if Clary can't handle the Brothers? What does that-"

"It literally never stops talking" Alec cut him off with an irritated look

Simon scoffed "Is he always so charming?"

"Firstborn" Isabelle shrugged sending a wink to Lizzie "Heavy is the head that wears the crown"

"Hmm, I feel his pain. Only son, mother wants me to be a CPA... so is Lizzie. The oldest one" Simon admitted staring at his best friend who glared at him "She always wanna prove that she's more than just a pretty face... her words"

"Simon, please shut it" Lizzie demanded with an exhausted tone as Kaiden glared at the Lewis boy when he mentioned the fact that Lizzie was trying to prove that she was more than just her beauty. Because he had known her struggles, her insecurities because once upon a time she was his

While Isabelle was talking to Simon and he was practically drooling over her, Lizzie sat back down rubbing her arms. She should've brought a jacket with her that much was clear but Clary rushed her into going and ended up forgetting it

"Here" Kaiden removed his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders making her look up with a grateful smile only for Alec to slowly realize that for the first time the Herondale young man was being honest about his feelings towards someone aside Adeline

Their moment was cut short when Clary and Jace stormed out of City of Bones as tears glistening the redhead's eyes "What's wrong? Who hurt you?" Lizzie rushed to her side worriedly

"Valentine is Clary's father" Jace revealed glaring at Kaiden who seemed unimpressed by the news

"Wait a minute." Alec narrowed his eyes at the redhead, suspicion and accusation brimming his eyes "You're telling me this girl shows up out of nowhere and she's Valentine's daughter? Did it occur to you that she might be a spy? This might be part of her plan? Both of their plans?"

Alec's eyes moved to find Lizzie's brown ones "That's enough, Alec" Jace warned his parabatai

"Alec-" Adeline shot him a glare

"Be for fucking real, Alec. If we were involved with that fucking asshole who by the way kidnapped our mom do you think we'd be here looking for answers? Or wanting to get back our probably forever lost memories?" Lizzie snapped standing in front of her sister protectively

"Do you think I planned for my mom to get kidnapped?" Clary raised her tone in anger, unlike her sister she was never good at hiding her emotions "Or... or for Dot to be taken? Or to have a giant sword dangle over my head and find out that my father is one of the most dangerous people in the world? Really?"

"Come on Clary, we're leaving" Lizzie told her sister who's breath was uneven "Where's Simon?"

"Where's Simon?" Clary questioned too looking around for her best friend

"I told him to stay in the van" Isabelle was clearly panicking as she joined, it was as if she just added salt to the wound "I've searched everywhere"

"He's gone?"

"Fuck!" Lizzie cried wanting nothing more than to get that anger and frustration out of her sister

"You were supposed to protect him!" Clary shouted as her voice cracked "Simon!"

"Ugh, these mundanes are killing me" Jace muttered following the redhead trying to keep up with her speed

"For fuck sake" Kaiden grumbled with a groan.

While Lizzie and Clary were looking around for their best friend an unfamiliar voice spoke from a top of one of the buildings rooftop "Is that the mundane's name?" A man questioned making the older sister's breath caught short in her throat

"I'm afraid Simon's coming with us" he continued holding Simon by his ankles

"No!" Clary cried out but she was being held by Jace as Lizzie was just standing there, paralyzed "No, he's not a part of this!"

"And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him" Jace threatened viciously glaring at the vampires

"Careful. We'd be violating the Accords" Alec warned his parabatai making Lizzie look at him in disbelief

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating" The man taunted with a smirk trying to get on their nerves as Kaiden stopped Lizzie from moving by standing in front of her "The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup... And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock, people."

"Clary! Lizzie!" Simon was gone before he got to ask for more help, the fear was clear in his tone and face and that made Lizzie freak out even more

"Simon... No!"


I will be updating once or twice a week depends on school and assignments

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