Chapter 2: Egypt pt. 2

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Aaron's POV

Me and the rest of my team were standing on a pink mat with our camels.

"Oo! Look! Team colors!" Izzy said excited.

Looks like our team color is pink. Kinda cute.

"I can't believe Duncan got disqualified, just 'cause he won't sing." Gwen stated.

"Maybe he can't sing." Heather commented.

"Oh he can do anything he sets his mind to. And now he's stuck on the plane, waiting for a ride home. Poor thing, he must be miserable." Courtney stated.

"I'm pretty sure he's fine. He had enough energy to drag you and Gwen down a pyramid. " I stated.

"But he must be miserable."

"This is Duncan we're talking about here. Trust me Court, he's perfectly fine." I patted her shoulder.

My attention was drawn by a loud stunning alarming noise. Chris was sitting down, eating a bowl of grapes.

"Don't know about you guys, but I am loving Egypt. And I'm gonna love it even more watching you enjoy your second challenge. The Amazing Camel Race." Chris annouced.

"Where are the other camels?" Harold asked.

"There are no other camels. It's a Camel race. Not a Camels race." Chris reassured.

"Yes!" Heather cheered.

"What?" Alejandro said in disgust.

"We won last time. But they get a camel, they get a goat, and we get a stick?" Leshawna asked, clearly annoyed.

"Each reward has its advantages. Trust me. You'll be racing to the world's most infamous waterway. The Nile. Teams must bring their rewards all the way to the finish. You have 60 seconds to strategize." Chris stated.

"Move it people. It's a race." Heather stated.

"Hello . It's team Amazon. Not dictatorship Amazon." Courtney told Heather.

"Great. Well I'll stop being bossy when you start doing things right." Heather stated.

We decided to even split how we were going to ride the camel. Me and Izzy shared the throat. Gwen was behind us. Heather got the hump and Courtney sat behind Heather. Unfortunately, there wasn't any room for Cody.

"Yeah! Me and Aaron get the throat!" Izzy stated and started talking to the camel.

Cody then attempted to flirt with Gwen.

"Oh. Hey. Fancy meeting you here. You up for a slushie later?" Cody offered.

"Cody. Hey. Listen, I still really appreciate you setting me up with Trent that time." Gwen stated.

"Nice, right? And now that he's gone. Huh. Yeah. I'm available." Cody told Gwen.

"You hear that? It's the sound of girls all over the world running and rushing just desperate to lock their doors." Heather stated.

"Ouch. Tough break." I mumbled.

"Alright. Nile's thataway. Kinda big, blue, and watery. Can't miss it. Or I guess you can. But then you'll die. Probably get killed by the local scarabs bettles. It's mating season and they get all killy when they're in heat." Chris explained.

"I'm glad there aren't any out here. Those things are nasty." Leshawna stated.

"I'll tell them you said so." Chris stated.

Right after he said that, scarabs beetles started running towards us.

We all started screaming. At least for us Amazons it'll have to climb up the camel before reaching us.

The friendly bell then went off.

"Oo! Time for a song. Think of it as a mini challenge. Music can soothe the savage mate seeking scarabs. So make up a good song, and maybe they won't kill you. Or don't and get disqualified like Duncan." Chris stated.

Well. Here we go.

Alejandro: No need to get crazy. It's lovin' time at last.

Alejandro, Cody, DJ, Tyler, and Noah: You don't wanna eat us up.

Owen: We're mostly full of gas. *Scarabs start crawling on Owen* No! NO!

Courtney, Aaron, Gwen, and Heather: It's mating time for scarabs.

Leshawna: So whatcha waiting on?

Izzy: Just ignore us humans.

Cody: ooooooo

Everyone(Except for Zeke): And make out 'till the break of dawn!

Alejandro and Cody: It's lovin' time.

Gwen, Heather, Aaron, and Courtney: Lovin' time Lovin' time

Alejandro: Scarab mating season.

Alejandro and Cody: It's lovin' time

Gwen, Aaron, Courtney, and Heather: Lovin' time Lovin' time

Alejandro: Scarabs, get busy now.

Harold: It's lovin time

Gwen, Courtney, Aaron, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin time

Everyone( Except Zeke, Courtney, Aaron, Heather and Gwen.): Scarab mating season.

Cody: It's lovin' time

Gwen, Courtney, Aaron, and Heather: Lovin' time, lovin' time

Everyone( except Gwen, Heather, Courtney, Aaron, and Ezekiel.): Scarab mating season.

Ezekiel: Seaonal, eh? Whoa, no wait!

We all stopped sing as Ezekiel inturupted the song. They started chasing after us again. Me and the Amazons rid on the camel to our escape.


So far, the girls and I were in the lead.

"Come on. Come on Cammel. Faster." Courtney told the cammel.

"That is not how you talk to a camel. Eh, ehm. Freakin move it!" Heather demanded.

"Much better." Gwen smirked.

"Shh. Guys. Keep it down. I'm trying to tell him a fairytale." Izzy stated and started speaking in her camel language.

"So. How's it going back there, Cody?" Gwen asked him.

"Great. Thanks for, gah-. Asking. As long as it doesn't gah-. Go number three." Cody explained.

The girls thought it was a good idea to taunt the other team.

"Gonna go win the race now. See ya." Heather stated and blew a rasberry.

"Eat sand losers." Courtney told them.

"Such witty remarks from such fiercely intelligent women. I'm both humbled and intrigued." Alejandro stated.

"Nice try. But I'm with Duncan." Courtney declined.

"And what a pity it is that you should give yourself to a quitter. Who doesn't deserve you." Alejandro stated.

"That's not- Duncan is totally- you're just-" Courtney stammered.

"He does make a good point." I raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up! And would somebody hurry this camel up!" Courtney shouted.

/Aaron:"Alejandro did make a good point. I know, I know. I said I supported Courtney's choice. But what guy bails on his girl just because somebody tells you to sing like, a less than two minute song? Courtney should aim for higher than that." I crossed my arms.\

"Can you see the Nile Izzy?" Heather asked.

"Nope. Not yet." Izzy answered.

"It's got to be around here." Courtney stated.

"Yeah. Besides. Chris said it was blue, big, and watery. No way we could miss that in this heat." I added.

"Oh no. Please don't poop. Please don't poop." Cody begged the camel.

The camel pooped right in his face. That was definitely a horrible experience for Cody. It was bad enough watching it.

We came to a stop.

"Uh. Guy, the other team is gone. We're all alone out here." Gwen stated.

"Does anyone know where we are?" Heather asked.

"Planet Earth, silly." Izzy answered as we a gave her a look.

"WE'RE LOST!" Me and the girls said together.


Heather and Courtney were arguing over which way to go.

"Hey, guys. Why don't we ask Ruby?" Izzy suggested.

Izzy started talking to the camel. The camel nodded.

"There. Shouldn't be long now." Izzy told us.

The camel actually switched directions.

"Oh please. It's just a coincidence that the camel changed directions." Courtney stated.

"Probably looking for a place to die." Heather stated.

"What's that?" Gwen pointed.

"The finish line." Courtney and Heather stated.

"Werid. I asked Ruby where we can get some lemonade." Izzy told us.

"Well, I'm sure there's some in first class. There for it leading us to the Nile and making us win is a place where we can get lemonade." I stated.

"Good thinking Aaron. You would be good at speaking cammel. Want me to tell her to hurry up?" Izzy asked and then started talking to the camel again.


We made it to the Nile and saw team Chris building a boat.

"Basket weave a boat?" Heather complained.

"Sorry you guys are so far behind. Our basket's nearly done already thanks to my speed weaving." Sierra told Izzy.

"Plus you have Owen on your team. Lucky."

"But you have Cody." Sierra ran up to him." I know Cody. I wish we were on the same team too."

"Hehe. I have to do something." Cody flashed away from her.

"Aw. You guys are so cute together."

"Maybe we could swap teams."

"Trade a basket case for a basket weaver. Fine. Sierra, you're with us. Izzy. Go play with the boys."

"What!" Alejandro raised an eyebrow.

Sierra started weaving at an incredibly fast rate.

"Wow. She's amazing." Courtney stated.

"Agreed." I nodded.

"Maybe you should think about listening to me a bit more this time around. Hm." Heather suggested as Gwen and Courtney burst out laughing.

"It'll take a lot more than this to earn our trust. A lot a lot more." Gwen grinned.

"Where's Chris? He won't allow this." Alejandro stated.

Sierra managed to talk Chris into letting her swap teams. Heather stuck her tongue out at Alejandro but he blew her a kiss. Sierra finished the boat.

"Tada!" Sierra showed us the amazing boat.

"TEAM AMAZON ROCK!" We all cheered.

Team Victory was the last to even get to the Nile. Kinda ironic considering their team name.

We were waiting for Cody to get the camel in the boat. He tired pushing it and failed.

"Izzy. Tell Ruby to get in the boat." Courtney told Izzy.

Izzy was about to but Noah stopped her.

"Woah woah. Izzy's on our team now. Not yours. Not a word." Noah told Izzy.

"Fine. We'll do it ourselves. Come on." Courtney stated.

The camel pooped in Cody's face again. We all were trying to pull the camel but it wasn't budging.

"This is totally unfair. If it wasn't for that stupid swap, we'd be halfway across the Nile by now." Heather complained.

"I'm pretty sure we would still be building our boat." I corrected.

"We're gonna win. Fair and square. But to make sure you believe that, Izzy talk to the cammel."

"Yeah. Okay." Izzy started talking to the cammel.

The cammel walked over to the boat. We all got in the boat and started rowing. Or, all of us aside from Cody. Who deserves a break from all the cammel poop.

The friendly little bell went off again.

"Time for a musical reprieve." Chris annouced as everyone but me groaned.

"Hey. If you finished the song the first time you wouldn't be here now. Zeke. Start singing, and put your backs into it."

Alejandro: Mm, mm. Crocodile amigos, what'cha swarmin' for?

Courtney and Aaron: We don't mean to bug you

Gwen: Please let us reach the shore

Camel:*Honks Twice*

Lindsay: These crocs are getting killy.

Harold: Just bop 'em on the nose. I learned that in 'Muskrat Boys', it vanishes all foes!

Ezekiel: *attempts to attack crocodile but loses the stick* No!

Alejandro: It's rowing time

Everyone(Except Alejandro) Vanquishin' vanquishin'

Everyone: Crocodile Season

DJ: It's rowin' time!

Everyone: crocodiles! Crocodiles!

DJ: Tell me I'm not sinking! *Boat slightly sinks.*

Cody: Yeah, It's rowin' time

Everyone: Sikin' in, sikin' in! Crocodile season

Alejandro: It's rowin' time!

Everyone: Rowin' time Rowin' time!

Sierra: 'Till the Amazons!

Team Amazon: Wiiiiiiinnn! Yeah!

Me and the girls crossed the finish line first. Even though all of us are very different, we still managed to win.

"Congrats. You're alive. And as long as you all brought your rewards across the finish line. There will be no elimination tonight." Chris annouced as we all cheered.

"I lost the stick." Zeke told everyone.

"Wow. Sucks to be you." Chris stated.


We headed back in the plane with first class transportation to our next destination. I leaned back in my chair and fell asleep.

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