Chapter 3: Can't catch any Zzzzs...

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I was peacefully asleep on the top of the bunk bed.  Harold took bottom. But I was Just listening to the sound of birds chirping. Nice and sounded asleep.

Suddenly a loud air horn went off, waking me up from my sleep. It sounded like my ears were ringing.


After our sleep got ruined, we all got dressed for today's challenge. I stood next to Courtney.

"Morning. Hope you slept well." Chris said.

"Hi Chris. You look really buff in those shorts." Heather told Chris.

"I know." Chris winked." Okay. I hope you're all ready because your next challenge begins in exactly one minute." Chris told us.

Great. What is gonna make us do now? I mean. We just woke up. He's not gonna make us jump off a cliff a second time.... would he?

"I don't know if that's enough time to eat breakfast." Owen said.

"Oh. You'll get breakfast Owen. Right after you complete your twenty collmenter run around the lake." Chris said.

"Oh, so you're funny now? You know what I'd think would be funny-" Eva started walking towards Chris with her fist balled up. Geoff and Duncan held her back.

"Eva. Try to control your temper." Courtney wispeared to Eva.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" Eva asked, angered.

"A little. You have 30 seconds." Chris told Eva.

/Aaron:"Well. I'd say this is going great. We lost yesterday's challenge, and according to Courtney, Eva has already thrown a suitcase out of a window and broken a lock on the bathroom door. I'm not one to speak harshly of others(unless I have a reason to), but if she plans on sticking around. She might wanna get a better grip on her temper."\

We all lined up to began our run.

"Okay runners! On your marks. Get set! GO!" Chris yelled as some of us took off.


Me, Courtney, and some other members of the teams ran together.

"Well. I never started a morning with a morning jog. Have you?" I asked Courtney.

"No. I haven't. This is ridiculous." Courtney said.

"Yeah. I know. The only time I did wake up running was when I woke up late for school. Man. And I was in the middle of a peaceful sleep. Thanks to that Chris guy I'll never know how that dream will end." I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah. At least we aren't being asked to jump into a lake of shark infested water." Me and Courtney chuckled.

Suddenly Chris came driving by on a moped.

"Pick it up people. If you're not back by dinner time. You don't eat." Chris shouted into his megaphone.

Me Courtney looked at each other and nodded and decided to pick up the pace.


After we finished our run we headed into the main lodge. Owen suddenly burst in carrying Noah.

"CLEAR A TABLE, STAT!" He yelled.

He attempted to perform CPR on him. Leshawna then came in, falling to her knees.

"Ah! We made it." She said, tired from running.

Harold then arrived.

"What took you so long? We just lost a challenge!" Courtney told Harold.

"I think I'm having heart pelvitaions." Harold said.

"Hey wait a minute. If they loss, that means we won the challenge." Gwen said behind us.

Gwen's team began cheering.

"Whoa there! Hold your horses, guys. That wasn't the challenge." Chris said.

Which means we still have a chance to win today's challenge.

"Who's hungry?" Chris asked us. Behind a purple current was actual food.


Everyone finished the buffet. Which wasn't too suprising since we had a week of bad food.

"Okay campers. Time for part two of your challenge." Chris annouced through his megaphone.

"I though eating was the second part." Owen said.

"It's time for the awakeathon." Chris annouced.

"The a-what-athon?" Owen questioned.

"Don't worry. This is an easy on. The team with the last camper standing wins invincibility." Chris told us.

"So what you're saying is the 20k run and the Turkey eating frenzy were part of your evil plan to make it harder for us to stay awake?" Gwen asked.

"That's right Gwen." Chris told her.

"Man he's good."

Yeah. I did not see that coming.

"Move! Move! Move!" Chris yelled through his megaphone.

Great. Just... great.

We all slowly walked out of the main lodge.


About twelve hours passed and none of us were asleep yet.

"Whoo hoo! Stay awake for twelve hours. I can do that in my sleep." Owen said. And just like that, he passed out.

Me and Courtney both decided to just keep moving to make sure that we stayed awake. It was very tiring but it was working so far.

I simply had my arms crossed but I kept tapping my left foot up and down and rocking back and forth.


Our strategy worked for another twelve hours. Chris decided that he needed to make things harder.

"Congratulations campers. You made it to the 24 hour mark. Time to take things up a notch.... fairy tales." Chris told us.

Just the mention of fairy tales made me yawn. Chris picked up a book and began reading. And Chef began playing the harp in his costume.

Me and Courtney continued to keep moving to keep ourselves awake. My eyes were starting to shut

"Don't let up now Aaron. We're still in this." Courtney told me.

"Right. Right. I'll stay awake." I said, as I continued moving in place.

"Once. Upon a time." Chris started."There was inside this boring kingdom. A boring village. Inside this boring sleepy village filthy with very boring children."

"Does everything in this village have to be boring?" Courtney wispeared to me.

"I know right. Anything to make this more annoying." I commented." Okay. My legs are killing me. Can we please sit down?"

"Alright. Fine. I could use a seat."

Me and Courtney finally decided to sit down.

I've never been so tired in my life. Me and Courtney just kept talking about random stuff to keep ourselves awake.

"I mean, seriously. He really thought he was cool because he owned sunglasses. Owning sun glasses doesn't automatically make you 'cool'. If you're gonna get sunglasses at least get some stylish ones." Courtney stated.

"Yeah. He was probably one of those show off type of guys." I added.

I felt my eyes starting to shut, but I rubbed my eyes, keeping myself awake.

"I'm so ready for this challenge to be over. You know what I mean." I said, looking at the stars. I noticed I didn't get a response.

I noticed Courtney starting to fall asleep.

"Corutney?" I started.

"I'm. Still. Awake." She said, before leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Don't fall asleep." I told her.

"I won't be sleep for too long." She said before falling asleep.

I felt butterflys starting to enter my stomach, but i was so tired I fell asleep.


I woke up where I last fell asleep. I was laying down on my back. I felt a head laying on my chest.

I look to see Courtney peacefully asleep. Her eyes slowly started to open. She then realized she was sleeping on me. She sat up.

"That was a total accident." Courtney said, her cheeks slightly turning pink with embarrassment.

"It's fine. You were asleep. I fell asleep too." I awkwardly chuckled, scratching the back of my head." I'm gonna go wash my hair." I said, awkwardly walking away.


Turns out, Duncan fell asleep on the toilet and Gwen win the challenge for the Gophers. Mean while, Eva was throwing things out of our cabin looking for her MP3 player.

"WHERE IS MY MP3 PLAYER?! ONE OF YOU MUST'VE STOLEN IT! I NEED MY MUSIC!" Eva shouted at us."NO ONE IS GOING ANYWHERE UNTILL I GET MY MP3 PLAYER BACK!" She yelled, throwing my book over Harold's head.

I quickly caught it.

"Hey. Watch it!" I said, seeing if any of my pages ripped. Lucky none ripped.

"Okay, whoever took it better give it up now, before she destroys the whole camp." Courtney stated quitely.

"Yeah. No camp means we have nowhere to sleep." I added.

Suddenly Heather approached us.

"Hey guys." She said."Wow. This place is a real mess."

"Somebody stole Eva's MP3 player." Courtney told Heather.

"You don't mean this, do you?" Heather asked, pulling it out Eva's MP3 player from her pocket. Eva heard Heather, and came over.

"I was wondering who it belonged to. I found it by the campfire pit. You must've dropped it"

Eva quickly took it a thanked Heather happily.

"Oh thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Sure thing." Heather walked off.

"So. Sorry about that misunderstanding. Guess no one stole it after all." Eva said as we stared." Okay. Maybe I over reacted just a little."


We all headed to the elimination ceremony. We were all ready to sleep.

"You've all cast your votes and made your decision. There are only ten marshmallows on this plate. When I call you name, come up and claim your marshmallow. The camper that does not receive a marshmallow must immediately return to the dock of shame, catch the boat of losers and leave. And you cannot come back. Ever. The first marshmallow goes to Duncan. Bridgette. Courtney. Aaron. Katie and Saide. Tyler. DJ. Geoff."

It then came down to Eva and Harold.


Harold smiled and took the final marshmallow. Courtney smiled. Guessing she wasn't too fond of Eva.

"Eva. The dock of shame awaits." Chris told Eva. 

"Nice. Really nice." Eva started. "WHO NEEDS THIS LAMO TV SHOW ANYWAY!" Eva shouted.

Eva kicked Chris and walked off.

"Have a good night sleep tonight. You're all safe."

"Buh-Bye Eva." Courtney waved.

Eva threw a stick at Courtney. Courtney ducked.

"Touchy." Courtney said.

We all head to the campfire to roast our marshmallows.

"To the Killer Bass. And to not ending up here again next week." Courtney annouced.

"Agreed. Go team!" I cheered.

"Go team!" Geoff, Bridgette, DJ and Harold cheered.


After finishing our roasted marshmallows, we headed to the cabins to get some sleep.

Though with Harold snoring obnoxiously below me, I couldn't get much.

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