Lᴏᴠᴇ Sᴄᴇɴᴇ (4)

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"Should we go inside ?" Conrad says

"I don't think we came all this way just to sit in the car." Liz chuckles

Conrad chuckles as they walk inside.

"Oh, wow. It's so weird being here in the winter."

"I know. So cold." Conrad says as he closes the door.

"Oh, I'm gonna see if we have anything to eat.  Maybe we left some Oreos or something." She says as they set their bags down

"Yeah, good luck."

Liz walks into the kitchen and looks through the cabinets. She smiles as she reaches in.

Conrad looks up from the fire place as he hears her footsteps.

"Hot cocoa." She gasps

"Amazing." He smiles. She runs back into the kitchen excitedly

"I don't know why I can't get this fire started.

"Yeah, weren't you supposedly, uh, an Eagle Scout ?" She says as she pours the cocoa into the cups

"Shut up." He says. She laughs as she adds the water.

"They're gonna be really chocolatey." She calls out as she puts the cups into the microwave.

Liz clears her throat to get Conrad's attention. He looks up with as she sits down on the couch. "Do you want your cocoa ?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure." He says nervously as he walks around to the other end of the couch.

"What ? Why are you sitting so far ?" She chuckles

He scoots closer as she takes a sip. He does too before he starts coughing. "Wow, that tastes..."

"Amazing ?"

"Really dusty."

"Okay, for your information," She chuckles, "cocoa is my specialty. And you're welcome."

"Thanks." He says she turns back to her cup as his eyes linger on her face. She said watches as his arm lays across the back of the couch and his hand comes closer to her face.

"Do... Cocoa powder on my face ?" She asks as she wipes her hand across her cheek.

He quickly pulls away. "No. No, just..." He starts, "a little dirt." Her brows raise, "I mean, um... freckles."

She laughs as she shakes her head. "Okay."

He watches her with a slight smile. She looks over, but past him as her face lights up. "Oh, my God. It's snowing." She says as she sets her cup down.

"Wait. Let's go to the beach. Come on !" She says as she grabs his hand to pull him up

"It's kind of cold." He says as he lets her pull him along.

"Come on. It's so beautiful." She says as they run to the back door. They throw their jackets on

"This is crazy."

"Come on."

"Here, take this. Take this." He says holding out a jacket

"Wait. Hold on." She says as she pulls a pair of boots on. "Okay. I got it. Okay." She smiles as she takes the jacket.

She hurries to the door. He reaches beside her and opens the door. He holds it open as he walks behind her. His hand on her back gently leading her out.


"Conrad." Dakota calls out as Jeremiah opens the door. Liz stepped toward the door, nervous to go in.

"Connie, you here, man ?" Jeremiah says


Liz laughs as she runs with Conrad holding her hand. She pulls him along as they finally make
it to the beach.

"Oh, wow." He says

"Okay, hey." She says as she pulls out her phone.

"What ?"

"Come on. Okay." She mutters as she pulls up the camera. "Okay." She holds up her phone and smiles as Conrad wraps his arm around her from behind. She quickly takes the picture before she's off again.

"Okay, let's go !" She exclaims as she pulls him again.

"Oh, it's cold. It's cold." He says

"It's snowing." She laughs as he spins her around.

Her laughter is contagious as he chuckles along with her. He stops and stands in front of her as he steps closer. Liz finally slows down as she looks up at him. He then takes off again as she smiles.

"Hey ! Hey !" She yells as she chases him. She catches up and tags him. "I totally got you ! I got you !"

She runs at him and he picks her up. She squeals, "Hey !" He puts her down and she falls back on the sand. She sits up and holds her hand out. "Can you help me up ?"

He holds his hand out and she grabs it pulling him down with her. He groans as he falls back on the sand. Liz laughs from beside him.

He grabs her hand as they look at each other. Liz looks up at the snow before she gets up and runs towards the house. Conrad smiling as he followed behind her.

As soon as they get in, they sit by the fire. Liz puts her hand on his cheek and he shudders.

"Ooh. That feels good."

"Yeah, that's 'cause you're cold-hearted." She jokes

"For everyone else, maybe. Not for you." He says with a slight shake of his head.

Liz chuckles before she leans in and kisses him. Conrad pulls away as Liz smiles. She hesitates before she kisses him again. He kisses her back, but she can tell he's hesitant. He pulls away.

"Um... we-we should probably..."

"No, no, no, no." She says, "Don't stop."


"Connie, you can't just disappear like that. When I call you, pick up your fucking phone.

"I've been dealing with a lot of shit, Jere."

"Dude, you have to go back for your bio finals." Dakota says

"I'm not leaving." Liz hesitates as she finally steps in.


Liz deepens the kiss as she holds his face in her hands. He shudders as her hands creep under his shirt.

"Wait. Are my hands too cold ?" She smiles

"No, no. It's just, um... It feels nice."


"What do you mean, you're not leaving ?" Dakota says as Liz stands by the stairs

"What's more important than that right now, Connie ?" Jeremiah yells

"School doesn't matter !"


They pull away as Conrad takes off his shirt. Liz pulls him back in as she holds his face.

"I hope you know I didn't bring you here just for this." Conrad says as he pulls away.

"Oh, I know."

"We don't have to do anything if you..."

"No, no, no, I want to. I mean, unless... unless you don't want to." She says as she searches his face.

"No. No. No, I do. I really do."  He looks down at her lips before he leans in again. He unbuttons her sweater slowly pulling it off. As it slips off of her arms, Liz holds her hand up going to place it on his face again.

He stops her as he sees the butterfly bracelet hanging from her wrist. He holds her hand as he looks her in her eye. She looks up at him with nothing, but admiration swarming in her eyes.

Liz's heart almost bursts as he places a gentle kiss on her wrist before he let's it go. He takes her face in his hands and kisses her passionately. Her breath hitches as he pulls away. She reaches behind her and unclips her bra. His eyes stay on her face as she lets it fall. He kisses her again as he lays her down on the carpet.


"Conrad ?" Liz says softly as she lay on her side behind him. It stays quiet as he sleeps soundly. "There's only you. There's only ever been you." She says


"The house has been put up for sale." Conrad says. Liz frowns as she rushes into the living room.

"What do you mean, the house is for sale ?"

Conrad's face drops as he looks over at Liz. He clenches his jaw as he stares at her. "What is she doing here ?"

Liz could feel her heart break as she stared back at him.


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