Sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ Hᴇᴀᴛ (2)

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The teens sat at the beach talking about whatever comes to mind. Belly walks down with the margaritas in her hand.

"May I present," She starts, "The Belly Special."

"Ooh, very nice." Liz says

"Those look awesome." Nicole says as Belly chuckles

"Uh, we saved you the inflatable unicorn." Gigi says

"Well, thank you." Belly says

"Hey, guys. Hey. Check out who I found." Jeremiah says

"It's Cam Cameron." Dakota yells

"Cam !" Belly cheers. Conrad offers him a drink.

"Oh, I'm good, man. Thank you, I don't drink." He says

"Yes, that's right. More for me. That's fine." Conrad says as he drinks it

"Hey, soul buddy." Steven says to Jeremiah.

"Hey, Jere." Shayla smiles

"Hey, Shayla. What's up, Gigi ?" He says as he sits by Gigi and Dakota

"Hi, there." Cam says.

"Hi." Belly smiles

"What is that ?"

"It's..." Belly starts, "a pomegranate margarita."

"It's not a race, Con." Nicole says. Liz watches as he takes large sips of the margarita.

"Yeah, save some for the rest of us, please." Dakota says as Jeremiah laughs.

"Okay, wait, wait, wait. But what if it was a race ?" Belly says as the rest watch her. "I mean, isn't that... isn't... Isn't that the premise of, like, every drinking game ?" She chuckles

"You want to play a drinking game ?" Gigi asks.

Belly pauses as Liz speaks up. "Why not ? I mean, it's the Fourth of July, right ?" Liz shrugs

"Fuck it."

"Let's do it."

"This is why you're my sister." Dakota says as he starts to stand up.


Many games later and Belly refilling drinks left and right, the group decided to make their way back to the summer house. The kids were finally having fun and had forgotten about anything that happened earlier that afternoon.

Liz sat with the girls, Cam, and Steven on the dock and Jeremiah, Conrad, and Dakota decided to play football.

"Oh, okay, but did you know that she was one of the last people to visit Lindsay Lohan's beach club in Mykonos before it closed ?" Gigi says

"Are you serious ?" Shayla gasps


"Oh, my God, I'd die for Lindsay. Ugh, she's a queen."

"Ibiza is superior, though." Nicole says

"As if."

"You don't agree ?"

"No." Shayla scoffs. She turns to Steven, "Back me up."

"Hey, Connie, catch." Liz hears Jeremiah say. The conversation fades as Liz looks to Conrad smiling softly as she watches him play.

"All right, here it comes." Conrad says as he gets ready to throw the ball to Dakota.

"Oh, easy with the velocity, Tom Brady." Dakota chuckles. He throws it back, but it's caught by Adam.

"Ho, hoo."

"Interception." Jeremiah chuckles. Dakota clenches his jaw as his dad walks over.

"Go deep." Adam says as he throws the ball to Jeremiah. "Your spiral's looking pretty tight. Must be in the genes."

"Touchdown, Patriots." Jeremiah cheers. Dakota sighs as his dad comes up to him.

"How you been ?" He says

Dakota scoffs, "Like you care."

"I do care. About the both of you." He says referring to Liz.

"Care so much that we haven't seen you in years ?"

"Hey, Dad." Jeremiah says, "Uh, we're lighting that big firework you got in Mexico, the one that, uh, makes the big palm tree. It's gonna be awesome." He says as he throws the ball back

"Can't wait. Just don't aim it near the house, all right ?" He smiles, "Hey, come here, I want to show you how to run a post."

"Yeah, we got to go dig the clam pit." Conrad says

"Oh. I'll come help."

"Why don't you go spend some time with Mom ?" He says as he walks past Jeremiah. Dakota follows after him with no hesitation.


"I don't get Conrad. It's, like, one minute he's all over me, and he stays over, but then we don't even fuck, right ?" Nicole says, "And then this morning, he's, like, super into me, he's all over me, and now he's like, 'Oh, football.' "

"Yeah, no, he's really hard to read sometimes. Like all the time." Belly chuckles as she nudges Liz.

"Yeah. Do you really think he likes me ?" Nicole says

"Yeah. Yeah, totally. I mean, he talks about you a lot." Belly says

"Really ?" Nicole asks,

"Yeah. Mm-hmm." Nicole looks towards Liz who looks down. Cam comes back from the house.

"Hi. You may want to hydrate. Water." He says as he hands Belly a water

"Cam Cameron, you are so sweet. Isn't he sweet ?" Belly gushes as Cam chuckles

"Mm-hmm." Shayla smiles

Belly giggles, "Uh, do you want to go for a walk on the beach ?" Cam tries as Belly sips her drink

"Belly, by the way, I love that dress." Shayla says

"Really ? Thanks, I...Taylor got it for me, actually."

"Mm, Taylor has great taste."

"Yeah, I know, right ? She totally does. Oh, my God." She gasps, "You know what ? You and Taylor are, like, twins. Because you're both mega-fashiony." She says as Cam agrees. Liz watches as Belly continues rambling.

"And you're both, like... baddies, wouldn't you... Baddies." She nods as she laughs

"And you both like the same summer boys, which is..." She starts as Liz's eyes widen

"We do ?" Shayla smiles as she furrows her brows

"Come on. Let's go for that walk." Cam tries as he pulls Belly up

"No, no, no, Cam. I'm talking. One sec." She says as she turns back to Shayla. "Look, Shayla, like, don't worry, because my brother is an idiot. And it didn't mean anything. It didn't mean anything."

"Let's go for that walk." Cam tries again

"Wait, what didn't mean anything ?" Shayla says as she shakes her head

"Uh, them-them kissing." Belly rambles as Cam tries to pull her away.

"It was like... He-he, like, loves you. He loves you. And... Wait, does anyone want another drink ? I want another drink." She rambles as Liz stands up

"Bells. Walk." She says as she pushes Belly down the ramp.


"Hey. Can you be nice to Dad for one day ?" Jeremiah says, "Seriously, he's trying."

"Good for him." Conrad mumbles as Jeremiah throws dirt at him

"Whatever you have with Dad, squash it, all right ? Please." He says as Conrad looks down.

Dakota huffs as he stops digging. "Yo, I'll see you guys later."

"Whoa. What ? Where are you going ?" Jeremiah frowns

"Nowhere. Don't worry about it." He says as he walks down the beach


Liz was walking around the backyard in search of her brother. Belly had caused the girls and Cam to leave seeing as she had a rambling problem when it came to drinking.

She heard the outside shower going as she walked up. "You're not naked are you ?" She asks to whoever was in there.

"No, I don't think I'd want anyone to see that." Conrad chuckles

Liz laughed as she stepped into Conrad's view. He smiled as he turned to her.

"Uh, everyone left and Belly is boasting about her margaritas." She chuckles, "But I was wondering if you've see Dakota ?"

"Yeah. He ditched when we were digging the clam pits. Said he was going nowhere and for us to not worry about it." He says as he wipes the dirt off of himself.

"Great." She sighs as she looks down

"I'm sure he'll be okay. He couldn't have gone too far. Besides, he's Dakota. He knows everyone. Probably at someone's party on the beach." He finishes as he turns back towards the shower

Liz nods before she looks back up. Conrad has his back toward her as she looks him over. Without thinking, she speaks up. "I've always liked you with wet hair."

Conrad turns hesitantly, "It's so... romantic." She says as she continues looking at him.

"What's so romantic about wet hair ?" He frowns slightly as he fully turns to her

Liz exhales, "Nothing, nothing. Um, thanks for letting me know about Dakota." She smiles softly as she walks away.

Conrad continues looking at where she was standing before he turns back to the shower.


Liz sat at the table in the backyard as she waited for Susannah to come out with the cake.

"Where'd all the kids go ?" Susannah asks

"I'm here." Liz smiles as she stands up

"Uh, more for us." Megan says

"That's the spirit, Megan, my eternal optimist." Susannah smiles as she starts to walk down the steps

"Ooh, I want the piece with the strawberries !" Belly smiles as she rushes out of the house. She loses her balance and falls down the steps as she bumps into Susannah who falls with the cake.

"Oh my god." Liz says as she rushes over

"Belly, are you okay ?" Laurel says as she rushes down the stairs

"Honey, are you okay ?" Adam says

"Ow." Belly groans

"Here, let me help you up."

"Adam, I'm fine." Susannah says

"Come on. Please."

"I got it. I got it, stop it. God, just go away." Susannah groans.

"I-I'm sorry." Belly mumbles. Susannah sits up as she looks towards Belly. She sighs as she gets up and walks into the house. "Mom ?"

"I'll deal with you later." Laurel says as she follows Susannah in

"Let's... check on Belly." Adam says. He kneels down by her and holds his hands out. "Come on. Let's go."

Liz sighs as she walks back towards the dock.


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