Chapter 13: Broken hearted[Extra chapter]

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AN: Okay. Is it just me, or is this song really fitting for Courtney and Aaron's 'friendship'? Especially in this chapter?

No. Just me? K. Anyways. Back to the main plot.

Courtney's POV

I was sitting in first class by the window trying to eat my raspberry cream swirl. But I couldn't focus. My heart was just completely broken. I could taste my own tears in my icecream.

I thought we really bonded. I thought that we were going to be together.

Flash back[Season 1]

"Princess!" Duncan said excited when I walked in.

"I wish you'd stop calling me that." I rolled my eyes.

"So. Come to claim that kiss?" He asked.

"Even pigs deserve a meal." I offered him.

"No thanks. I'll stick with the bait."

"Yeah, Well. That's all Chef would serve us after out pathetic performance on the obstacle course." I said sitting down." Why do you egg Chef on like that? You know you're going to get in trouble."

"Why are you uptight all the time?"

"I am not uptight." I said standing up.

"You always follow the rules." Duncan said, standing up.

"Well, you always have to break them."

"Only the ones I want to." He winked.

"Okay. So maybe I do follow the rules. I guess that make me a big uptight loser in your books, right?"

"Maybe. So then why do you follow them?"

"Because not following them gets you thrown into a fish cabin!" I yelled at him holding a fish.

"But I'm in the fish cabin with you aren't I?" Duncan told me smirking making me blush.

"Feel like ditching this stuff for peanut butter and jam?" He asked.

"Are you kidding? All I had for two days is this gruel. But Chef would never give it to us."

"See. Now that's the problem with your thinking. The trick is to not ask for it"

"Do you have some on you?"

"No. But I happen to know where to find some. It will involve breaking quite a few rules though. Are you in?" He asked.

"Let's do it!" I agreed.

That's when Aaron busted into the room and made his grand entrance.

"What exactly is going on here?" He crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at the both of us.

"Aaron? Did you follow me?" I asked

"No. I just... happened to be walking by. And I heard your conversation. You're not actually going to steal, are you?" Aaron asked.

"Well... It's only fair. Chef isn't treating us right. He's in the wrong here?"

"You will be too if you do this. Two wrongs don't make a right. You're breaking the rules." He crossed my arms." What if you get caught?"

"We won't. Chill out man. We got this. I'm a master thief." Duncan said.

"That's what I was afraid of. You're turning her into you."

"I'm not turning into Duncan, Aaron. It's just one simple theif." I told him." Trust me. I'll be fine."

"I trust you Courtney. It's just that... never mind. Just don't get caught, okay?" I sighed.

"Alright. Come on Duncan." She said.

Back to the present.

Aaron was probably gonna say that he doesn't trust Duncan. But he stopped himself.

Flashback(AN: Look. This is meant to be an emotional break up. There has to be a lot of these.)

I went along with Duncan's idea with stealing from Chef. We were sneaking up in fake bushes. Me and Duncan exchanged a smile and snuck in. We were quitely crawling in.

We opened the fridge and saw what we came in for. We took what we wanted that night.

"If we get caught, we are so dead." I grinned as Duncan continued sneaking stuff into the bag.

"Are you sure you wanna go through with this?" Duncan sneakily grinned.

"Heck yes." I laughed." This is the most fun I had here yet. A little present. Courtesy of the Killer Bass."

"Now you're learning." He put his arm around my shoulder. We ran off that night cheering.


After I ate, I ended up barfing up the stuff I ate. Duncan followed me outside.

"So the princess has a dark side." Duncan smirked.

"Okay. That was so gross. But it was like. Once I did something bad it was so much fun and I just wanted more."

"Well, you can always give me that kiss. That'd be pretty bad." Duncan did and evil grin.

"You're still not my type." I ruffled his mohawk.

"Fine. Enjoy a peanutbutter less life." Duncan smirked, crossing his arms.

"Thanks. Enjoy prison." I smiled.

"I will."

I turned him around and passionately kissed him. He kissed back and after that I walked off. At that moment, I felt fireworks. It was amazing. But now, it means nothing to him.

Flashback ends.

I heavily sighed thinking about the times we had. I thought that kiss really meant something.

Even when we were in a relationship. I honestly can't even say for sure if he even cared.

The fact that I couldn't even trust him to not be around Gwen without me supervising should've been a red flag to me.

Flashbacks[When Lindsay took Duncan to movies for reward]

"Courtney? You sure you're Okay? You seem off. Very... very off." Aaron asked me.

"I'm fine."

"It's about Duncan. Isn't it?"

"Pfft. No. As if." I lied. "I don't care. I couldn't care less. Not even if I wanted to. I do not... care...... NOOOOOO!"

"Courtney. Calm down. It's just one movie night. If Duncan's not making a big deal out of it, why should you?" He stated.

"Good point."

"Speaking of Duncan. Do you think- well, do you think, um?" Aaron stammered.

"Do I think what?" I asked.

"Do you think that's gonna last? You know, you and him? You two have a lot of differences. Like, alot alot!" He stated.

"Well you know what they say. Opposites attract." I said."But, I'm sure it'll work. I'm already working on my list of corrections."

"Corrections? Courtney, don't you think that's a bit... extreme? I mean, sure it might work. But what if. Well, if Duncan's not willing, then what?" I asked.

"Oh. He'll be willing to do what I ask of him." She said confidently.

"Okay. If you say so."


(Broken Alliances)

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's with the stack of papers?" Aaron pointed.

"Oh. Well, let's just say I have some reviewing I have to do with Duncan. I made a list of things that I need to change so he and I can have a serious relationship."

"Do you really think that's going to work? I mean, he's a bad boy. Your Courtney. I'm not trying to be mean. But do you think that can last forever?" He furrowed his eyebrows and frowned.

"Don't worry Aaron. It's gonna work. I'm sure he'll be willing after I talk to him about it." I explained.

"Oh. Well, good luck with that." He patted my shoulder.

"Yeah. Before you go, can you read over it for me? I wanna make sure there aren't any mistakes."


After he read over it. He gave it back.

"It seems fine."

"Okay. Well, goodnight Aaron." I waved.

"Night." He called back.

Back to the present

Aaron tried to warn me. He tried to help me and I didn't listen. I was blinded by myself loving him, that I didn't see the arm that was trying to keep me from running in the fire, but I didn't take it.

Aaron came over and sat next to me.

"Hey Courtney. How are you holding up?" He asked.

I sniffled and heavily sighed.

"Not so well." I sighed.

"I'm sorry about what happened, Court." He told me."Come on. Let's get you some tissue."

I heavily sighed, wiped my eyes and sniffled again.


I can't believe this happened. After Duncan abandoned me, he comes back and then cheats on me with my former friend-ish teammate.

Aaron handed me a box of tissues. I blew my nose and heavily sighed. I cover my face with my hands and started crying in them.

Aaron patted my shoulder as I continued to cry.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this Courtney." He told me.

"It's not your fault Aaron. You're lucky Aaron. You didn't make the same mistake as me. You didn't just fall in love and just decided everything will go well from there."

"Well. I had my heart broken once before."

"You? You did?"

"Yep. Even me. It wasn't as bad as this but it did hurt. I fell in love with this girl and I didn't get the chance to tell them how I felt."

"Who was this girl?"

He gave me a look and sighed.

"I'd rather not tell." He told me.

"I understand." I sighed." I just never expected you of all people to go through heartbreak. You just seemed so... perfect."

"Yeah. I know. But nobody's perfect. I didn't expect it when it happened either. But this isn't about me. This is about you."

We gave each other an upset stare. I felt my eyes watering again, and before I knew it I was crying again.

"You were right Aaron. You're always right. You tried to warn me about Duncan so many times... but I never listened." I cried.

"Hey, hey. You didn't know. It's fine. But at least it happened now instead of it happening when you and him settled in. There are plenty of better people out there than him. You'll find that special man that loves you for you."

"But when? It's probably gonna be years until I find someone that truly loves me."

"The answer to your problems might be closer than you think. But the answer is out there somewhere."

Aaron opened his arms up to me and I hugged him.

"I just want the pain to go away." I muffled in his chest.

"I know." He wrapped his arms around my head." But the bad days won't last forever. Sometimes, it's just a way of the universe giving you a key to a locked door."

I heavily sighed in Aaron's secure embrace.

AN: I know, this chapter was just so cute.(and very, very sad) I mean, at this point who wouldn't ship these two.(High Duncney stands please don't kill me, I'm just going off the main plot)

Now Courtney is out of that former toxic relationship. But now that one love interest is out of the way, I think we know who's gonna get in the way next...

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