Chapter 8: The Louvre

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Aaron's POV

After losing yesterday's challenge, we were sent back to loser class. Sierra was crying, eating icecream. Heather was arguing with Alejandro. And me and Courtney were sharing the candy that we got from the New York reward. We were mostly just talking about our accomplishments together.

"You know Aaron, I am a very experienced swimmer. I was a Synchro Captain. And I coached minnows. And on top of that I was a three-way coxswain."

"Wow. I'm impressed. You seem to be amazing at everything you do." I grinned.

"Of course I am. All it takes is a dedicated mind. Which just happens to be something I have." She smiled arrogantly.

"That's interesting. You seem to take interest in so many unique subjects. I mean, music, water, and law school. That's definitely a lot."

"Well. They are very different things. But I enjoy taking my time out to explore different subjects. Also, did you know as a CIT, they also taught me to gauge my locations by the position of the sun."

"That's actually pretty cool."

/Aaron:"Ah. Courtney. She is just so amazing. I learn so many new things about her. She's so smart and sophisticated."\

/Courtney:"It's nice to have someone who will actually listen to me when I brag about everything I'm good at. He'll even bring up things that I told him way back on the island so I can tell he is actually listening."\

Chris, or Izzy more so landed the plane. It wasn't a pleasant one but we got through it.


We got off the plane and met up with Chris. We landed in Paris.

/Aaron:"Ah, Paris. The city of love. I wonder when I'll find that special person." I sighed.\

"I didn't exactly get to prep my intro what with the unexpected water landing and all. I'm just gonna give all the highlights: France, City of Love, Art gallery, Filter, Lots of art work, priceless art work." Chris said flipping through flash cards.

"Eeeee! Paris! There's only guy I wanna share this with! The guy I've been dreaming of since we've been apart! Where's my Tyler!" Lindsay said excited. Tyler walked towards her

"Hey Linds" Tyler said.

"Are you sure that's you? 'Cause you look slightly different in my head." Lindsay asked."Do you always wear a tracksuit? Oh it doesn't matter cause us being in Paris together means one thing..."

"I know. I love-" Tyler started.

"SHOPPING! I can pick out new clothes for you!" Lindsay squealed. Chris then shut her lips

"There's no time for shopping. The first challenge is about to start! Everyone in the Louve." Chris said.

"Um I believe you mean Louvre." Courtney corrected as I happily nodded.

"Whatever, just go already." Chris demanded.


We all head inside the Louvre.

"Challenge time kids! Each team gets their very own famous sculptor, Team Victory. Yours is Rodan. The thinker. Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot, you guys get Venus de Milo." Chris said

"Ah Venus, Such beauty." Alejandro said.

"Calm down lover boy. Amazons, you ladies get the Statue of David. Here's how it works; it's up to you guys to find your statue hidden somewhere in he Loverer, ier." Chris said pronouncing 'Lourve' horribly.

"Well that shouldn't be too hard. The statues are big, plus I'm amazing at reading brochure maps." Courtney bragged.

"That's definitely gonna help." I grinned.

"About that, Chef has broken the statues into pieces and hidden them. First team to find their pieces, race to the pyramid court and reassemble them wins." Chris said.

"But the thinker isn't located in the Louvre. And the statue of David isn't even in France." Alejandro stated.

"Well, we're not using the actual stautes. Those are priceless. Chef made some fake ones. Right?" Chris asked.

Chef gave a look and then quickly ran off.

"I almost forgot the twist twist. Here's your motivation." Chris stated, pushing a button.

A crate revealed a Yeti, a bear with a chainsaw, and a seriously ticked off baby seal.

"I'd start running." Chris suggested.

Me and the Amazons took off running away from the bear as fast as we could.


For now, we lost sight of that bear. We even found some of our pieces.

"Come on, guys! There's no way I'm gonna let the boys beat us to the pyramid court. We have to find the rest of these things fast." Heather stated, carrying a peice.

Me and Courtney were trying to comfort Sierra. When she saw a statue of a couple, she burst out crying and me and Courtney exchanged shocked looks.

Then that bear caught up with us. For some reason, it thought that it needed a chainsaw to kill us. We all start screaming in fear. With Heather holding Cody and me, Gwen, and Courtney all hugging each other in fear.

The bear then had to readjust the chainsaw.  Sierea wasn't even noticing the bear. She was just on the floor crying.

"Cody. You got her into this mess. So you have to get her out." Heather dropped him on the floor.

Cody walked up to Sierra and attempted to comfort her.

"Um. There there." He patted.

"I can't stand anymore crying! We can do this challenge without you. Deal with Sierra." Gwen complained as we all walked off.


We found more peices and ran back into Sierra. She decided to sing for Chris.

Sierra: I love paris in the springtime. Je t'aime Paris in the fall.

Cody: that's great Sierra. Keep going!

Sierra: It's the city of love in the summer. But now It's just a bummer! 'Cause

Cody broke my heart and chewed it up and spit it out and then stepped on it and threw it down a sewer and called it names and then laughed!

Oui, my friends! You must never trust a boy.

Oui, my friends! They will treat you like a toy!

Oui, my friends they will- aw..

Break your heart and chew it up and spit it out and step on it and throw it down a sewer and call it names and then laugh!

Cody: Wait up! Sierra!

Owen: oui, my friend. You are going to make it through

Noah: Um. No, my friend. That thing just burned off my shoe

Sierra: Oui, my friend all I did is love him true.

Heather: Cody, what are you doing?

Cody: I'm trying

Aaron: Try harder!

Sierra: Oui, my friends! Now I'm stuck telling you...

If you fall in love with a boy on TV and audition to get on the show and then audition again and finally get on the show and be nice to him and do nothing but kiss up you will still-

Oui, end up in Paris

Oui, feeling disparaisee!

And the boy won't even take you OUTSIIIIIIIDE!

"All she want to do is go outside? Do it Cody!" Heather yelled at him as all of us were pretty ticked off by this point by his behavior.

"Okay. She didn't tell me. Let's go Sierra." Cody grabbed her hand.

She dropped his hand and walked off.


We managed to find all of our pieces.

"Let's move it girls. Those boys won't know what hit them." Heather stated as we carried the peices.

We all put our pieces down at the same time at the same spot as team Chris.

"Hey. You got some of your Venus onto our David." Courtney stated.

"Ugh! You did that on purpose." Heather pointed.

All nine of us started argueing. Great. Just great.


We started trying to put our David together. We had it put together.  Me and Courtney compared the photo to our actual work.

"I don't think this is right." Courtney gave a look at our statue.

"N-no. It isn't. We should probably start over."


After we took it down, we manage to build the statue the correct way.

"There. Done." Heather stated as me and the Amazons that were present smiled.

"And the Amazons have it. Coming in a close second is team Chris is really really really really hot." Chris annouced." And this weeks losers are not at all ironically anymore. Team Victory."

Cody came back with Sierra still crying.

"I thought you were fixing her." Heather stated.

"Look. I don't know she wants." Cody stated.

Sierra started crying even louder.

"ENOUGH! SIERRA! PUT A SOCK IN IT!" Cody yelled at her.

Sierra stopped crying.

Basically Cody went on a rant about how he prefers her being the creep she normally is instead of crying every second of the day. Afte that, Lindsay and DJ competed in a walk off and DJ won.


And then after that we headed back up to first class.

AN:Yeah, Yeah. I know this chapter is very short, but there wasn't much I could do with this one since this one is mostly DJ, Cody, and Sierra centered episode.

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