Dᴇ-Vᴏɪᴅ (2)

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Deaton, Lydia, Luisa, and Scott were now sitting in the kitchen. Melissa keeping an eye on Stiles.

"How much longer do you think we have?" Scott asks

"I wish I knew." Deaton sighs, "But if we don't figure out something soon, we're going to need to find a better place to keep him. I think we're grossly underestimating the danger here. He might be paralyzed, but it still feels like he's got us right in the palm of his hand."

Luisa and Scott turn toward the living room. Stiles' eyes were already on them as Melissa assesses the gash on his stomach.


They had been standing around for a while trying to come up with someway to get an upper hand on Stiles. Unfortunately, they hadn't come up with much.

"But the scroll said to change his body." Lydia says

Deaton tilts his head, "That's if I translated it correctly." He then turns around to them, "We're looking for a cure in something that might actually be nothing more than a proverb or a metaphor."

"And what if he doesn't want it? He's never asked to be a werewolf." Scott says looking between them

"What if it saves his life?" Luisa shrugs

"What if it kills him?" Deaton counters

Scott shakes his head, "I've never done this before. I mean, what if I bite him and accidentally hit an artery or something?"

"The venom is not going to last long. Something needs to be done sooner than later."

Scott sighs, "I can try calling Derek again."

"Maybe we should call someone else." Lydia says. She gives Scott a look and Luisa could tell by Scott's face falling that it couldn't be good.


Peter walks around the couch keeping his eyes on Stiles, "He doesn't look like he would survive a slap across the face, much less the bite of a werewolf."

"You don't think it would work?" Scott asks

"This is more a war of the mind than the body. There are better methods to winning this battle."

"What kind of methods?" Deaton says

He takes Scott's hand and makes him extend his claws, "We're going to get into his head."


Anna and Aiden had made it to the school a few minutes ago. Both splitting up to try and find Ethan. As Anna walked through the school, she felt off. She couldn't figure out why or what it was, but she knew something was wrong.

Her steps slow as she comes up on a corner. She furrows her brows as she leans on the lockers. She rushes around the corner and lets out a breath as she comes face to face with Ariane, "What are you doing here?"

"Luisa told me to come here." Ariane says. Anna looks down and notices Ariane's hand on her waistband.

"You were gonna shoot me?"

"If I had to." Ariane deadpans as she drops her hand, "Have you found him?"

"No. We split up."

"Can't you catch his scent? Isn't that what you do?"

Anna rolls her eyes, "Yes, but something's wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, first off, someone else is here." Anna says as they start walking down the hall, "And second, they all have the same kind of scent."

"Like what? Like chemo signals?"

"Yeah, they're all carrying anger." Anna mutters

Ariane sighs, "That's great."


Luisa stood with Scott as Lydia and Peter talked in the corner. She turns to her friend, "Do we think this is a good idea?"

He looks over at her, "What?"

"Trusting Peter." She says, "And then sticking your claws in our best friend's neck."

"It's worth a shot if it'll help him." He shrugs. Luisa nods turning back to Stiles, "Is your cheek okay?"

"Yeah." Luisa hums, "Doesn't hurt much. It's just bruised."

"I'm sorry that happened." He says. Luisa frowns looking up at him, "I should've done something."

"You were literally impaled, Scott." Luisa chuckles, "There wasn't much you could do. I'm okay."

"I promise nothing like that'll happen again. I'll protect you."

"I'll hold you to it." Luisa jokes. Scott smiles as Peter and Lydia walk back into the living room.

"So, do we have a plan?" Deaton asks

"Scott is going to try and dig through pale and sickly Evil Stiles's mind to unearth pale and sickly Real Stiles." Peter says leaning on the back of the couch, "Then guide him back from the depths of his own subconscious. But he's not going to do it alone."

Scott and Luisa furrow their brows, "What do you mean?"

Peter looks over at Lydia, "Somebody needs to go in with you."


After searching the majority of the school, Anna and Ariane ended up by the locker rooms. Before they open the door, Anna stops. Ariane looks over, "What?"

"Someone else is down here."

"I thought we already established that."

"Extra people." Anna says, "There's five heartbeats."

Ariane takes her gun out as Anna approaches the door. The girls enter the hall slowly. Both of them keeping their heads on a swivel. The last thing Anna expected was to have a sword at her throat. Ariane quickly turning and pointing her gun at the person behind her. She groans as she lowers her gun, "Seriously?"

Allison lets out a deep breaths as she lowers her crossbow. Anna looking over at Kira whose eyes were wide, "You gonna move the sword?"

"Sorry." Kira mutters lowering it instantly

"What are you guys doing here?" Allison asks

"I came with Aiden for Ethan." Anna says, "But there's someone else here."

"Yeah, Isaac." Allison nods, "But something's wrong."

"I know."

"Okay, then we need to come up with something quick because whatever is, I'm sure it's not gonna benefit us." Ariane says

"I have an idea." Allison says


"Come on, Coach, you gotta have a lighter." Isaac rambles as he digs through Coach's desk, "I'm gonna burn it down for Erica, for Boyd." He picks up the bottle of alcohol he had with a rag in the top. He then lights the rag on fire, "For everyone. I'm gonna burn it. I'm gonna burn it."

As he steps out of the office, Kira uses her sword to fling the rag across the room. Isaac looks toward her as she holds her sword out. He smirks, "Nice sword."

The bottle falls from his hand as his face drops. Kira backs up as he comes toward her. Allison comes up behind him and hits him on the back with her crossbow. Anna turns him and punches him in his face sending him to the ground next to the twins.

"Isaac." Allison says pointing the crossbow at him

Growls are heard as he stands up. When he turns to them, his eyes are glowing and his fangs are out. Kira walks into Coach's office as Allison backs in with her. Ariane pushes Anna inside before shutting the door as the twins stand up. Kira and Allison quickly push Coach's desk up against the door.

"Was that a good idea?" Kira breathes

Allison shakes her head, "Probably not."

"That was a terrible idea."

The twins growl at Isaac as he turns to them. They slam him into the lockers before slamming him into the door breaking the glass.

"They're not going to kill each other, are they?" Kira says

"I think they're going to try." Allison sighs


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