23: Big Ask🍒

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It has been a year since Ami's attempted suicide, a year since Jimin and Ami kissed, a year since their date. Everything was finally looking up. They all went back to LA.

Ami quit her job to finish college in Seoul, then move back to LA, which she did!

Runa finished her report and finally got a promotion after writing another report on a really famous Korean Actor known as Lee Jong-Suk. She even got to personally interview him.

Taehyung and Yoongi were going strong as ever, so strong that Yoongi gave Taehyung a promise ring promising to marry him one day. They were alot of tears shed that day.

Hoseok and Jungkook made a big decision to move in together. Taehyung moved in with Yoongi, who bought his own house after he found out that Hoseok wanted to move in with Jungkook. So he gave Hoseok the house and bought one for himself and his soon to be fiancé. Jimin lives in the apartment by himself and he's never been happier to be away from the trouble makers.

Jin got to know Jiyeon more and now they're dating. Everyone teases Namjoon for being the only single one, when in reality Namjoon doesn't really care. He tells them that when it's time it's time.


It was currently 8 at night and Jimin was stressing. He was pacing back and forth too caught up in his thoughts to even notice the brunette walking towards him. "Stop stressing Jimin-hyung, it's gonna be fine" Jungkook says. "Yeah chim, I don't see how this could go wrong" Namjoon says resting his hand on Jungkook's head. "Just cause you're taller doesn't mean you can take advantage of me" Jungkook grumbled. Namjoon laughed and ignored the younger. "Listen, you guys kissed, you went on a few dates, you kissed again and you're positive she likes you so how could this possibly go-" Namjoon was cut short. "If you finish that sentence something definitely will go wrong" Hoseok says dragging a banner with him. "Need help babe" Jungkook says laughing at the struggling elder. "Nah I got- WAHH"

Hoseok yelled out as he tripped and face planted into the floor. "Yeah I think I do need help" Everyone laughed and Jungkook went over to his clumsy boyfriend and helped him up. Hoseok had leaves in his hair and some dirt on his face. The younger laughed and dragged his boyfriend to the nearest bathroom. "We'll be back guys" Jungkook said. "Don't leave cum on my fucking sink you assholes." Yoongi yelled out behind them. "No promises!" jungkook said earning a slap behind the head from Hoseok.

Wait- you all might be confused as to what's going on. Okay let's sum this up. Ami was on her spring break from college and she came back to LA. Jimin finally decided to man up and ask her to be his girlfriend. But he needed help, unfortunately his sane friends (Jin and Jiyeon) couldn't help since they were all busy so that left him no choice but to ask the insane ones, Taehyung, Jungkook, Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok. The brunette felt like something was definitely gonna go wrong with these 5.

"JIMIN I GOT THE BANNER UP" Taehyung yelled. "Perfect" the elder softly smiled. 'Now to text ami' and just as he thought, Ami had called him.

"Hey chim I'm on my way"

"Alright good see you there"

"Alright byeee"


"ALSSKSJW ALRIGHT FUCKWADS SHE's ON HER WAY! PLEASE DONT RUIN THIS FOR ME" Jimin yelled out, as all his friends gathered back into Yoongi's backyard. "We would never" Hoseok said with Jungkook attached to him. "IM HERE SO SORRY I WAS BUSY WITH JIYEON CAUSE SHE'S SICK" jin yelled as he came running from no where. "Oh thank God" Jimin said as he ran up and hugged the elder. "Jiyeon says good luck by the way and she wish she was here to see it" jin said. "She will be, we'll FaceTime her cause I want all of my friends to witness the most special moment in my entire life." Jimin said. "Oh dont get so sappy now! You're gonna make me cry" Runa said as she walked over to Jimin. "I can be sappy whenever the hell I please" He says hugging her as well. "And I see you still haven't grown" "FUCK YOU JAMAL" Everyone erupted in laughter as "Jamal and Tuna" started bickering......again.

"GUYS AMI'S HERE" Taehyung yells out from the backdoor. *HEY! YOU WANNA COME IN sorry*

"Alright everyone! Positions! Don't fuck this up for me" Jimin says. "No promises" They all yell out. Jimin facepalms and did a quick prayer to god before heading into the house to get Ami. "AMI! Hiya!" He yells. "Hey chimmy, um why are we at Yoongi's house?" she asks. "Good question. There's something I need to show you" Jimin says. He takes Ami's hand in his own and leads her to the backyard. It was 8 at night so it was pretty dark. Suddenly a bunch of fairy lights came on and polaroids of all the pictures Jimin and Ami took together were clipped onto them. All the good moments and the bad right here. 

As Ami looks down, there were rose petals leading her to the big tree in the yard.

She was shocked to say the least. She looked over at Jimin who gave her a reassuring smile and lead her to the tree. As soon as they were under the branch, Jimin had Ami face the house and she saw a giant banner that said "will you be my girlfriend" written in huge letters on it.

Ami had tears coming out her eyes as she covered her mouth and stared at the scene in from of her. She turned to Jimin and saw him standing there nervously picking his nails. He looked at her and cleared his throat before speaking. "Um- I didn't rehearse this cause I thought it was gonna be casual and I wasnt gonna be this nervous; but I realised I was nervous when I started to pace back and forth around the backyard as i was getting this all ready with some help." Ami giggled at Jimin's nervousness

"Look ever since we met on the plane, I was really happy to be around you. For some reason I never wanted to be away from you. Whenever I felt sad or angry, I instantly wanted to come to you. I wanted to be able to hold you and kiss you and call you mine but I was too much of a little bitch to do it so I never did. But I finally gained the confidence to do it like 9 hours ago because I got tired of ignoring my opportunities. So; I like you Ami Cho, like alot, and I am willing to go through whatever the fuck it is just to be with you, whether it's talking you out of giving up hope or you talking me out of shoving marshmallows up my nose to see how much can fit." Ami snorted and fell on the floor laughing. "My nose still hurts from that day, I never understood why I let Jungkook talk me into that. Speaking of which, that little fucker still owes me 60 bucks!" Jimin says shooting a glance at the younger who was on the balcony of the house with the others. He could clearly see them all trying to hold in their laughter.

"BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! The point is I like you alot and I'm willing to go through hell and back just to be able to be with you! So in that case!"

"Ami Cho....will you be my girlfriend?"


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