𝐂𝐡.𝟐 𝐓𝐞𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐞𝐬

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It was dark outside, and you had just eaten dinner, ready to head out for the night. As you were changing clothes, Sonic texted you to tell you where to meet. You must discover what those two were up to and why they wanted to leave late. Hopefully, you'll return without worrying about your mom if you get kidnapped. As you were fully dressed, you opened your window to climb out of it and went where they wanted you to meet.

Your outfit: (You can imagine wearing glasses or not if you wear a pair) 💗

You headed out to walk straight down to Green Hills, where it was by the Soda shop, where you remembered right around the corner a few blocks away by the supermarket. Just as you reached the shop, you saw two familiar faces, which was Sonic.

"Hey!" You shouted.

His head turned to see you as he greeted you warmly. 

"Glad you made it in time. I love the outfit!" Sonic complimented.

You let out a laugh. "Thanks. So, where are you going? Are we going to take the bus?" You asked. 

"Not exactly," Sonic smirked.


Oh, how you wish you didn't come when the speeding blue hedgehog had to be used as a sleigh dog to drag you both by a rope attached to a  trash can lid. You sat on the lids as he pulled you both white, being strapped across safely. 

"This is the worst!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. 

Sonic cackled. "You'll get used to it! In the winter, it's more fun to ride on these things especially hiking." He said. 

You gripped the lid as Sonic kept tilting every corner, but he constantly checked to ensure both were okay. After that long ride, you were in San Francisco, and you unstrapped yourself to crawl off it. Your body felt a little jiggly, making your legs go numb as Sonic caught you before you could fall.

"Woah! Hang in there, Y/N." Said Sonic.

"My legs fell asleep on me." You replied. 

"It's okay. The first time is always like this, but you'll get used to it." Sonic flashed a reassuring smile, making it feel a little less good. 

Sonic ran up the building for a little while until you could stand, and he managed to carry you both up the top. 

"You are strong to carry me up here." You complimented.

"Okay, if I'm right about this. Those criminals that I heard about should be arriving any second now." Sonic said as he scanned the area, as your ears perked up at the nearby sound.

"I hear police cars, about 3 or 4, chasing someone on the highway." Just to let you know, you spoke up.

"Huh? I don't hear anything." Sonic said. He turned to you with a questionable look, "How can you hear that for miles away?" 

"I can just hear them coming towards that direction." You pointed as the two looked over to see that she was right when the police cars were so far away chasing down a suspect.

"That's far away. You must get a super hearing!" Sonic exclaimed.

"I doubt it. What do we do?" You asked. 

"Easy. We stop the suspect from saving the city like heroes." Sonic grinned.

He began to stretch his legs, pulled out a chili dog from God knows where, and glanced at you.

"Are you ready? Hold on tight!" he tugged you closer and started to jump off the building as you screamed, except Sonic switched places with you. 

"SONIC!" YOu shouted. 

Sonic wasted no time catching you in his arms and landing safely on the ground. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest a mile per hour. 

"VROOM! Watch out! Excuse me! Pardon me! Coming through!" Sonic shouted as he zoomed past the cars.

As the blue hedgehog reached the van where the robbers had kept the person hostage to steal money. He shouted, "Y/N, reach up and open the doors for me!" 

"On it!" You were able to rip off the back lock without an issue. 

"Nice one!" 

Sonic hops inside the van, setting you down as you clutch your chest. 

"Good evening, gentlemen." He punched, and you managed to kick one in the groin area. You grabbed a rope to tie them up together. "Mind if I drive?" He hopped into the front. 

"You can drive?" You asked.

"I'm a five-star driver, Y/N. Trust me." Sonic reassured. He gripped the wheel, grinning. "Better buckle up." He stirred the revolution, turning left and right into every corner even though the cops were still on your heels, causing a few accidents on the highway.

"How're we doin' back there?" Sonic asked.

"Keep driving like this, and I'll get motion sickness." You moaned. 

"And now this way!" Sonic said.

Honestly, he wasn't paying too much attention to your complaint. He laughed so heavenly, and Y/N sat beside him in the passenger seat. As for the man held hostage in the back, they struggle to speak with duct tape over their mouth. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't speak duck tape." Sonic removes the ducktape allowing the man to breathe. 

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU!?" He exclaimed. 

"Fear not, citizen. I am the hero you need and the hero that you deserve. The blue dawn that banishes the darkness--" 


"SONIC!" You shouted.

The blue hedgehog turned his attention onto the road, finding himself unstable on the roadside, causing a few cars to drift in another direction or crash into each other. 

"Don't worry! Nobody's going to get hurt!" Sonic reassured. 

As the van swerved along the streets, you held onto her dear life, scratching her nails on the dashboard. You held onto the seat to prevent yourself from falling back out on the street. You saw something sliding up toward where Sonic sat. 

"Huh? What are those?" Sonic asked. 

"Bombs! Bombs! Their bombs!" The man exclaimed. 

"Pft! Relax. They're not even lit. So, I'll repeat it. Nobody's going to get--" Sonic's sentence was cut short when the bombs were lit; you slightly panicked. 

"AH! I was wrong! We're all going to die!" Sonic exclaimed. 

"Great job, hero!" You mocked.

Sonic kept chanting how hot the bombs were flaring up.

"Why aren't you slowing down?" The man asked. 

Sonic pounds his foot on the breaks," That would require breaks." Except as he kept stomping, the brakes wouldn't budge. 

"Why don't you let the police handle this?" He asked. 

"Cause...that's not what heroes do!" Sonic argued. He then threw the bombs out of the van and tossed them inside a garbage bin that exploded inside. "Thank you very much. Please hold your applause." 

The man tensed up. "Do you hear that? There's one bomb left!" He said. 

"Uh...uh oh." Said Sonic. 

"We've got to find it!" You said.

"Did you check under the seat?" 

"Of course, I checked under the seat!" 

"You are terrible at this!" 

"You know what? Your negative attitude is not helping anyone."

"It's in your spikey things!" The man said Sonic began to spin around crazily, searching for the bomb in his quills. 

"Ha! I can never find anything in here." Said Sonic. 

You ducked as he tossed the bomb out. It fell into the drain tunnel. 

"Drained it from downtown! BurBoo!" He triumphed. "See? I told you to know nobody will get hurt." Soon he realized there were people ahead, and there was nowhere to stop. "HOLY SHERBERT!" 

"Sonic, do something!" You exclaimed.

Sonic began to look around to find a way to stop the vehicle when his eyes spotted an object on the floor. He picked it up and smirked. "Oh, hello~," He said as he sped off to get onto the van's rooftop. "Don't panic. This is only a drill." 

Sonic placed the drill onto the van to start drilling exclusively fast, and the vehicle parts began to fall apart and land on the roadway. While he was stopping the vehicle, an ice cream truck was ahead. The people started screaming, except for a young boy still eating ice cream. Luckily, the man was still tied up, screaming at the top of his lungs, preparing to crash as it slowed. You bailed out as the boy stared in complete shock after witnessing what had just happened, letting his ice cream fall off. It wasn't over yet. The bombs did explode under the sewer tunnel releasing many sewer lids to pop off to spray water from above like a water fountain. 

The police arrived as they saw the criminals tied up. You and Sonic were above the top building as the moonlight shined bright on the blue hedgehog. 

"No need to thank us, citizens! All in a night's work for Blue Justice and Super Listener!" Sonic said in a heroic speech posing like a hero of the night.

"You're a terrible hero!" The man shouted. 

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