Chapter 9: Losing a challenge over a boy

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Aaron's POV

Me, Courtney, and Gwen were sitting together in first class. I was enjoying a good book with my lemonade. Or at least I was trying to.

Heather seems to be going crazy.

"What is she doing?" Gwen asked.

"I don't know." I shut my book.

"Beats me." Courtney stated.

"Unless she has suddenly turned into Izzy and is looking for elves It's probably got to do with Alejandro." Gwen guessed.

"We saw how much they argue with each other." I stated.

"If I didn't know any better. I would think Heather liked him." Courtney stated.

"Ew. That's like the Grinch having a crush on somebody." Gwen stated.

"My thoughts exactly." I nodded.

"I know. Yuck. Picture her dried up black little heart thawing out, lighting up with love."

"Ow! I am not in love. I am thinking about our team. I'm trying to sneak back into loser class to eavesdrop. With DJ back there with him Alejandro has free reign to make an alliance." Heather explained.

"I don't see the problem here. We have the most members anyway. We're team Amazon. We're the best team this show has ever had." I stated.

"And I have plans to keep it that way. Ugh! Why did we have to win in dumb Paris?" Heather asked.

"Sorry. We can stop trying." Gwen finished, looking back at her boom.

"Ew! Gross! What is this doing in here?" Heather asked.

Sierra gasped and ran over.

"I've been looking for Cody's last toothbrush everywhere!" Sierra cheered, hugging it tightly.

"Aw. Come on Heather. That was my 9th and final one." Cody stated.

Sierra started brushing her teeth with his tooth brush.

"Okay, Heather. I think maybe you need to consider chilling out." Courtney suggested.

"Yeah. Have a lemonade. Enjoy first class as a team while we can." I stated.


Heather didn't take neither me or Courtney's offerd. Aw well. Her lost, not ours. I continued enjoying my book while sipping my lemonade.

Suddenly the plane started going up and down.

"Why are we landing in the middle of the ocean? Eh, no we're not. Why are we landing on the middle of the-, eh no we're not." Sierea said to herself.

I dropped my lemonade on the floor from the plane rocking up and down.

"FYI, I get sick on unstable rides. So if you don't want me barfing. BREAK!" Courtney yelled.

The plane landed.

"Attention all Total Drama passengers. In accordance with emergency landing procedures, you will now be shown the nearest exit." Chris said.

We were all pushed out of the plane by Chef.

DJ started to drown, but Heather tossed him a pillow do that he could stay floating. Heather still seems to be trying to make this alliance work.

Even though we still have more members than everyone. Not to mention we're the strongest players. Chris then came by on a boat.

"Ever been to sea?" Chris asked us.

"What with the who now?" Cody asked.

"It must be Neefoundland." Sierra stated.

Apparently we were in Chris's home town.

"It's a funny homecoming for buddy McClain." Chris stated." Canada's beautiful east coast."

"Birth place of Canada's beautifulest host." Sierra started drowning.

"Aw, thanks. It's just a hop and a skip that way." Chris pointed.

We saw a bird flying and then die right in front of us.

"First part of the challenge. Swim over to your teams boat and start paddling. To keep this interesting. Victory, since you're a team of one your boat has been set up with an outboard motor." Chris stated.

Me and the Amazons grouped up.

"Okay, listen up  Amazons. If we swim in a V formation. Like geese. We'll be faster." Courtney told us.

"Which means we'll be ahead of the other teams. That's a brilliant idea Courtney. " I smiled at her.

"Fine. Any objections?" Heather asked.

"Courtney and Aaron are bossing us around and you don't have one?" Gwen raised an eyebrow.

"Only to losing. Let's go people." Heather started swimming.


"I'll take the point." Courtney announced.

"Okay. Let's not get too crazy here. I've got point." Heather stated.

"Look. I'm a very experienced swimmer." Courtney stated.

"And she was a Synchro Captain. She coached minnows." I added.

"I am a CIT!" Courtney stated.

"More like a B-I-T-C-" Heather stated.

"Oh, you are the last person who should be calling anyone that." I glared.

"Guys. Let's get going." Gwen inturupted.

We got in the boat. Courtney sat in the front. I sat next to Cody. Since we are the men of team Amazon, we were going to paddle the boat.

"Hi there contestants. Ready to row row row your boats. The first two teams to get their boats to the shore will take part in the final challenge. Oh, and if you land some seafood along the way you'll get a special reward. On your mark, get set, now go!" Chris told us.

"See you on land!" Alejandro stated.

"Wait! Stop!" Heather stated.

"Why?" Me and Courtney both stated.

"He might be prepared to let opportunity pass, but I am not. DJ will be mine." Heather said, jumping into the ocean." Courtney! Aaron, you two are in charge."

Me and Courtney exchanged smirks.

"Ha! Always!" Courtney smiled victoriously" Alright guys. I'm a very experienced rower, a three-time coxswain and a CIT so-"

"JUST GO!" Gwen shouted as me and Cody started paddling.

The force of me and Cody paddling caused Courtney to fall down back on me. She looked up at me and I look down at her and continued to paddle.

"You alright Courtney?" I asked.

"Yeah. Perfectly fine." She got up."Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Up to and to! Faster!" Courtney yelled.

I'm doing my best. The friendly little bell went off.  Well, more singing.

Alejandro: We're heading down to Newfoundland at rocky eastern shore.

Owen: I'll have shrimp, mussels, cod, and the lobster thermidor.

Gwen: I can't get a thing to bit, so we better get there first

Courtney: Row harder, faster, both of you! For the win, work up the thirst! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke!

Heather: It's a sea shanty and It's darn catchy. *Gets the motor to start up* Yes! Go on DJ, your turn!

Tyler: Izzy, you're a nutbar, but you sure can catch a fish.

Izzy: Thanks there,B'y, you're right kind to my partner, he's Irish! And if you want the next drill, he's all yours!

Aaron and Cody: Trying our best Courtney, our arms are getting fried!

Gwen: Courtney, do you see?!

Courtney: Could it be? Steer hard starboard side!

Heather: It's a sea shanty. And it's darn catchy.

DJ:No you can't catch me! With the sea shanty!

"Guys! We think we might have found Duncan!" Courtney pointed.

"Okay. And..." I started.

"Ugh! We have to go get him!"

"But then we'll lose."

"Come on! This might be our only chance" Courtney pleaded.

"Fine." I sighed.


We rowed over to where they saw Duncan.

"Okay. Cody, Sierra. We'll be right back. Come on girls." I stated as we left them.

We started climbing up where they saw Duncan. Personally, all I could see is a pile of rocks.

"Duncan! I knew you couldn't stay away!" Courtney called out to him.

"Get down here you jerk!" Gwen called.

I pulled Courtney up, and she pulled Gwen up. It turns out it was a pile of rocks.

"What! I swear, it was him!" Gwen stated.

"Great. Not only did we lose, but we didn't even find Duncan. Heather is never gonna trust us as leaders again." I sighed.


We carefully climbed back down.

"It's about time you guys got back. Where's Duncan?" Cody asked.

"We thought we saw him." Gwen stated.

"It was just a bunch of dumb rocks." Courtney rolled her eyes.

"That happens to people whenever they want to see someone they really like. This one time I saw Cody riding a white horse outside my bedroom window. And this was before I even knew him." Sierra stated.

"Please. Can we stop this story now?" Cody pleaded.

"I end up picking throns out of my tissue for about a week." Sierra explained.

We all looked confused.

"Because I jumped out the window."

We all continued to stare confused.

"To get on the horse."

Me, Gwen, and Courtney exchanged looks.

"And I landed on a rose bush. Oh, I have scar if you wanna-"

"You were dreaming. We weren't. To say that we saw Duncan because we want to is crazy talk." Courtney stated.

"You do wanna see him. Don't you?" Sierra stated.

"Of course. A lot."

"But Gwen was the one that spotted him. Before Courtney even noticed." I stated.

"Yeah. That doesn't explain why Gwen saw him?" Courtney looked at Gwen.

"Yeah. It doesn't make any sense at all." Gwen stated then awkwardly chuckled.

"Okay. Look. We already lost. Let's just paddle to shore." I sighed.


Me and Cody paddled us to shore and all five of us dashed in.

"Hey, right on time. Team Amazon. You are today's full-on big time can't get any bigger losers." Chris smriked and pointed.

"Courtney, Aaron! Where were you?!" Heather asked.

/Aaron:" Okay. So I let Courtney's feelings get in the way of our winning streak. I just couldn't help but feel bad for her. After Duncan abandoned her, I'm the only boyfriend- I mean, male friend that's been there for her. Can we erase that?

*gets up*

"I want that Tape back! Give me the Tape! Gah! Can somebody help me open this thing!"\

/Courtney:"Okay fine. So I did let a guy get in the way of how I played the game. I know Aaron told me not to, but I can't stop thinking about how Duncan could just abandon me like this and I. I messed up. Did I just say that in air?"

*gets up*

"I want that tape back. Give me the Tape. How do you open this thing?"\

"It wasn't their fault, it was me." Gwen stood up.

"Gwen-" Courtney started.

"I got us lost." Gwen took the blame.

"What! I am so voting you off." Heather pointed at her.

"Accept that in celebration of my home and native land this is a reward challenge only. No elimination." Chris told us.

Well. At least we keep our numbers advantage.

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