Chapter 15: Chase for the case

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Alot of time has passed. Me and Courtney continued to hang out on the Island. But my whole former team was eliminated.

Which means they all joined us on the resort. Which also included...Duncan. Who, at this point, is starting to just get on my nerves.

No, it's not the fact that he's with Courtney. That's not what is annoying me. Okay, first of all everytime me and Courtney are in the middle of a conversation, he'll just rudely inturupt it.

And he wouldn't excuse himself. For example,

(Sometime at the resort)

We were having a good conversation about school, and collage stuff.

"So, the classes in high school are gonna help contribute to what you're going to major in?" Courtney asked.

"Yeah. And I spent lots of my time here stud-" I started but was cut off.

"Hey princess." Duncan said, interrupting my sentence.

"Um. Duncan, I was in the middle if an important conversation." Courtney stated.

"Right, right. Sorry doll face. It's just that..." he started but I didn't bother to listen to the rest.

I ended up slowly walking away, leaving the conversation. Seriously, who does that? You can clearly see that I was talking to her first, and on top of that you didn't even excuse yourself.

Luckily, they didn't share any more of those kissing moments. But he continued to ruin our conversations.

I stayed in my room more often to avoid that type of stuff. And Owen won the prize money. And that leads us to the current day.

Duncan was Dancing in a really werid way. Courtney seemed discussted.

"Ew. Duncan, stop it." Courtney told him

"Why so uptight, hot stuff? What happened to that crazy chick who helped me raid the camp kitchen?" He asked as he continued to dance.

"Ugh. I'm over this stupid show. I lost the competition, my pathetic lawyer lost my lawsuit, and now I just wanna go home, study for my LSATs, and work my class president campaign." Courtney strictly stated.

"Wow. Hello total downer. Relax, it's almost over. I thought you'd be happy." Duncan said.

"I am happy!" Courtney snapped.

"It's not a bad plan, Courtney." I said.

"Thanks. Glad someone understands how important school is."

"If you want, I can help you study. I could use some reviewing for the test to."

Chris then came walking in with a heavy case. He stopped in front of us.

"Hello campers." Chris said.

"Haha. That's excampers to you." Duncan corrected.

"Yeah. Your twisted game is over, remember?" Heather said.

Chris said something to Chef, then they both chuckled.

"Congratulations to our winner. Owen. You played hard. Fought hard, ate hard, and farted harder. Not sure why, but you beat every other person on this island. And your pockets will soon be stuffed with cheddar." Chris said as we all cheered for him. Well, everyone but Heather and Eva.

"Mmm. Cheddar." Owen said.

"But what I'm about to offer you may change all that. Inside this suit case is one million dollars. We had our PA make a cardboard check of this awsome new prize" Chris said.

The check was ginormous. I've never seen a check that big before.

"We went though alot of cardboard to make this." Chris yelled." Owen, my man. This million dollars could be yours. All you have to do is figure out where we're about to hide it, and bring it to the dock of shame before anyone else does." Chris said.

"Your telling us that we all have a chance to win a million dollars?" Gwen asked.

"Yep. What do you say Owen? Will you settle for a hundred Gs. Or ONE MILLION DOLLARS!" Chris shouted.

Owen thought for some time.

"Game on baby! Haha! Yeah!" Owen shouted.

Why? He does realize he can lose, right? I mean, the last time he won was kinda luck. Or more so his love for food.

"That's the spirit Owen. Throughout the day, I'll give you all hints from the loud speakers to make sure you're not completely lost." Chris said.

"Alright campers, the ultimate million dollar challenge starts, now." Chris said, shooting a bird out of the sky.

"Here I come million dollars!" Owen said running off excited.

Chris and Chef were waiting for the rest of us to start. We all stood there, raising an eyebrow at the two. No one was buying it.

"Let me get this straight. After messing with our heads for an entire summer. You expect us to start running around like idiots all over again?" Heather asked, annoyed.

"That's right." Chris answered.

"And how do we know you didn't stuff that case with bricks or something?" Leshawna asked, crossing her arms.

"You don't." Chris answered.

"I'd love to play another round of humiliating the teens. But I've got a buffet to eat." Noah answered.

No one was buying it.

"Fine. Suit yourselves. I'm sure Owen will be happy to have no competition. While he makes the easiest million dollars in TV history." Chris added.

"Fine!" Gwen stated.

"Fine!" Lindsay added.

"Yeah, right." Justin added.

None of us were budging.

"ALRIGHT! I'M GONNA BE RICH! HAHAHA!" Owen said very loud from afar, and bust out laughing.

We all started making looks at each other. And just like that we all started running for the case.

But we all crashed into each other and got stuck. Chef whistled to stop the commotion. 

"Hey! I've got an idea. Let's work together as a team. We can split the money twenty three ways and share it." Beth suggested as no responded. Yeah I think that's a no.

We all contiued to try to get unstuck. I felt an arm pull me out of the crowd.

"Phew. Gee. Thanks." I said.

"Your welcome. Help me get Duncan." She said.

I helped Courtney pull Duncan out of the pile. Courtney did a Tarzan scream.

"Let's go get that million dollars! Yes!" Courtney cheered and spun around.

She then kissed Duncan... again. Heavily sighs.

"Woah. Looks like someone got there mojo back." Duncan stated.

"Shut up. And follow me. We've got a suitcase to find." Courtney told him.

"Sir. Yes sir." Duncan agreed, as Courtney grabbed his arm.

"Can I come too?" Harold asked.

"No! You'll slow us down. Come on guys." Courtney said.

Okay. I guess I'm coming along too. Though I kinda feel like this is going to be me thrid wheeling.


We kept looking around for the case.

"Hurry up guys!" Courtney said strictly. Me and Duncan finally caught up with her.

We ran into Eva, and Noah.

"I THINK I SEE IT!" We heard Izzy yelled frim afar.

Courtney gasped." She sees the suitcase. We can't let her have it."

Izzy came swing by on a vine. Courtney jumped onto it. Courtney was pulling Izzy's hair.

"Yeah, that's my girl!" Duncan cheered.


Sometime later we went to the beach. Duncan used a fishing rod to take the case from Lindsay.

"Come on! Put some muscle into it!" Courtney told Duncan." Spin that reel."

"Can it sister, I'm reeling as fast as I can."

He got the case but then an alligator ate it.

"Hey! That aligator just took our briefcase." Courtney yelled.

"What are alligators doing in Muskoka?" Duncan asked in frustration.

"Well don't just stand there. Go get it!" Courtney told Duncan.

Duncan dove into the water. Duncan fought the aligator until it spat out the the case. It landed right in front of us.

Courtney picked up the case.

"You did it. My hero." Courtney said hugging him.

"I've had tougher girlfriends than him. And uglier." Duncan commented.

Who did he all date?

/Aaron:"Duncan. A hero. Not possible. Anti hero, possibly but highly unlikely... but hero? Pfft. Not a chance."\

We kept walking. Duncan tripped over a rock.

"My ankle. Ah, I think I sprained it. Ow." Duncan said.

"Duncan. A-are you okay?" Courtney asked.

"Agh, I don't think I can walk on it. You're  gonna have to help me."

"You know you mean the world to me. But I can't let you hold us back. Sorry."

/Aaron:" Did you hear her choice of words?" I said in shock." She said she can't let him hold us back. US! Maybe there is a.... or maybe I shouldn't get my Hope's up again."\

We took off running.

"Wait! You're leaving me here?! I just wrestled an aligator for us!" Duncan yelled.

"I know! But opportunities like this just don't fall out of trees."

And just as she said that, Izzy fell right on her. She ended up getting the case.

"Hey! Give that back!" I said, reaching for it.

"Never!" She got up and ran for it.

I was about to go after her but I decided to help Courtney first.

"You alright?" I asked, helping her up.

"Yeah. Hey, which way did they go?" Courtney asked.

"That way! Come on, let's go!" I yelled, grabbing her arm.

We were starting to catch up.

"Hey, get back here! No one is stealing the money that I stole!" Courtney yelled.

We lost sight of them. We the both ran into something. We both fell right to the ground. Some birds started tweeting around our heads.

"Will you please shut up!" Courtney said, shooting them away.

I quickly got up and helped her up.

"You alright?" I asked.

"I'm fine."

We examined what we bumped into.

"This forest, isn't even real!" Courtney exclaimed. "Chris! Come out here right now! I mean it! You're going to be in so much trouble!"

She kept going.

"Okay. Calm down." I said putting a hand on her shoulder." So the island is fake. We need to focus on our main objective."

"This is my main objective. Quick, help me climb over this wall."


I put her on my shoulders. She climbed onto it.

"What do you see?" I asked.

"No way! This close to civilization all along."

A guy with a hot airballoon was flying over


The guys mic hit her head.

"Ow! Come on! Get down here you!" Courtney exclaimed pulling him down.

"Get him Courtney!" I cheered.

The guy hopped out of the airballoon. She hopped in.

"Nice work Courtney! Nice work!" I cheered.

/Aaron:"I can't help it. She's amazing! She's strong, independent, and smart."\

I looked up at her in the air balloon. She lowered it down.

"Here, take my hand." She said.

I took her hand. She pulled into the balloon.

"You're amazing!" I exclaimed.

"I know. Now we'll see who's the boss around here!" Courtney said, flying us higher.


We flew near the cliff where we first cliff dived. Some how, Owen, Tyler, Cody, and DJ got attached to the bottom of the air balloon.

"Courtney, Aaron! Save us! Pull us up!" Cody asked.

"Give me the case and I will."

"No way!"

"Okay then." She said, and went higher up.

"You wouldn't let us fall to our deaths." DJ defened.

"Hey, you can't blame us for that! You got attached to our balloon. You guys were the ones who ran off of the cliff." I defened.

"Yeah. And we don't even like you very much!" Courtney added.

"Guys. I think we should offer to bargin with them." Cody said.

"NEVER!" Tyler said.

"Don't do it. I can save us." Owen said.

I looked over to see Owen pulling them up some.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me." I complained.

"Oh. It's not over yet. The war has just begun." Courtney told me.

"Okay guys we're safe for now. And we're keeping the case." DJ said.

"Ha! We'll see about that!" Courtney said.

She lowered down the air balloon and dragged them through the forest.

"Bear!" Owen screamed.

"Should we help them?" I asked.

"If they're willing to give us the money." Courtney said.

/Aaron:"Again! Her choice of words! Which means she actually will split the money with me!"\


We flew over the cabins. The guys climbed into our airballoon. Courtney quickly put Cody in a head lock.

"Help!" Cody squeaked.

"Give it to us! I got it into the camp grounds. It's ours!" Courtney said.

"No way sister!" Owen said.

"Try to take that case, and I'll mess you up!" Tyler threatened.

"Excuse you. We're more than capable of putting up a fight." I argued.

"Guys. Maybe we would work out an arrangement-" Cody started.

"NO!" We all shouted.


So far, they still had the case. But Courtney still has Cody in a headlock. We looked down to see Duncan chasing a moose with a moose head.

"Wa-hoo! You go honey, go!" Courtney cheered.

We noticed that the airballoon is coming close to the place where me and Courtney were suppose to dive into the green jelly.

"We're going to hit." Owen said.

The bear was climbing up. We all started screaming.

"We have to jump for it." Tyler said.

"We'll all die!" Owen said." Are you crazy!"

"He's right. It's the only way. On the count of three. One. Two. Three." Cody counted and they all went jumped off.

Courtney got the case.

We got it! Finally!

"SUCKERS! I'll call you from my hot tub  phone at my new mansion in-" Courtney started. The bear poked our heads.

"What!?" Courtney turned around.

We both jumped and landed in the middle. They were all reaching for the case. Me and Courtney were doing our best to keep them from taking the case.

Leshawna tried to get it but then made it drop out if Courtney's hand.

/Aaron:"So, close." I said slowly.\

The board broke in half. Some went sliding off. While me, Courtney, and some others fell into the green jelly.


We all quickly ran down to the dock of shame.

"As for the rest of you, you're treasure hunt end here. Along with all your hopes of winning any money off this show. The good news though, you'll be watching all the action on season two from the sidelines!" Chris said.

"Wait a minute! I wanna be on season two!" Courtney said.

"Tut, tut, tut. Fine print." Chris said.

Well. I guess that's it then. Well, that could've gone better.

Pfft. As if I'm letting it end there. I've gotten too attached to these two. Not only that, but writing this story actually made me like Courtney more as a character.

Anyways, thanks for reading this chapter. Season two starting soon.(Like, very soon.)

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