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Zeus sat on his throne, his eyes glaring down at his daughter. "This cannot go on, Hebe," He said, looking down on his youngest daughter with a slight bit of disdain.

She stared up, her small figure dwarfed by his enormous throne. "Father, I will not cease. It is not fair that us 'lesser gods' are constantly looked down upon. We have enough power to be known."

"Hebe, stop it."

"I will not," she said. Her spine is straight and confident. "Father, I will continue with my crusade. If you want me to stop you can finish me yourself." Hebe turned and exited the throne room, her long hair trailing behind her.

Hebe travelled down the elevator and, once she exited the Empire State Building, changed her age from 12 to 25. She was quite done with her father attempting to dictate her life, he may be king of the Gods but that did not make him any more than her father to Hebe.

As she huffed away from the skyscraper, in every sense of the word, a man bumped into her.

Hebe looked up just as the man looked up. Their eyes met and Hebe instantly felt a connection. She looked around, wondering if Eros was playing some sort of trick on her, but he was nowhere to be seen, even with her godly sight.

"I'm so sorry," the man said, blushing softly.

Hebe laughed in an almost angelic fashion, "It's no problem."

"I'm Blake, Blake Grey."

"I'm Hebe, nice to meet you, Blake." 

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