Chapter 5: Harold's got talent

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I was peacefully sleeping in the guys cabin. I could hear the guys snoring making a peaceful harmony sound.

That is, until Chris broke that harmony.

"Alright campers. Enough beauty sleep. Time to show us what your made of." Chris annouced.


We all headed to another part of the island. It was basically an outdoor auditorium. Courtney sat down next to me.

"So. What do you think he'll make us do this time?" I asked Courtney.

"I don't know. It could either be something summer campy or seriously dangerous." She responded.

"Welcome to our brand new, deluxe. State of the art amphitheater." Chris welcomed us."Okay. Todays challenge is a summer camp favorite. A talent contest. Each team has eight hours to pick their 3 most talented campers. These three will represent them the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle, anything goes. As long as It's legal." Chris hinted at Duncan.

What was Duncan gonna do anyway? Kill someone then attempt to scare them back to life?

"You'll be judge by our resident talent scout former DJVJ and rap legend grand master chef. Who will show his approval, via the Chef-o-meter. The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck." Chris finished.


We headed back to our cabins to see the auditions.

"Okay. As the most mature one here, plus being a CIT. I will decide whether you're percipating or not. Aaron, as my co-manager will help me decide." Courtney annouced.

Okay. I guess I'm co-manager. Cool.

"Okay. So. Who wants to go first?" I asked.

"We do!" Katie and Sadie said together.

They put on some music and began dancing. Not the worst dancing I seen. But all because it isn't as bad as some dancing doesn't necessarily make it good.

"Um... we'll think about it." I said.

"No, we won't." Courtney said strictly. " You're just not exactly what we're looking for. Next."

Tyler went next with his Yo-yo. Some how it spun around and he got stuck.

"Man, that is weak." Chris commented walking by.


Next DJ went, doing a ribbon dance everyone but Courtney seemed impressed by it.

"Well, Courtney?" I started.

"Fine. Sign him up. Next." Courtney said in disgust.

"Me! I can stand on my hands for 20 minutes. Watch." Bridgette said doing a hand stand.

"Okay. That would be cute if you were a monkey. I just don't think It's quite what we're looking for. Next." Courtney said.

Harold walked over. All he got to do is gasp.

"Next." Courtney said strictly.

"Courtney? We didn't even get to see him go."

"Aaron. Do you really think Harold was going to actually do something?"

"Well we never know unless we see what he was going to do."

"Well we're looking for actual talent here. Let's just continue. Next."


We then watched Geoff skate around the camp on his skateboard.

"Well. I guess It's Geoff, DJ's ribbon thing and your solo." Bridggete told Courtney.

"I'm gonna be on TV man!" Geoff said excited.

"Geoff. You are on TV. Ever since episode one." I told him.

"Oh yeah. Hello out there dudes!" Geoff said looking into the camera.

"Well. Looks like the stars are finally align for us. We win this challenge we'll have a numbers edge against the other team.." I stated.

Me and Courtney both high fived each other.


Later on in the day everyone was just hanging out at the amphitheater. The Guys were playing cards. I was watch Courtney play violin. Which sound pretty good.

We both look to see Bridgette walking on her hands. We shrug it off and Courtney continues to play.

Suddenly one of the headlights fall on Courtney's head and breaks the violin in the process. Well, this isn't gonna end well.


We manage to get Courtney some medical attention for her head. Luckily she was okay. Me, Katie, and Sadie were sitting with Courtney.

"You. Killed my violin." Courtney cried.

"I didn't mean to. There must be something we can do." Bridgette said taking the broken pieces of the violin.

She smush them to together and they fell apart even more. Courtney burst out crying.

"Hey, hey. It's okay. We'll come up with something. If we put our heads together we can totally come up with an idea." I said." In the meantime, we're gonna get Courtney some tissue. Come on Courtney." I said, ushering her to the girl's bathroom.


We went to the communal bathroom to help Courtney get her act together.

"So. When did you start playing violin?" I asked.

"Well, around the 6th grade. The violin was given to me as a present from my grandmother. I had it for almost three years and now it's gone." Courtney said, still upset.

"Hey. It's okay. Nothing can last forever. You got to at least get good use out of it." I said." Besides, you can always get yourself another violin."

"Yeah. I guess your right." Courtney sighed.

"Of course I'm right Courtney." I smirked and winked at her. "Everthing will work out fine in the end, you'll see." I said giving her a hug.

"Come on. Let's get back to the others." I said, putting an arm around her shoulder ushering her back to the amphitheater.

/Aaron:"Okay. I guess Courtney's violin lead to me getting closer with her. Which is kinda cool. Do you think if I got her a violin as a suprise birthday gift she'd like it?"\

/Courtney:"It was very nice of Aaron to help me get over my violin. He's very relatable and mature."\

We got back to the amphitheater with the rest. The rest of the performers were back stage with us.

"Okay, I know I'm not as good as you are at the violin. But I can do this." Bridgette told Courtney.

Suddenly Heather walked over to us.

"Bridgette. Too bad about the accident. I guess you're going to get you're 15 seconds of fame after all, huh?" Heather said.

Okay, second time now. Why is she so mean? Is she just mean just for the sake of being mean?

"What is that suppose to mean?" Bridgette asked.

"Oh nothing. No one would sabotage there own teamate. Unless maybe they felt threatened."

Um... what?

"Hey! Maybe that's how you Gophers operate. But the Killer Bass has more class than that. We're a team." Bridgette said.

"Well. I guess you'll go down as a team to. Oh and easy on the chips. You don't wanna sink that surf board of yours, do you?" Heather stated.

Bridgette threw the bag at Heather's face. Yeah. I'm starting to get bad vibes off of her.


Me, Courtney, and Bridgette headed back stage.

"It's the TDI talent extravaganza!" Chris annouced." Welcome to the very first camp Wawanakwa talent contest. Where six campers showcase there mad skills and desperately try not to humiliate themselves. First up for the screaming Gophers. Is Justin." Chris annouced.

Justin went and did a lot of posing at got a pretty good score. Next DJ went. Let's just say things didn't go according to plan for him.

He earned a painfully low score. Next the screaming Gophers went. Trent went up and sung a love song. Which manage to almost get him a perfect score.

"Three down and three to go. And the Killer Bass are totally sucking so far. Let's hear it for Bridgette." Chris annouced.

"Are you sure you can do this?" Courtney asked.

"Definitely. No I'm great. Really." Bridgette lied.

Me and Courtney both exchanged worried looks.

Bridgette began walking in her hands. She then burped. Me and Courtney exchanged worried looks again and then continued watching.

Bridgette then burped again and then began barfing. She got barf on Owen, Katie, Sadie, Leshawna and Izzy.

She then slipped in her own barf and landed on Tyler.

"That did not go well." I stated.

"Yeah. We're so gonna lose." Courtney panicked.

"Well we still have Geoff. Maybe he can turn this around."

Heather went next with a book in her hand.

"Originally I was going dance for you. But instead I want to celebrate team spirit with a collaboration. So, with words by Gwen, performance by me. Enjoy." Heather stated. She then started reading,

"Okay. So I'm trying to ignore him, but he's just so cute. If they had custom ordered a guy to be a distraction for me here. It would've been Mchottie. We just totally connect. He's pretty much the only person I can relate to here, and I know It's a cliche but I love guys who play guitar." Heather read.

So she's crushing on Trent. Well. That probably hurted. I mean, imagine if someone reading your diary to your crush, plus a world wide audience and your whole team.

Gwen the dashed off.

"Thanks you." Heather said closing the book.

"That was so mean." Courtney commented.

"Seriously." Bridgette added as I nodded.

"Well then, it's down to the final act of night. Can Geoff and his rad stunts turn it around? I seriously doubt that. Let's find out." Chris annouced.

Geoff jumped on the skateboard and it simply broke in half. Okay. This is not going well.

"Now what? We have to send someone out there or we're going to lose this." Bridgette panicked.

"Katie and Sadie are covered in barf!" Courtney annouced.

"Aaron! Can you do anything?" Courtney asked.

"Not really? I'm good at public speaking and presentations. But I don't have any secret special talent!"

We're all panicking. Great. Just great.

"Well that only leaves Tyler, Duncan, and Harold. We already know Tyler stinks. What can Duncan do again?" Bridgette.

"Carv a picture of his own skull into a tree. What are we going to do?" Courtney panicked

"What about Harold?" I asked.

We looked from behind the curtain to see him picking in his underwear. We all looked at each other.


Before we knew it, we had Harold on stage with a mic. He looked over at us.

"Just, go for it Harold. What have you got to lose?" Courtney encouraged.

Suddenly Harold did this outstanding beatbox thing. Everyone cheered. Even the Gophers.

"Check it out. Grand master Chef has declared his winner. Even though they held the lead the Screaming Gophers have been trampled by the Killer Bass." Chris annouced.


After that I was reading over one of the books I packed. Basically It's just about the human body. I'm gonna have to study this stuff to become a nurse or doctor of some sort.

Suddenly a knock was heard on the door. I quickly went to go get it. I opened the door to see Gwen.

"Hello Gwen." I said.

"Hey, can I talk to Harold for a sec?"

"Yeah. Sure."

I told Harold that Gwen wanted to talk to him. After getting through a good 25 pages of reading I went to sleep.

Though I could've swore I heard a girl from the other team screaming. Meh, I just ignored  it.

June 20th, 2019

AN: Hi everyone. Sorry my schedule has been so off and on. It's been very unpredictable.

Anyways, thanks for reading and tell me your thoughts.

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