ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 1: ᴡᴇ ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴀɴ ᴀᴘᴘᴇᴀʀᴇɴᴄᴇ

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Estelle didn't hate everyone. She just disliked most people.

That wasn't too strange. Most people had a person or two they disliked. Estelle had the entirety of Camp Half-Blood.

Most people there were busy dealing with the fallout from the Battle at Zeus' Fist and the inevitability of a full-scale war between the demigods at camp and the ones following Kronos. Estelle Wineheart was dealing with something far more sinister.

She sat in the woods, a bit away from where she could hear some nymphs laughing at her, at the way they rubbed their palms. They were just a bit nervous, really though, did she have a choice?

Estelle stared at the small shadow of a plant, only a few inches away from her right hand. They concentrated on it and were distraught to see the small shadow grow to envelop her hand. This wasn't supposed to happen. Her home life, outside of camp, was great, normal, in fact, but here, here she was a mistake.

Her eyes screwed shut in annoyance, this was not supposed to happen.

"Stella," A voice called out and her eyes shot open, the shadow shrinking to its regular size. "Clarisse is looking for you."

She looked up, staring at the taller son of Apollo. "Jonas, did you say Clarisse wanted me?" Estelle stood, taking his offered hand.

"Yeah," he nodded, pulling away from her and beginning to walk off. "She wants you to help one of those twins with something."

The two walked in companionable silence towards Zeus' Fist.

Estelle had a pretty okay relationship with Jonas. He was annoying, like most people, but less so than most other human beings. Most of the kids in the Apollo cabin were more annoying than Jonas, more excited about music and things that Estelle couldn't care less about. At least Jonas was a good friend.

"Hey, Wineheart," Clarisse yelled, her stocky figure standing over a pile of broken weapons. "Carry these spears back to the forge."

Estelle rolled her eyes but complied, grabbing a few spears and a broken dagger and carefully began walking back to the Camp, Jonas at her side.


Nora kept quiet, which meant that most of the Hermes cabin knew she wasn't one of them. However, it was the only place at Camp for her to stay without being claimed.

She knew Hermes wasn't her godly parent, mostly because her father gushed about how sweet and kind her mother was and how calm and collected she was. Nora looked up to her mother, even though she had never met her.

Most people at the camp had never met their godly parents. Nora wasn't special, besides not even knowing who her mother is. Even with that though, they weren't special, because many other campers didn't have knowledge of their parents.

Nora took a deep breath. She was trying to stay out of the way as some of the older campers cleaned up from the battle at Zeus' Fist. The older campers usually didn't like having her 12-year-old self running around and trying to help with no actual knowledge of what they were supposed to be doing.

She took another quick breath before leaving the Hermes cabin, which was, for the first time in a very long while, empty.

They found one of the older demigods, dragging a pile of broken spears towards the Hephaestus cabin and grabbed the other end of the weapons.

"Hey?" The demigod said, sounding a bit affronted. "What are you doing?"

"Helping," Nora said, her voice calm and centred.

The demigod, whose name Nora didn't know, shrugged, "Okay. We're taking these to the Hephaestus cabin to be fixed."

Nora nodded, "I had inferred that."


Melissa hated her mother. Mostly because she didn't even bother to send her any sort of sign, nothing for her to know that she even had a godly family. For all she knew she was just a mortal with the ability to see through the Mist.

If Melissa knew anything about her mother it was that she was flighty. It was the only thing her father told her.

"Your mother was... well, she was flighty, she never stayed in one place too long. Kind of like us but a little more exciting."

Every night, when Melissa couldn't fall asleep she thought about her mother. She would guess which goddess might be her mother. Hestia, Artemis, or maybe even Demeter. Two of those were maiden goddesses so it was doubtful any of them could be her mother but Artemis would be such a cool goddess to have as a mother.

They could do archery together and hunt through the woods, moving every night to a new place and spending more time with each other than with anyone else.

Melissa would love that.

A slice of moonlight fell through one of the windows and Melissa grinned at the idea that maybe Artemis was listening to their thoughts and their inner monologue.


Out of all the people in the world to befriend, Jonas had always wanted to befriend Annabeth Chase.

She was strong and thoughtful and honestly who in the world wouldn't want to hang out with her?

After the Battle of Zeus' Fist Annabeth and Percy Jackson went off somewhere, him to New York or something and Annabeth to California, or at least that's what Selina said. Jonas didn't spend much time with the daughter of Aphrodite, he was more interested in sword fighting and other generally aggressive fighting styles.

The Apollo cabin, where he was assumed to belong, despite never being claimed by the god, was a good troupe of people to hang out with. They never made fun of his affinity for more meat-headed hobbies or said anything rude when he was too upset with something arbitrary to get out of bed. They were good siblings, even though Jonas knew in his heart that they were not actually related.

Despite Apollo being such a cool god, Jonas just didn't understand how the medicine god could be his father. It just didn't make sense.

Anyway, Annabeth Chase. She would make a good friend. Percy Jackson certainly thought so. If only Jonas had the level of skill Percy Jackson did in making friends.

Annabeth seemed smart and Jonas needed a smart friend to balance him out. He was too reckless and quick to make judgements. He needed a smart friend to keep him from going fully insane. However, Jonas knew it would never work out, which is probably why Jonas had never talked to her. He was the kind of person to stick to his lonesome and stay out of others' way, despite having more than enough to say about a lot of things.

Jonas had a lot to say about being in the Apollo cabin but he held his tongue, no one had to know he was technically unclaimed, which could lead to bad assumptions about him. No one could know or they'd act skittish around him as if, at any moment, he could go join Kronos' army, the army that had just infiltrated the camp.

Jonas could never say anything, not to Annabeth and not to his cabin mates.


Sammy Bright wasn't a child. He was 13 years old for the gods' sake. Just because he was fairly innocent and liked stuffed animals as well as the comfortable onesie one of his half-sisters had bought him for Christmas didn't make him a child.

He was good with a knife and apt at strategy. It wasn't his fault everyone thought he was cute and childish and innocent and a baby.

Sammy Bright was not a baby.

His sister, Risa Greene, was so aptly named as a child of Demeter. She loved to spend time with Sammy and didn't even get upset when he didn't want to talk instead making facial expressions to relay what he was feeling about her statements.

Risa was cool, it was cool that she accepted Sammy as her brother even though a lot of his other half-siblings did not. See, Sammy wasn't claimed as usual but instead, when he arrived at the camp two years ago, he gave Chiron a dandelion he had grown out of the ground in the midwinter frost. That power could only come from a child of Demeter.

Sammy had a soft spot for dandelions ever since then.


Brynn Marie was never super into the whole 'child of Aphrodite' thing.

She didn't see the whole obsession over sex and love or the whole 'breaking a person's heart as a rite of passage thing'. Instead, Brynn was more interested in creating love for others, even pushing her friends or siblings towards potential love. It was sweet to see and, even though she wasn't super into the whole idea, it was kind of fun to imagine what kind of person she might fall for one day.

Silena, the head of her cabin, had always said that love comes to you and that, if you weren't in love now, you would be one day.

Brynn wasn't sure how much stock she put into that.

It was almost like going through your life and expecting something to just fall into your lap. That's not how the world works and, out of all the people at camp, Brynn knew that better than most.


Cyn was tired.

Out of all the things they could be doing right now this was not one of them.

Their legs hurt as they ran through the underbrush, zigzagging through trees.

If only there was a house nearby, any sort of door and they'd be set.

The thump of feet behind them was the last thing they heard before everything went black. 


Very sorry this is so late, I'm just applying to colleges and my life is very busy. anyway, sorry if I changed some of the abilities you gave your characters, I wanted to keep them kind of underpowered for the storyline <3

Please let me know what you think and if I've totally flubbed up your characters 

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