Part 2

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Its the 2nd ending of this book..

1st ending will be on @dharshini_ficfitions  WHICH IS POSTED ALREADY...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARMY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Time skip~~Marriage day


Today is the most important day of my life.....I am getting married to a person whom I never loved...(sighed)...but I will do anything for my parents...

My look


Make up



I turned around to find my parents with teary eyes...I went to them and hugged them tightly...

Dad : U look beautiful dear....

Mom : Our daughter is grown now....come lets go(I nodded and we went to the place)

While we are walking I saw Mr.Ki-sorry Taehyung is smiling warmly to me..not to lie he is handsome...

(Agree with that??)

Then we stood infront of him and my dad gave my hand to him which he gladly took it...

Dad : Take care of her (smile)

Taehyung : I will dad(reassuring smile)

Then the vows started..

Time skip ~ Our house..

Y/N Pov

In the whole ride he was smiling like an idiot..I guess he really like me...seeing him smiling making my heart flatter...what if I started to love him??....but I am scared to show my love to him coz what if he too leave me..??.soon the car stoped near our house...I opened the car door and was about to walk towards our house by lifting this heavy gown but instead of walking..I was lifted up in the air..I looked at my side only to find I was lifted by Taehyung...

Y/N : Taehyung (he hummed)....leave me..(he stopped and looked at me with loving eyes)
Tae : I will never leave u..(started to walk)

When he said that I felt something which I never felt before...
We reached our bed room and he slowly placed me on bed and said

Tae : Y/Nahh...u can go and take shower here and I will go to the next room to take shower...and ur clothes are in that I will be going now..(i just nodded and he went out)...

After taking shower and changing into comfy clothes...I came out and found Taehyung is sitting on the bed while scrolling through his phone..soon he saw me and said....

Tae : Oh ...u came..umm u sleep here and I will go to the other room..if u want anything just call me..(was about to leave)
Y/N : Taehyung...(he turned around)
Tae : Yes?
Y/N : ummm...U can sleep here..I don't have a problem with it(ready to sleep)
Tae:(shy)..Huh??...umm..I don't want u to be uncomfortable around me so-(cut off)
Y/N : See..I am not uncomfortable around u...its ok if u dont want to sleep here..u can go(closed eyes)
Tae no no..I will sleep here...but..
Y/N : (opened ur eyes) what??(staring at him)
Tae : Umm (blushed at ur gaze)..I can't sleep without hugging someone or something...

I just looked at him...and found him cute coz of the pink tint on his cheeks..

Y/N : (taking deep breath)..If u want u can hug me...(closed ur eyes)..if u dont want to hug me..then u can go out but before that turn off the lights..

I didn't received any response but the lights are  turned off I guess he went out....suddenly I sense someone is hugging me from behind..

Tae : Good night..
Y/N : umm..Good night..(we both drifted to sleep)


Y/N Pov

I woke up and found no one beside me...I guess he left for work...I did my morning routine and went downstairs to have breakfast..
I saw Taehyung arranging foods on the table...soon he noticed me

Tae: Good morning Y/Nahh
Y/N : Good morning..what are u doing??
Tae : I made breakfast for my wife and arranging it now(smiling widely)

Mind : Dont do this Tae...A person like me doesn't deserve an angel like u 

We started to eat...

Tae : How is it?(nervously)
Y/N : Nice (small smile but quickly came to blank face)

Mind : WTH..Why I am going to smile to him.???....I only smile to the person who is accepted by my heart....that no no ..

Time skip to 1 month

Author :

In this 1 month nothing changed...Y/n is still same but she smile lil to Tae which is unpredictable... ...on the other hand Tae is trying his best to change Y/n...He cooks breakfast for her daily....give her kisses and hugs even though he doesn't receive it back from her...he is confused that why Y/n is not pushing him??...and he thought she started to love him but he is even more confused on why she didnt give him hugs and kisses when she is loving him??? that means she doesn't love him??

Lets see the rest...

Y/N Pov (Sunday)

I am now working on my laptop for one of my upcoming project
But I got intreupted by his voice...

Tae : Huh..Y/Nahh..(I looked at him)...our parents are coming for the
Y/N : So..??.. we should act like a couple infront of I right??
Tae : ...Yes...but it's ok if u dont-(cut of)
Y/N : I am ok with that... (started working)
Tae : Thank u baby!

I looked at him...and saw a tint in his I teased him by saying..

Y/N : Welcome baby!

Now his whole face looks like a tomato..😶..then he went out..I just chuckled 

                                Eventhough it's an act I love it!!!

then I continued my work...



Now I am cooking for our parents as they will be here in an hour...while I am cooking...I felt two hands wrapping around my waist...and I know the person infact u too...

Tae : What is my wife doing ??...
Y/N : What do u think I am doing..??
Tae : for ur beloved husband?? (I turned around)
Y/N : Yes (he smiled widely)....but no (his smile dropped and looked at me in confusion)
Tae : What do u mean??..
Y/N : I mean yes I am cooking and no I am not cooking for my husband but for his and my parents..(turned around and continued cooking)

I can sense that he is pouting....and he went to the living room...
Soon our parents came...

Mom : How are u  dear ??
Y/N : I am fine are u ?(small smile )
Dad : We are fine...(smile)
T/mom : How is my son behaving with u Y/Nahh ??
Y/N : Huh..He is so sweet to me and he even cook for me in morning...he is a nice cook..
T/dad & T/mom : WHAT???

Did I said something wrong...I saw Taehyung hiding behind the couch...huh..what is he doing there??..then I looked at T/mom going to Tae and she twisted his ear...

T/mom : U brat...when I told u to cook for us u wouldn't even cut the vegetables but not now u are cooking like a pro?
Tae: leave my ear (she left his ear)...
T/mom : Now answer my question...
Tae : Huh..that..I cooked for my wife... (while tubbing his ears..)..and I will do anything for her... (looking at me)..

I felt like's first time though..

Our parents : Aww...see she is cute couple....

Now we both become fully red...

And we went to have dinner....while having it...My mom asked a question...

Mom : Btw when are u going to give a good news??..

I chocked on my food and looked at Taehyung only to find him in confusion state...soon his eyes widened and said..

Tae : We are not ready for that..
Y/N : Yes mom...we are not ready ...
Mom : It's OK...take ur time...

We nodded and went back to eating...
And they left....

Y/N Pov

Why my heart is beating faster when I am with him???....I think I should give a chance to this marriage....coz for how many days I am going to be like this??....I will tell him when the right time comes...

Next Day

At Taehyung Company

Taehyung Pov

When I was working...I heard the door open and I saw Jimin and Jungkook.....What are they doing here at this time??...

Me : What are u doing here??

Jungkook : Is it wrong to meet u now???

I sighed and continued to do my work....

Jimin : Btw...How is ur married life with Ms.Cold ??(I stopped and looked at him)..

Me : ( deep breath)..Nothing much hyung...

Jungkook : What do u mean??..Is she still cold to u??

Me : Ya...I dont know if she love me or not??...In these days I tried so many times to make her comfortable around me but she is still the same..

Jungkook : Lets see if she love u or not...

Me : But how??

Jungkook : ummm...(thinking) pranking??

Me : Huh??..What prank ??

Jimin : What about cheating prank??....I am damn sure she will confess her love to u!  

Me : Not bad though....Ok I will do that prank..

Time skip~

I am now in the front of our house....from today I am going to be cold towards it is a part of prank...When I entered...I heard sound from kitchen..I guess she is cooking..(deep breath)....U can do it Taehyung!..I just went to our room without glancing at her....

Y/N Pov

When I was cooking.., I heard the door open..I know the person....I thought he will come to me and backhug me and tell me about his day like he does everyday...but I was wrong..I saw him going upstairs neither talking nor seeing me...which is odd....I shrugged my thought thinking he might be tired of work...

After sometime...he came down and started eating the food which I kept on the table....I sat opposite to him and started eating quitely...after finishing his food he kept the plate to wash and went without looking at me...I just stared at him in confusion...

When I went to the room...I saw Taehyung scrolling through his phone while smiling...when he saw me his smile disappeared and he turned around to sleep after placing his phone on the I just asked..

Y/N : there something wrong??

Tae : Nothing (cold)

Y/N : Ok..(I didnt say anything coz he sounded cold maybe he is stressed ) 

Taehyung Pov

After eating my food I just came to our room and started to see her pics which I took secretly when she is asleep

(pic is not mine...Credit goes to its owner)

As I was seeing and admiring her pics..I noticed her standing near the I quickly started acting....and I pretend to sleep...but she asked an unexpected question...

Y/N : Is there something wrong??

Me : Nothing(cold)

Mind : I think something is wrong with her coz she never ask me questions like this...I think the prank is going well..lets see what happen if I continue my prank till she confess...

After a week~

Y/N Pov

Its night now.... he still didn't come home...he is like this for a week...what happened to him??...In this week he always ignored me...,he didn't even talked to me nicely...he stopped cooking for me....if I ask him something he will reply shortly...

" What happened to him ?? "

 I heard the door opening...I saw him sitting on the couch tiredly...which is just opposite to me...i can smell a female perfume from is not what I am thinking right?? I asked him..

Y/N : Taehyung...Where were u?(he looked at me annoyed)

Tae : Where would I be...??..Obviously in my office...

I held his collar and pulled him up...

Y/N : Then why I smell female perfume on u?? (super cold and anger)

Tae : T..That...Its no..thing...(he yanked my hand and went to our room )

"If he is not cheating on me then why is he stuttering??"

Taehyung Pov

Shit I stuttered infront of her...not to lie she is so angry right now...Its the first time I am seeing her like this...I didn't cheat on her..its just a prank though and for the female perfume...I just brought one and sprayed it a lil  on me to look like I have cheated on her..and for coming home late...I always overwork myself...Should I continue this prank after this..??I am afraid of her now..(gulped)...I shrugged and went to take shower...after taking shower I called Jimin...

After few rings..he attended the call...

Me : Jimin...

Jimin : Hey Taehyung..

Me : Should I continue the prank ???...she is so angry right now...

Jimin : Is that so..??..(I hummed)..then end it tomorrow night..coz she is angry now...

Me : umm..Ok(hung up)...I hope she forgive me..(went to sleep)

Y/N Pov 

I am going to divorce can he do that to me.....I will move to US tomorrow I am going to write a letter to a last goodbye~


Dear Tae..

I have never talked to u nicely...

I have never been a good wife to u....

I have never given a chance to this marriage..

I have never treated u as my husband...but I planned to change myself for u and to be a good wife for u...

but I guess its too late...

U already found someone for urself now...

I will set u free now..

so u can start a new life with her...

I will send the divorce papers in 2 days..

I have never thought that someone will melt this cold heart...while u did...

but u are not mine now....

I will be going to US to clear my mind...

I hope we meet in future...


Your Cold wife...



I kept it near the nightstand and started to pack my things...without waking him up....


Taehyung Pov

When I woke up I found no one beside me...huh..where is she ??...I think she is in kitchen...I just went to do my morning routine..when I came out of the bathroom..I saw a letter on the nightstand...I took and started reading....when I finished eyes became teary.......nooo!!!!!...I quickly changed my dress and went to airport...Y/n.......pls dont go....


When I reached there..I shouted her name..while crying like a crazy....then I heard a voice which I longed to hear now..I quickly hugged her and started to cry...

Y/N : Taehyung (lil teary)..Why are u hear..??

Me : First tell me why are u here??...

Y/N : I am going to US..why??...U can go to ur girlfriend with whom u r cheating me with...

Me : (shook my head) just a prank *explaining everything*....I am sorry..

I looked up to her..but next she did was unexpected.....

A/N Pov : What do u think she did??------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

no cheating !!

Y/N Pov 

When he confessed his mistake to me..I wiped my fake tears..and laughed like a manic....he looked at me in confusion...

Y/N : What??..Do u think I don't know this???..ofcourse I knew this..


After Tae went to his room next to the perfume fight....I called someone..

Y/N : Mr.Jeon Jungkook (coldly)

JK : hearing my cold voice)..

Y/N : Answer my question honestly....(he hummed in fear)...Is Taehyung cheating on me ??

I asked him coz I know they are close enough to him to share his secrets..

JK : dont

I sighed and I got a idea and smirked before talking to him sweetly..

Y/N : Jungkook..if u answer my question..U will get a dozen of Banana milk...(sweetly)

JK : WHAT??? REALLY?? (I hummed)..Ok I will tell u *told everything*

Y/N : Thank u.....U will receive ur reward soon (hung up)

I still didn't believe him completely..but it got confirmed when I heard him talking with Jimin...

So..U pranked me u my dear hubby...I will also do the same to u and will make u cry(smirk)..


After I told him everything..he looked at me with a small pout..and looked away..

which is so I pinched his cheeks...

Tae : So is that true ??

I looked at me in confusion...and raised an eyebrow..

Tae : That u love me ??

My gaze softened and looked at him and said...

Y/N : umm..Yes...(I went to the car he followed me like a puppy)

In car

Tae : Then say it...

I played numb even though I know what he mean..

Y/N : What??(innocently)

Tae : Say I love u...

Y/N : Huh..first u say..

Tae : I Love u! say it back pls...

Y/N : umm..No..(he focused on road with sad face)..

In the whole ride he just asking me to say those words to him...but I just teased him..

At house ~

We got down and he started walking to the front door while leaving me behind....I just took a deep breath

Y/N : MY DEAR HUBBY.....I LOVE U WITH MY WHOLE HEART !!!!!!!!!!! (shouted)

He just froze for a second but turned around quickly with teary eyes and ran towards me..

Tae : Am I dreaming..??? Pls say it again 

Y/N : (chuckled)..I LOVE U TAEHYUNG !!!!!!!!!!!!! 

He lifted me and started to spin me around....and after sometime put me down ....

Tae : U know...I am so happy right now....but why u didn't said that earlier when I asked u ??

Y/N : Coz...(cupped his cheeks)..

" Your eyes stole all my words away ! "

When I said that his eyes shined with joy..I slowly attached my lips with him..and we kissed passionately...after sometime we slowly pulled off...

Y/N : I Love U !

Tae : I Love U more !

We both are smiling to each other..this is one of the best moment in our lives

»»———-The End———-««

Hope u like this ending....

If u like this don't forget to vote and comment !

Do u know something this book has 3192 words..

The first part contains 2355 words...

It is the first time that I wrote this much in a single chapter...

The pictures are not goes to its owners !!!

Comment what do u think about this book : 

Author of this part : swee-ty (Snow)

Have a nice day !


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